dc for hatch exploit

Ive seen this a few times and i just was watching hexy's stream and a swf did if and admitted to it in post chat. Why haven't the devs responded to this or punished the people who use this exploit?
No need to put any ressources in this. Surely its a dickmove, but the player who DCs is already punished by a Matchmaking Ban (which all of his friends will have as well, if they are SWF) and will not gain any BPs or Pips.
So doubtful that this will be happening on a regular basis. While it is certainly annoying, there are far more important things where BHVR can put ressources in.
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they told me (just check the thread) in December that the survivors husks (which would solve the problem) after DC will eventually be implemented (when? that's a whole different story):
This is a planned part of the disconnect handling system, which we are planning on testing soon. The husks are not in the first version, but are still planned to come further on down the line.
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if a swf does this then the whole group should be put on the penalty queue.
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Thats how it works if they continue to play together they have to wait for their friends timer.
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i may be stupid but what does it mean that a survivor husks?
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A husk is the outer layer of something, usually a living thing. In this case, survivors (the players) would leave, but the characters would stay behind - alive, technically, but they wouldn't move or anything.
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The people who DC to give someone else the hatch are punished. They receive a temporary ban penalty and no points for the entire match they played.
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when a survivor DCs killer can still interact with his body, meaning he can take the bbq stack, or pop, hence by DCing you wouldn't insta die, opening the hatch, but you should be hooked and sacrificed in order to.
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A good proposal I saw was that the entity EGC animation should play every time a player disconnects, that way you would have a few seconds to down the player camping the hatch
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cool thanks for clearing that up for me😀
yeah but i would like to see a feature (like this husk thing) put in that would stop this exploit before it becomes a factor to the in game match.
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All the devs need to do is give d/cing some kind of death animation so the hatch doesn't instantly open and the killer has a chance to find hatch to contest it.
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I guess it would depend on how the 'husk' worked. I don't really know how that could work without ######### the last survivor in the match. In a SWF, you could say that's their fault for choosing a faulty method to allow someone to escape. In a random match, it's not the last guy's fault that someone DC'd. So anything that would act, for the Killer, as though they didn't wouldn't really be fair to the survivor still on the map - if by husk this is referring to something during the match itself...which I'm assuming it is.
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Because it's a disconnect like any other and gets punished by the DC penalty.
You don't add specific rules for DCs in specific situations, especially not automated systems that try to do this. You change how disconnects interact with the hatch, which is the whole point of things like the often discussed husk idea. A seemingly easy temporary way to make it less "effective" would be to just teleport disconnectors to a basement hook and have them get sacrificed as if they get hooked when they're the only survivor left (instantly going through all stages then getting sacrificed).
At least it stops it from instantly opening the hatch, and makes it more as if they suicide on hook.
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thats the clip for anyone interested. Also is this punishable? other than the 5 mins time out since they are abusing a aspect of the game to win?
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I proposed that as well!
It only hurts people who are abusing this tech, and is far less exploitable by the killer than an "afk survivor" husk (if I were the killer I would simply ignore it and never kill it, hatch never spawns and I have all the time of the world to find the last survivor)
Here is my proposal:
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TACTICAL DISCONNECT, INCOMING!!!!!!!! is imho abuse of out-of-game mechanics for an in-game advantage. Devs should add the DC bots from mobile or even just survivor husks (Same as bots, but they automatically fall into dying state and bleed out unless hooked and sacrificed/mori'd) so it's no longer possible to do in the first place.
Dead By Daylight is literally the only game I know of where ragequitting can actually give you and your team a competitive advantage. Besides maybe Siege, although even Ubisoft patched it so DCIng keeps you in the match for a bit so Caviera can still interrogate you.
It seriously needs to be fixed. The DC bans haven't stopped Tactical Disconnects as the sweatiest SWF will do it no matter what just to ensure the killer doesn't get a 4K.
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When are they going to address the Slug to prevent hatch opening exploit?
Now I'm not encouraging or endorsing this behaviour or anything but my SWF will always DC if the killer tries this. I'm not going to lay around for 3 minutes so you can ensure your 4k.
The issue is the mechanic. It needs to be changed. Give survivors a bleed out option and change the endgame so it's not a race for hatch.
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slugging is not an exploit. Slugging counter plays certain perks/play styles. what is slugging abusing? the intended purpose of a survivor falling on the floor is to wait to get saved or to get picked up
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You've said it yourself. Survivors being knocked are meant to be picked up by the killer or their team.
Killers who slug for hatch aren't doi h it for this.
They are slugging so hatch doesn't open. They have no intention of picking them up. If they get saved, they'll just down them again and repeat until they bleed out on the floor.
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"Killers who slug for hatch aren't doi h it for this."
they are they are just waiting to pick you up because they don't want the last survivors to win because of a coin flip(aka hatch spawn)'
"They are slugging so hatch doesn't open. They have no intention of picking them up"
they are slugging so hatch doesn't open yes but after they down the last survivor they go and pick everyone up for the stacks/points ive only let people bleed out if they are bming me
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If or when they down the last survivor you mean. Which could be 2-3 minutes later.
The hatch mechanic is crap but I'm not going to spend 3 minutes on the floor so the killer benefits from it.
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I envy Killer mains for their small problems, Someone DC so last survivor may escape hatch, some tea bag, someone click with his flashlights, killer down 3 people in 1 min and take DS. for you these are big problems.
Can you imagine what we solo survivors could say?
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i mean this just speaks more about you then anything i feel. Your name is i teabag at gate,you dc for your friends in a swf, you can't let a killer win by playing well you have to dc to let others have a chance
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Slugging is not against the rules, while disconnecting is, and if a survivor can benefit from someone on their team disconnecting something is not right.
Plus, slugging already comes with some risks, and I think that people abusing an against-the-rules tactic should not be one of them.
Hatch mechanic could be tweaked a bit, but I think that at the moment it is enoghly balanced except when someone disconnects, while I also agree with you that they could add also a "Suicide" option if a survivor is left on the ground for too much time and the killer is clearly ignoring them (something like "Survivors can kill themself if they have gained at least 2 stationary crows while on the ground")
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If the killer has played well they've won regardless of a hatch escape.
The mechanic is bad but it's worse for survivors being left on the ground with no chance of escape. You're only seeing it from the killers side
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While I'm not encouraging or advocating this behavior, sometimes rules have to be broken. A plan only survives first contact with the enemy. When people actually play then game, things change.
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"Sometimes rules have to be broken"
Sometimes, yes, but that doesn't mean that doing so should guarantee a win.
The thing I proposed (Playing the EGC animation whenever someone DCs, thus DELAYING a bit the opening of the hatch if there were only 2 survs left) does not guarantees the win to noone: the killer could be too far from the remaining survivor to close the hatch (or could even not be able to find it) and the survivor could be found before the hatch opens.
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Targeting specific players is against the rules.
Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game experience
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If this is an exploit then so is camping, you can’t take away one without dealing with the other, you already get a dc ban if u disconnect from a game, and you get no blood points and depip honestly if the devs deal with this then to balance it out they need to deal with camping
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Than you pick up the Husk and it DS you because you "tunneled"
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While I don't agree with dc . I think punishing the whole swf is not fair.
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DC'ing for hatch is the same as camping is what I understand from your post.
No wonder this game is heading down the pan
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devs had already said and this has been pointed out many times but they said camping is a legitimate play-style while dc'ing for hatch is literally abusing the fact that you can dc to let your friends/teammates get the hatch
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DCing is against the rules. Camping is not.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
If DCing is against the rules then why is it an option to leave the game?
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Y’all can’t do anything about it XD
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It is there for when you REALLY need it (like a real life emergency), not if you want to be a dick to another player.
The option can stay there, it being there is not a problem. The problem comes out when people quit the game to give their allies an advantage, which should not be possible to do without some risks.
And before you say it, NO, losing bps, pip and waiting some time before joining a new game is not a RISK, that is the PUNISHMENT.
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It says "repeatedly" though, so what is, when I do it once? Is it okay or not? Is it only okay, because it's harder to prove that a player is targeted specifically with one game?
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And what risks do you suppose they should put? They can’t make it so if someone dcs then no one gets hatch cause that’s unfair to everyone there’s no way to really give the advantage to killers cause that would make the game even more unbalanced
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Glad you asked, yes, I agree, keeping the hatch shut would be completely unbalanced, here is my suggestion, if you want to check it out, feel free to give your feedback on it.
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You already get penalised for d/c.
Could the whining of the killer community get any louder?
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It’s like yea I get it dc tech sucks I hate the hatch in general, but honestly if they’re gonna look at problems on killer side, they also have to look at problems on survivor side, like yea they gave us windows but the plan to turn shack into a brick building is now even more against us
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dude have you ever even seen these forums? Blank killer op, ban camping/tunneling,nerf noed/mori is made everyday. But yeah youre right we shouldn't bring up the fact that cry baby survivors can abuse dc'ing to let someone get a win.
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I assume its a rhetorical question given I have more posts than you.
Also you highlight a poor example, why would the baby cry, if it just won?
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Why would it be rhetorical just because you have more post then me? If you consider 1 survivor getting a hatch off a dc'ing survivor while the killer get a 3k a win for survivors than i got bad news for you chump lol
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Shhhhhh! Let him believe that.
You don't want survivors like him to ask for more nerfs for the killers, do you? Just let him be satisfied and believe that bs he is saying.
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You lost, DCing to deny the killer the 4k that they earned only makes you a group of children
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BHVR just needs to leave the survivor on the ground and instantly give them max stillness crows if they DC
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Unbreakable, Flip Flop, or even No Mither. There's anti-slugging perks in the game.
Waiting for a long time on the ground I can understand why someone would want to DC (Especially if another survivor gets you up, and the killer ends up downing you and leaving you on the ground again and this goes on for a long time.) but 99% of Tactical Disconnects I encounter happen within an average timespan of 10 seconds of me downing them. Like it's not even "Grah this is taking forever and my time is being wasted. I might as well leave at this point." but "HEY I FOUND HATCH DC NOW" "Okay mate" "Lmao ggez baby killerino, no 4K for u! XDDDDD"
It's gotten so bad I'm considering DCing myself as soon as the first survivor DC's out of spite, meaning their friend technically couldn't get the hatch, and they forfeit all their points for nothing.