DbD Mobile Problems

Directional indicators are probably the worst mechanic in the mobile version right now.

i understand for newer players or players not wearing headphones that these are incredibly helpful but they are game breaking for pro players.

Indicators showing the exact direction which spirit/Huntress/Hillbilly are coming from destroys the ability to play them as survivors become incredibly immersed once they know they’re approaching, giving survivors the ability to easily avoid them.

It’s already difficult enough to aim/snipe/flick with huntress without survivors knowing exactly where she is at all times.

Hillbilly’s turning is way overly difficult and needs adjusting, Thompson’s moonshine and spiked boots do not in any way make it easier to turn and cancelling his chainsaw is so inconsistent and usually results in needlessly bumping into things.

This may seem like a one sided Killer main grievance but it goes the same for survivor. Indicators that show the direction of injured or sprinting survivors is also game breaking, this rules out any mind game between the 2 sides making iron will almost invaluable.

Other things such as Generator/Hooked Survivor directional indicators and “The hatch has spawned” Notification should have the option to turn them off as they can be distracting and obscure vision.

An option to adjust the hud/control stick area & size would also be incredibly helpful as a lot of intense gameplay can result in thumb miss-placement, standing still and dying.

There is also currently a bug with the Styptic agent and Syringe add-ons for the medkit where cancelling healing with X activates them. Must be fixed.

Leary’s Memorial Institute!

99/100 games have resulted in friends and I playing a full match, getting loads of points and disconnecting upon leaving out exit gate/hatch. This also happens as killer, regardless of match outcome it is almost guaranteed game crash either halfway through or upon match completion making the map an instant DC. Needs fix ASAP.

Last of all (Killer Bloodmarket)

I love the fact that all survivors share items/addons/offerings, But Killers??

Needing to unlock all killer’s for their teachables takes significantly longer and is much more difficult and stressful than any other platform without the fact that ALL OF THEIR ADDONS ARE IN 1 PLACE.

Whosever idea this was is beyond terrible. Getting addons you want for the killer’s you prefer to play is so uncommon and frustrating. On top of that killer’s get offering for experience for all players as well as themselves while survivors don’t!? This is utter bullshit, please change it.



  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    The blood market really discourages buying multiple Killers. I wanted to buy all Killers on mobile but I think I’m just going to stick with Doctor.

    The Whispers indicator is really weird. I have no clue how to use it so I have to pray I’m being led in the right direction.

    There’s a really frustrating bug where your add-ons don’t apply at all. I’ve gone into many games thinking I had add-ons but it turns out the game screwed up and acted as if they weren’t there at all.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,566

    For problems/issues with DBD Mobile please contact them on their official sources - they will not see anything that's posted on this forum as this is for the Core Game only (so PC & Console versions).


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