Where i can report teaming pls ? killer + surv

Hi guys, I just don't know where I can report this type of behaviour ingame. So i need to ask you here.
I just played vs one survivor who was on TS with killer, he jsut tell him about spots of other survs. Than farming points with instant save and tunnel on hook into death.

Never seen this before so I'm littlebit confused about this.

there are pics from post-game https://imgur.com/a/a9J63rb


  • Yrwenn
    Yrwenn Member Posts: 15

    First of all - you shouldn´t post pics with names or mention names. If I´m right it is against the rules of forum. So, if you want to report them this way, do it privately. Secondly, you can report this in the end game lobby as one of the four categories (i think one of them has this listed in it´s description, i guess it was the "trolling" category). And last - atleast to me those pics aren´t proving that enough (I believe you, but I´m not a dev), but you can still try to report them privately I think.

  • Xecuto
    Xecuto Member Posts: 2

    how or where i can do it privately ?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Xecuto said:
    how or where i can do it privately ?

    There is a report function ingame next to the name in the score screen. You need to provide proof though and your pics dont proof anything. In fact you are only posting his name which is name shaming and forbidden