Racist Remarks Should Lead to Strike 3

Made this account just to suggest this.

I have just over 3,000 hours and have been called the N word at least 100 times in addition to other numerous insults that are often unprovoked. While this is reported every time it is unknown if anything happens or if it will take numerous reports for anything to happen.

The people who casually throw these racist remarks around do not care. At best they think, "I might get a 24 hour ban eventually, oh well". Make them care. Give offenders a one week ban. This would strongly discourage anyone from openly making these remarks and prevent spreading the use of them.

That is all.


  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    Well, its already a temp ban and multiple offenses lead to a perma ban:

    24H -> 48H -> 1W -> PERMANENT

    This is a sliding scale and determined on a case-by-case basis. If an offense is considered to be particularly egregious, the duration of the ban may skip one or more steps in this process.

    Any previous permanent bans on your record will result in all future offenses being a permanent ban.


    • Insults, intimidation, hateful speech, repeated harassment
    • In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL

    Sauce: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/19450/game-rules-and-report-system

    Just make sure to send a manual report as well.

  • Shining
    Shining Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2020

    I think you are misreading.

    The suggestion here isn't to implement a temp ban for doing it, because that is already in place.

    This suggestion is that the use of racist remarks should go straight to Strike 3 / 1 Week. Thus only giving the Offender just one chance to straighten up post suspension rather than be given multiple opportunities to repeat.

  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Member Posts: 58

    The fact that it bothers you is letting them win. Report it, forget it, and move on with life. I get called a ######### (n word) and ######### (f word) all the time. I don't give a #########. I don't get my self worth from random strangers on the internet. Especially ones that are just mad because I stomped them in a video game.

  • Shining
    Shining Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2020

    The off yourself comment is definitely in the top 3 remarks that get thrown out there.

    One could argue that allowing behavior to continue that is only malicious and harmful in nature with minimal or no consequences is "letting them win". Yeah, maybe it doesn't bother you, but that isn't really going to stop them from coming after someone else and continue until they get whatever attention they are after.

    You hear all these companies now saying they support BLM, diversity, etc.... well saying you support is one thing and actually taking action to stomp it out is another.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Racist remarks should just be a perma ban. No warnings. No 'certain number of reports' before it occurs. One and done. There's zero excuse to use the N-word anywhere. You use hate speech, you gotta go. It's wholly unacceptable the very first time its used.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Yeah, except there is a problem with banning words. If there is reason to ban people for using a single word, where do you stop? Especially considering most words are done in the heat of the moment and arent exactly hate speech, but rather just used as a curse word. I mean, "#########" is often just valued the same as "#########" in terms of usage. Especially considering that the people who use those words dont even know how the person looks like. It's not exactly hate speech considering the context. Hate speech requires intent. Especially considering one black person can easily call another black person "#########", and suddenly there is no hate speech in most people's eyes.

    So considering all the context, where would you draw the line?

  • Shining
    Shining Member Posts: 18

    I agree with you on the basis that everyone should still have at least one chance to correct themselves.

    When people are given multiple chances is when it becomes a problem. In addition to the fact there is no telling if the report is looked at and even if action were to be taken, it could be a month or more before they are held accountable just to get that 1 Day ban.

    In the grand scheme of things, I don't want to see anybody permanently banned. Instead the goal is to discourage people from wanting to do things that could lead to a ban and think more wisely before saying something they shouldn't

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    More than a censor is needed. Remove them from the lobby immediately, return all the BPs gained but take away equipped items and offerings, and then immediately ban them for a week. These aren't words you say "accidentally". You have an intention, and it's to hurt someone. There's no reason for this not to just be a machine ban as soon as it happens.

  • Punchklown
    Punchklown Member Posts: 1

    Leave the current policy as it is written. It is FINE. Stop being such thin skinned wimps. While it's not pleasant, almost every class and race do it when it suits them. EXAMPLE: The "N" word should never be banned or censored until black culture cleans up their own back yard. It is in their movies, their music and TV shows. It's at their BBQs, parties and colleges. NO ONE uses the "N" word with more hypocrisy than black culture. If they can't / won't clean up their own behavior then no one else has any sort of obligation to clean up theirs, especially on that topic.

  • Shining
    Shining Member Posts: 18

    You are overlooking a few things in your misguided example.

    Deviation: "a" vs "er" and Intention.

    If I beat somebody in a game and they call me the latter, their intention is malicious and to provoke thoughts of racism.

    If somebody approaches me with the former under non hostile circumstances then it might not be as much of a problem.

    Also the fact that this is your only post makes me wonder if you typically go by another name on here, but decided to make a new account to avoid bringing negative attention to yourself.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Welcome to DBD. Where mods/devs will tell you to just ignore them and turn off chat. I can't take anything the devs say seriously about bans. Cmon, they're banning people because their servers kick them or their game crashes, which penalizes the person. But they rarely do anything to people who legit deserves it. I'm sure i'm gonna get my post deleted and be temp banned for speaking out against the Devs own TOS, AGAIN.

    I've reported quite a few people over the years for extreme racism and they were never punished despite having more than enough video proof. I keep these people on my block list, so I know who i've already reported. I run into the same groups of folks all the time. Until the devs start putting heads on sharp sticks, your only choice is to turn off in game chat. Because that's going to be the response you get from anyone "in charge".

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    A good number of team-based games will instantly mute you when you say something that's on the banned word list without telling you, so that nobody else sees anything else you say the rest of the match. Then, once the match is over, they'll ban you. I can't see why this game can't be more aggressive about it, since the only text chat is pre- and post-match.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    People who do what @Shining is pointing out here, in those screenshots, should just get banned from the game forever with no leeway on their first offense, and escalate to a full Steam ban if it is within Behaviour's power to get that ball rolling.