Low Rank Issues

JereBear Member Posts: 30


I don't mean to come along and complain and it's not really a complaint but more of an observation/concern. I've noticed the past few days that there are...inconsistencies with emblems and or pips from like rank five and down. It feels like you have to dang near get all irredescient to pip even once at these lower ranks...and it feels or seems like these emblems are impossible to get regardless of what you did in game. Like...for example I was just playing on the Estate map and...well not to sound like I'm bragging or anything...but I did like 75% of the gen work...maybe a little less...and I only got silver on the associated emblem. I unhooked four people safely AND healed two and only got gold...etc. It also seems I'm depipping A LOT when I should safety at least... has anyone else noticed that the emblem system/pipping seems unbalanced? I'm talking both sides!


  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    without video evidence this anecdote of your depip is useless.

    I doubt you did 75% of the gen work. Each % in gen progress you help with gives you 1 point in the lightbringer emblem. You need 270 points and if you did 75% of the 500 points, you'd surely way surpass that.

    You probably didn't safely unhook those guys either.

    I'm not calling you a liar... but you're probably remembering yourself doing waaaay better than you actually did.

    And how are your evader/unbroken emblems?

    And yeah you do need damn near all iri to pip up. At red you need 12-14 points to 1pip. 15-16 to 2pip. Iri gives 4, gold gives 3, etc. etc.

    On killer side it's way harder to pip up.

  • JereBear
    JereBear Member Posts: 30

    Considering I single-handedly did two out of the five gens and collaborated on a two more I'm relatively sure that I got anywhere from 65 to 75% of those gens done. (These numbers granted may be scewed as I did run prove thyself and bring a tool box)

    I wrote up this post right after completing the match that I reference while still looking at my emblems. So I know I'm remembering correctly, and I did take photos/video but for some reason nothing I take on the switch is saving despite showing in game it's been captured. (One of the reasons I was looking for similar experiences versus reporting. I don't have the evidence I gathered.)

    I got hooked twice but won quite a few chases too I got like silver unbroken I think? I did die... and I remember I got silver chaser. I still depipped. Yet my last game of the night? I double pipped with a silver... two gold's and an irre. Like I said...it seems unbalanced.