
So since the change of ruin (yeah that been a while) i found the perks not really well designed. On the paper, ruin is really great because that reward the player for apply pressure and interact with survivor. So this perks is really cool because that promot a fun way to play.

But in really, only killer with Map pressure can use ruin (you know, the killer who don't already need ruin do to a great job) and that promot a repetitive and boring gameplay because you only play a few killer with ruin.

That why i would like to see this version of Ruin :

Ruin is aplly to all suevivor as long as the totem still active.

The repair speed of all survivor are reduce by 25/30/35 % (don't if this number are okay it's just an example) until one of the following condition have been encounter :

- The survivor who repair are in your Terror radius or asleep.

- The killer start a chase with an injured survivor or chase the same survivor for more than 30 seconds.

- A survivor is downed or on the hook

So the idea behind this perks is to allow killer that have no map pressure more time to walk. For example a nurse, Spirit,Freddy or Billy can have a use of this perks because they can down someone quickly or start a chase quickly because they got Map pressure. (Also if you are asleep because you will wake up or you still really vunerable to Freddy.)

When you start a chase with an injured, survivor don't have the penality speed because that would be unfair to slowdown the objective while someone is using ressources to run the killer. When you chase someone for too long, the survivor got a reward for run the killer for a long Time.

If someone is down or on the hook, the game slown down because well the guys on the hook don't do gens, the guys who save dont gens and the guys you found and chase don't do gens. That would be unfair to slowdown more the game.

This perks is not a "buff" for killer with Map pressure because they can't have benefit from the perks so it's a wasting perks slot but for clown, Bubba or trapper , they gain more time to setup or just walk to the gens but when the killer start interact, the perks stop working because that would be unfair to punish survivor for being chas.

I thinks that would be a great change for ruin. The perks would be usseful now and that make low tiers killer more viable and promote differents gameplay with differents killer.

So what do you think of this ? I don't see any downside to this because you can't really abuse of this with for example forever Freddy (the main reason why that dosen't work when asleep) or by a spirirt.


  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    So, if all survivor run no mither and resilience the perk is basically useless.

    Also, as a killer it would kind of punish you for playing good, like if you always have one down or on hook (whats the ultimate goal to pressure the survs) then the perk does nothing. If you chase someone with an m1 killer, after the first hit the perk does nothing. It would be useful until you get your first down and yea, thats it basically. Also it would be unuseable on freddy. In short: I think even less killers would get something out of the perk after these changes.

  • WeslYght
    WeslYght Member Posts: 27

    Because the idea behind this is not to always slow down the game constantly but only allow more Time to setup or just walk. If that punishing you for playing good, it's because you already slow the game down and add to this a repair speed reduce would be unfair.

    Yeah killer like Billy can't use this perks but trapper, hag or clown can have more Time to interact and to start snowball.

    This is an early game perks not a constant slow down perk because that would punish survivor for running the killer wich is unfair.

    Also i think this version of Ruin shouldnt bé a hex but a regular perk with small number

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    There was nothing wrong with old ruin it shouldn't have been nerfed . It already had a counter and terrible totem placement.

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Yea, but in high ranks you have to slug or hook to apply map pressure and this perk would be not worth the slot. As trapper/hag or any killer that needs setup time you just put in corrupt intervention instead and have much more value out of it.

    Basically as a killer your goal is to chase --> down --> hook/slug --> chase -->... so, 30 seconds after finding the first survivor the perk gets useless either way. If the survs repair in your TR it gets disabled, so maybe it would work on wraith and ghostface, but if you successfully get a stalk hit on GF, you are just playing with 3 perks. Its kinda odd, like a beginner perk at best.