What is killer griefing? Can I get banned for 100% Facecamping and...

- Do the tornado very often
- I nod head (yes) and sides (no) to the hooked survs while facecamp
- Torture hooked survs with chainsaw and regular hits
- Pretending to give exit and kill, pretending to give hatch but closing in their face
- Not breaking pallet that has item below (due to FD)
All of this is very toxic yet fun but I believe it is not banable even when receive numerous threats in the after chat
None of these are bannable from what I'm aware.
Going to be honest, I usually laugh when the killer offers me the hatch before closing it right in my face.
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you are as rare as an alien then lol
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If you're worried about being banned for that behavior, here's a tip: don't do those things.
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At the end of the day, you have to look on the bright side, just enjoy everything you've got.
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are killer supposed to be flower-power nice guys?
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That is called BM'ing and no it's not a bannable offense, if I recall you can only get banned if you get reported often, like maybe 20 times? Maybe more? Not sure tbh.
Nodding is basically teabagging, not bannable but just bad manners, you can't get banned for not giving hatch.
In fact if you get threats you can actually report them for that.
Edit: I'm not saying that it's a good thing, all I'm saying it's that it's not a bannable offense
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We get it. You try your best to troll people at rank 16 (according to the video you posted in another thread called "fun to tease").
Great. You're showing them yellow rank survivors who's boss. Do you want a cookie or something?
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Don't give out numbers you pulled from thin air, please. That's how fake information spreads.
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That is why I said not sure tbh, but I read somewhere that if you get reported constantly you can get banned.
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Only if the reports are actually real. You can't be banned for fake reports.
Saying "not sure" while giving out a tangible number makes it seem like the number you gave out is close to the real thing.
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Sorry, that is what I meant, like giving proof of X report, almost 5 a.m my brain is kinda fried.
I mean just by saying "not sure" people should take it with a grain of salt, just like leaks and stuff like that.
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No to all of those:
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- Not breaking pallet that has item below (due to FD)
This is brilliant! I wouldn’t have thought!
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Even though it's frowned upon, I don't think any action should go forward on killers who play nice but strike at the exit gates.
I mean, as a killer their meant to be deceitful and heartless.
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Lil ya it's so amazing nodding NO and leave the pallet and surv crying behind
Specially yummy when there was a key behind
Btw don't say it too loud or the surv fanboys will complain and nerf
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Indeed, so what is then a killer briefing??
Maybe downing, dropping, not hooking, downing, dropping, downing.. the same surv 50 times in a match?
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No but that's also the point of why some survivors don't take it personally if they aren't given the hatch/exit gate.
Your expose to be the bad guy not the nice guy as killer but I won't say no to the kindness if given(Or think ill of you if not given).
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Griefing? I suppose that is just someone who just goes around irritating others in online games, whilst not necessarily committing bannable offences. General trolling and unsportsmanlike behaviour. Irritating, but not always bannable.
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I never go for Hatch or exit when they are given to me...unless I was placed so close to them that there is no way for them to take it back.
I've been carried and flopped around so many times..mbut just far enough that they could just pick me up again..i don't bother wiggling..i won't give into them.
I remember once this stuff went on for 20+ minutes. It's like just close hatch and start EGC, dude. I even went and gave my chickens some fresh food and water..ready to join a new match when I got back...I was still being carried. It was unbelievably funny!! Guy was so thirsty to deny me. I wasn't mad..it was so silly!
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Lolz feeding your chicken, what are you a farmer, don't cha? Me too <3
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Not a farmer like we sell our produce..but we have some chickens and vegetables and fruit trees for our own use...and to prepare for the apocalypse..lol
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Who care's you play scummy good for you 😀 do you want a cookie?
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Not bananble just toxic,
Killers arnt supposed to be "nice" but there's a diffrence between killing and being toxic
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Huh? How did it go for 20 minutes? After dropping you three times you instantly break free.
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Yeah he's let me break free far from gen. I'm not good at chases so just let him down me again. He'd only drop me by hatch when I was broken so I could only crawl. It's just silly though..i can outwait the best. ☺
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Nope, do it as much as you like
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I dont pretend to show mercy, that feels dirty, but I dont think any of that is bannable, you can facecamp every single match and nothing survivors can do, but it wont get you any friends or even high points
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Usually have to have evidence of your accusation when reporting you can't just say somebody was griefing me and leave it like that.
None of the stuff you talked about was griefing if they try to submit evidence like that it would clearly show it
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Being an #########, while heavily frowned upon, is not bannable.
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It was also posted that mori spam wasn't bannable on these forums (because technically the bleedout timer is still going). But I know of people who received temporary in-game bans for doing it.
For the reasons? Why ~wouldn't~ you do this to some teabagging flashlight macro spamming survivor?
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ROFL hilarious Santa stepping on the head with laughters 🥳 basically he is kinda doing sound emote of laughter, likewise this was a function for key 1 or 2
@Peanits I simply got a bit bored of regular gaming styles after 1k hrs, so found more fun by playing agressively. If we had some innovation with e.g new game modes perhaps wouldn't do so, but DBD risks nothing innovating
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Dear 5th perk slot. Thank you for playing the way you do. Community as suggested you desire a reward.
I happen to be the owner of a small bakery, please send me you mailing information in dm and I'll send you something your way for free.
So yes negan. He will in fact get 🍪
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What's even the point of clarifying, you're just bringing it to people's attention that they can do it and get away with it.
Make sure you wade into a conversation about survivors teabagging next time too huh, you know to even things up.
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Thats not playing aggressively, its playing toxic...💀
Would you enjoy getting teabagged by a 4 man swf who clicky clicky?
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I remember back when infinites were in the game, REAL infinites too, not these pseudo-infinites soft killers hold onto. A prominent killer at that time commented that once infinites were gone, they'd have no reason to do these things to survivors anymore.
Oh how I laughed. People always find an excuse.
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Some men just want to watch the world burn
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Hexy got banned for this exact reason. It was hilarious though to be fair. The survivor was toxic so he mori canceled for 5 minutes straight :)
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I ONLY enjoy when well synchronized SWF with flashlights are toxic and challenging cuz moves my emotions, otherwise is too boring
Thats why we need more innovation with new game modes, and regarding the cookies, I can't take gluten so I doubt ur small bakery make am @emptyCups and sending them to Suva (Fiji) will cost you so much
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Yeah gluten free was easy I got tons of options for that I do seasonal cookies and treats for holiday gifts.
148us for international shipping yikes
Can't do that
If your ever in Philly USA tho I'll make you one of my nicer tins all custom dbd themed
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No but you are a dick
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you are evil even your profile pic says so!
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Is slugging all four with Hex: Third Seal and letting everyone bleed out bannable?
I have got a Ghostface yesterday that did that, while I was solo queuing. I know its not holding the game hostage, since the bleedout timer is a thing, however judging by how the Ghostface went AFK the instant he downed, not even bothering to break the pallet he hit me through, I assume he does that alot ...
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Kewl a thread validating people who go out of the way to play like arseholes. I do not see the purpose of this thread at all.
People like op are the reason killer mains get so much hate....
I for one think if you go out of your way to be uber toxic you should catch a ban. This goes for survivors as well.
Playing like a pos is not good for the life span of this game and activly encouraging people to not want to play is a bad look.
Op get a life and grow up.
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that guy is evil!The profile picture is franklins demise!
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Killers are meant to be evil and heartless, I will share to you my evil Bubba build:
FD+BW+IG+LB (try!)
Even when I use no addons neither moris, survs blame me super strong stuff in the after chat, and I reply meh or heh mostly
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I mean do you call out survivors that do this? Genuine question.
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Well i haven't seen any survivors flexing about it on the fourms.
In game I even call my teamamtes out when they clicky, teabag etc
Sometimes I'll even leave my teammates on hook when the gates are open, even though i have bt just cause they teabagged the killer
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I wouldn't say they're bannable, but if you do some stupid crap like making me sit there slugged until I crawl to the hatch, only for you to close it in my face (like I thought you were even going to let me have it) then you bet your ass I'm gonna make the game hell for you if I ever catch you in a lobby too. Some of those things aren't as bad as others, like getting whacked on the hook, but some things can just be straight up dick moves that nobody ever should be doing unless they're purposely just trying to cause somebody grief, which even then is pretty terrible.