Most satisfying thing to do in the game, pick only one

For you, what's the most satisfying thing to do in the game?
An axe throw from sniper distance? A survivor stepping on your trap? A survivor dying to a head beartrap? An insta down by stalking? Outsmarting a 4 men SWF? Looping the killer and making him DC?
Pick only one, it can be outside of this "list"
Morying the teabagger with rancor as the last survivor alive without tunneling or camping as GF, I even take a screenshot of the picture GF takes.
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Killing using your well-deserved 5-Tokens Devour Hope.
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When a toxic survivor gets screwed over by Blood Warden. It’s always super hilarious and satisfying!
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Oof I can't choose between getting a long distance hatchet or the stalk completion of The Ghost Face (when the survivor turns red and it makes that sudden sound)
I'm going with the Ghost-Face stalk completion.
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When it survives for that long without being destroyed it feels so satisfying to mori the survivor.
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I think GF is the most fun killer to play as. Hi 5
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You just earned a vote up c:
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Breaking NoED five seconds after it lights up.
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I'd say "stay next to a dull totem as another player pops the 5th gen and the totem becomes a hex" Damn... What a feeling...
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Jump scare survivors. I love watching them spaz out and bump into stuff as they scramble to flee. Sometimes I don't even chase them, just stand and watch as they freak out and do all these vaults and pallet drops. LMFAO
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Survivor dying to a Reverse Bear Trap.
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Fellow Ghosties! 🖤
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I will raise that: destroying a totem which gets lit right before completely breaking it cause of last gen popping
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As a survivor it's destroying a hex totem. Especially if it's NOED.
As a killer it's sniping someone at 15m+ with Deathslinger.
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Sick hatchets as huntress. It could be long range, but what I enjoy even more is “guessing,” and blind throwing that’s why I bring addons for an extra 1-3 hatchets every game.
Had a game last night where I downed someone at shack, before I picked them up I could just make out repair sounds so I tossed a hatchet at the closest gen I figured I had a decent chance of picking the right side and I did!!! That dude self cared as I carried her to hook so he didn’t get any gen time, plus I sniped him right after his heal with Nurse calling. I would have liked it a second earlier to down him but it was cool knowing he wasted 30 second last self caring and I undid it like that.
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Here, have an upvote :)
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There's those very rare occassions where i manage to start the kill right before the Hex Totem gets fully cleansed.
Of course i'll miss my earned bonuses, but knowing i got the kill just in time is a small form of satisfaction to me as well.
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Blood warden on teabaggers.
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Pyramid Head's execute ability.
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Sabotage hook forcing killer to drop the surv or wiggle out
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same as good as Sabotage hook forcing killer to drop the surv or wiggle out
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Saving someone with Head On, be it through a grasp escape or just giving them more time at a loop by stunning the killer.
Or just hitting Head On stuns tbh.
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Successfully saving a teammate at end game and them making it out. It's even more satisfying if they're face camping and we both end up making it out. I hate leaving someone behind if I could've still saved them. If I take the fall for it, that's fine by me.
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making killer to drop with Head on is gr8 m8
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Maybe not my most satisfying thing, but it always raises a smile: Huntress with Discordance/Surveillance: Get visual notification...launch a hatchet high in to the air...and then have it hit a survivor at the gen.
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Burning or pallet stunning a Wraith - the low roar of pain he makes is so satisfying to my ears.
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Popping a dull totem merely seconds after it becomes a NOED totem 😎
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Jumpscaring survivors never gets old
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When you get bullied as a Clown by a 4 stack SWF, just to get them again in the next lobby, and you go in as Forever Freddy.
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when i saw 4 flashlight holder swf that have a same name, i play doctor with 3 gen camp with hex lullaby in the middle of 3 gen and they died one by one
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I’ve literally be cleansing it and halfway through it lights up!!! RIP NOED
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Evading the killer for 5 hours while I wait for my teammate to die on hook and getting the hatch. Super fun.
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Saving the kite master being face camped at the exit. Sometimes a hero needs a hero.
Post edited by whammigobambam on1 -
Instahealing with autodidact. So damn satisfying.
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I literally have never played with it I don’t even think I understand it
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Nothing like hitting an almost max range Redeemer shot and reeling 'em in JUST enough to get the hit in. Absolute insane hit of dopamine with all the amazing sounds.
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landing long distance shreds, shreds through pallets and 360 shreds makes me pretty happy and confident in my Demo skills
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As Survivor main when my teammate(s) are terrible.I point for them to hide in a locker when the killer is there I’ll point to the locker and run to go hide😀.
Post edited by NinjaDette1 on0 -
Identifying the one red rank in a given trial and camping him into a depip.
Gets me every time.
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Definitely stunning a killer with a pallet or flashlight saves.
As a killer, probably its only me but i find satisfying that sound when you put someone on hook.
Post edited by KRG on0 -
With 5 stacks you can basicaly instaheal a survivor with a skillcheck. Feelsgoodman.
Healing skillchecks build the stacks btw.
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toxic players getting what they deserve.
In game, it's getting 3 kills as killer (I know it sounds like nothing, but due to gen rushing getting worse and worse, dispite the slight nerf to gens, 3 kills feels like a gift from god these days)
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getting a pallet reverse or a CJ tech
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Thank you. I believe every killer player probably has set of rules they keep, depending on the killer they play that trial, the survivors characters, and of course the survivors behaviours and other factors.
As a survivor, I'm often enough granted a hatch escape by various killers that downed me, in which they later tell me that they simply enjoyed playing with me. That tells me Killers just wanna have fun. But they take their job pretty srsly.
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making a toxic opponent dc
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Down all survivors within 20 seconds as Hag because STBFL + trapping routes is OP. And yes, it does happen quite often.
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On both sides I just want to have fun, and I hope the other side has fun too. I play about 50/50 so I feel like I know what I can do as a killer to give survivors a good experience, ie no camping or tunneling unless they force me too. As a survivor if I clearly outmatch they killer, like it I can tell they’re rank 15 then I don’t let them win but I also don’t do anything too tryhard or abuse certain loops.
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I love that roar lol.
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It has only happened once in my 50+ Trapper games, but man was this satisfying. Back on PS4 I was playing a sweaty, toxic, SWF group and there were 2 gens left. I got into a chase with one of the survivors and the other 3 people got hit by my traps WITH HONING STONE. It went from a "I lost..." to a "Hooooooooooo Booooyyyyyy!!!!".