Shrine of Secrets QoL Update
Okay, I'll keep this short.
As we all know, the Shrine has four slots, and each week a randomizing system picks out four teachable perks (two per each role) for the players to buy, if they can't afford purchasing a DLC with the corresponding characters. Other than the mythical BBQ & Chilli never appearing in the shrine, everything worked fine.
But then the Archives came around. Every single tome focused on two different survivors and killers, and as such, some of the challenges required you to use their teachable perks. The devs decided to put the corresponding perks into the Shrine, effectively occupying half of the Shrine with perks from those specific characters.
Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea, because people can still complete the challenges without having access to the characters themselves. However, that hurts people who are hunting for newer perks, like Inner Strength, Any Means Neccessary, Breakout, Blood Echo, Hex: Retribution etc, because half of the shrine is guaranteed to not be able to roll these perks.
I suggest to add two additional perk slots into the Shrine, which would contain the archive-related perks, while the remaining four slots would function the same way they always have. That way we're still helping out people who don't own all the DLCs, and we're also allowing people to hunt for the new perks. I imagined the layout to look like this, with the archive-related slots being blue, to indicate their connection with the Rift.