New Chapter: "Pennywise" From Stephen Kings "IT"

Wamps Member Posts: 308
edited June 2020 in Creations


"Pennywise" is a new killer concept from the twisted mind of Stephen King, writer of the book "IT". The Idea for Pennywise is to bring confusion and to scatter the survivors.. Pennywise's perks ( You'll Float Too, Smell The Circus and Hex: Fear Itself) Put major pressure on the survivors to succeed or Pay the ultimate price..

Difficulty Rating: Medium


In the year 1960 in a little town in Maine called Derry.. Out on a rainy dark day George "Georgie" Denbrough went missing.. along with many other little children. Bill the brother of George lives with regret, blaming himself for not going to watch George's boat float with him and for his disappearance.. Together Bill and his 6 other friends "The Losers Club" catch on that a demon that poses as a child killing clown is behind the disappearances.. After fighting Pennywise and defeating him the club thinks it all over, little did they know Pennywise returns every 27 years to feast again.

Thirty years later the group reunites and defeats Pennywise once and for all, losing members of the group in the process. Pennywise was defeated and not to been heard of again..

Another 27 years pass and still nothing.. Until the survivors of the fog saw a red balloon floating toward the campfire then POP!. .. Not to mention in the fog.. time is irrelevant.. 27 years.. is every day.

Terror Radius and Ambiance Music 

Terror Radius and Chase Music

Map Ambiance Music: Can you hear the circus Georgie?

A Ballon on a Generator is popped Sound

Power: Your Deepest Fear

Pennywise's power is called "Your Deepest Fear"

When holding the Secondary Power Button, Pennywise morphs his shape to appear as a survivor not being used in the match, at the start of the match.. He emits no terror radius and walks the same speed as normal survivors but runs 5% slower..

Ballons: Pennywise places balloons on generators.. when a generator pops, so does the ballon, splashing blood on the survivor and causing the mangled effect for 15 seconds.

While shapeshifted Pennywise can work on generators (adding no progression as well as healing).. Pennywise can also see the auras of all survivors within a 27 meter range. When he leaves a generator or stops healing the progress will disappear after 5 seconds..

Pennywise can morph to his clown appearance at any time granting back his 5% speed. Pennywise automatically shapeshifts into the survivor who has been hooked. You do not see on your HUD when a survivor has been hooked... You only hear it.


You'll Float Too: LVL 30

  • Tier 1: Uncommon
  • Tier 2: Rare
  • Tier 3: Very Rare

Your prescence alone brings fear and confusion to the survivors.. For every 7 seconds a survivor stares at you they slowly begin to fade in and out losing their vision.. This is a new status effect (Blackout) and lasts 1/3/5 seconds.. (See The New Status Effect Blackout Section!)

Smell The Circus: LVL 35

Tier 1: Rare

Tier 2: Very Rare

Tier 3: Very Rare

Fear of letting anyone escape engulfs you..while also giving the survivors false hope.. When a survivor steps within 10 meters of a marked generator, Smell The Circus activates, this causes the generator to be filled with a false 10% of Generator repair progress.. any survivor who touches this gen suffers the (Blackout) status effect... until the generator is completed.. once the generator is finished with it's false progress (100%).. It pops giving a visual alert to the killer also setting the gen to it's true (90%). 1/2/3 generators can be marked and applied with Smell the Circus.

Hex: Fear Itself: LVL 40

Tier 1: Rare

Tier 2: Very Rare

Tier 3: Very Rare

If a survivor is working on a generator the repair progress bar is hidden for.. 50/75/100% Generator completion.. And hitting a skill check grants no additional progress on the generator. This lasts until the Hex Totem is Destroyed. For every Totem destroyed before the Hex Totem Survivors suffer the Blackout effect for 20 seconds.

The New Status Effect (Blackout) 

The New status effect Blackout, causes survivors to fade in and out and lose vision briefly..

Here is a Preview Image of what the new status effect (Blackout) Looks like through the eyes of the survivors..

(I envision this in game looking like LEGION coming out of Feral Frenzy and then the screen fading out anywhere from 2-6 seconds)

New map and Location

The new map is, The Sewer in the town of Derry, Maine. From the Movie and Novel "IT"

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