killer equivalent of ds

what if killer had a perk that said if survivors finish a gen within 2 minutes of a gen popping stuns all survivors for 5 seconds and reverts the gen progress of the last gen that popped to 50 percent. Give killers a equivalent bs perk like ds
Horrible idea
Ds is fine, next
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Yeah- no, sorry, gonna have to disagree. Because killers and survivors are fundamentally different roles in practically every way other than "They play dead by daylight" then their perks are going to be incredibly different in most cases, so they don't need an "equivalent" perk. They can have perks rivalling it's strength, without a doubt, but they don't need perks that basically are just the opposite of each other.
For example, no need to have a perk that slows gen repair speeds by 15% when working with another survivor, or that decreases healing speeds and medkit effeciancy by 33% (yeah I know sloppy slows healing and overwhelming increases charge consumption rate)
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guys its not a serious post
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Nobody thinks it's a serious post. It's a false equivalency.
Killers already have ways to make gens revert. Survivors need DS or tunnelling will become the best strategy in the game.
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Borrowed Time (I am not saying DS is overpowered or broken but there are situations where you can't do anything to a downed survivor because they have DS, an example would be in the exit door but other than that, DS is OK).
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Borrowed Time is for camping.
DS gives you a chance to get away and hide. Borrowed just means you get a longer chase.