We have temporarily disabled The Houndmaster (Bone Chill Event queue) and Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater Cosmetic (all queues) due to issues affecting gameplay.

Visit the Kill Switch Master List for more information on these and other current known issues: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/299-kill-switch-master-list
The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey.

We encourage you to be as honest as possible in letting us know how you feel about the game. The information and answers provided are anonymous, not shared with any third-party, and will not be used for purposes other than survey analysis.

Access the survey HERE!

Will improved matchmaking (MMR) make games better, or worse?

It will severely improve the gameplay for survivors as they will be playing with people (allegedly) similar in skill. This, however, will lead to more common groups of 4 survivors that are skilled going against a killer of similar skill. If you know anything about this game you'll know that is going to lead to the killer being in for a very, very bad time. You might have heard the argument that while 4 good survivors completely ruin an equally skilled killers experience and make it miserable at R1, it's "uncommon" and you always get potatoes, which therefore justifies it. This will, again, allegedly, not be the case.

Not only that, the people that play at higher MMR levels in this game as a whole are in the minority, which means the better you are at this game the higher your queue time will be. Due to the frustrations in general it will also lead to less killers playing and ridiculously long queue times for survivors.

Basically, the end result will make the game highlight the severe issues with this game, in that bad survivors at lower MMR will get rolled by bad killers, and good killers will get rolled by good survivors. The end result is fast queues for lower MMR and long queues for higher, depending on the strictness and speed at which the game matches, as it now has to take into account everyone's location, ping, and MMR.

In general, however, I don't think this game can very easily determine a players MMR, since you can't so easily define it like in an FPS. We have zero information, for some reason still, on how the system that apparently is loosely used in the background for testing at times, even determines MMR. If it is anything like how the hugely flawed emblem system determines skill, maybe there will not be much difference at all.

I think a huge flaw in this game is the matchmaking and it does need something like this. That said I really hope the devs understand how important it is to... possibly adjust map sizes, or overall map balance for both sides, or implement the supposed 'early game collapse' beforehand.


  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Its too early to tell, we really don't know anything about the MMR system that will be implemented soon.