Yes, we agree, they shouldn't have outed any of them. However, they did, so we need to move past "shoulda coulda woulda", just like the devs did.
There's nothing more organic than a character who happens to be LGBT, because that's how it is IRL as well. The "label slapped on them" is exactly how it should be done, as opposed to making their orientation their main (or only) defining characteristic.
Having it be a main component of their backstory is basically the definition of "shoving it in our faces".
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But you see, thats YOUR opinion, maybe someone else wants the survivor to be all about pride? You want the survivors sexuality to be back story, perhaps others disagree? Maybe they make him/her Bisexual., and homosexuals wont think thats enough?
Thats the problem with opinion, everyone thinks theirs weights more than the other. BUt thats not the case.
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Exactly my point. But it would be nice if they added these characters into the game rather than focus on old characters who's lore has already been shared. Make new characters with new lore and whatever else they want. It's stupid to out old characters just because they can.
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The devs will do as they see fit, nobody's trying to impose anything on anyone. We're discussing our opinions.
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Some of the characters already present in the game are LGBT, though. The devs want to out them all instead of only the straight ones. The whole point of the rift (besides the battle pass) is to add more lore pertaining to old characters.
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The way I see it is "hmm, let's just list a few random characters that are gay with no thought behind it". When they randomly out characters like this, that's all I see it as.
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I don't think it really matters but a lot of the reason people don't like it is because they expect some form of propaganda about LGBT or a large focus on it that doesn't really belong in the setting. There's a few cases like League of Legends and Overwatch where they use it as a damage control tactic. Plus it doesn't help that most companies just blatantly put out "statement.pdf" every pride month that's obviously just so people don't call them homophobic or whatever names you want to throw out there. The life of the even has just been completely sucked out but I won't go all out on that one here.
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Well, imo I can only imagine they will have to make both gay and bi males and females, because if they make it a bisexual male, how does that make the females feel included? Lesbians will feel left out, and if they make it bisexual, actual homosexuals will not feel included - they will be forced to make both bisexual and gay males and females, and that leaves out trans, so thats minimum of 6 survivors who need to be labeled via their sexuality.
Personally, I dont care. The only males I play are Bill and Ash, I doubt theyll out either one as gay, however I DO play Kate, Laurie, and Feng as females and I would play them if they were lesbian. But again, that prefaces my entire point, if they confirm Kate a lesbian, where is the inclusiveness for gay men? So they will need to balance it out.
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Yeah, I just really don't think it's important. I get why some people want representation but I've just never felt like I needed any or wanted any.
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That's how they did it with Frank and Julie, for example, to zero outrage.
I'd like to ask that you put yourself in my shoes for a moment and look at it from my point of view. When Frank and Julie became a confirmed (heterosexual) couple via the rift, there was no outrage. Nobody cared, nobody made a big deal out of it, nobody opposed it. However, when the devs hinted at the possibility of confirming that some characters are LGBT, immediate outrage ensued, including from people who have never even read the lore and claim not to care about it, but are still upset that the lore they don't even read will include those confirmations anyway.
You may say the outrage has nothing to do with anti-LGBT sentiment, and in your particular case I'm inclined to agree, but you can't deny that it looks exactly like anti-LGBT sentiment when LGBT people getting the same exact treatment as non-LGBT people gets this many people riled up.
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Well, it is technically a mutation. They can call themselves whatever they want cause nobody knows ######### they are.
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I thought epigenetics were the main factor.
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Tbh I didn't even know that Frank and julie were a couple. So I can't really speak on that. My MAIN issue is that I feel like the dev's are only doing this to make themselves look good for pride month. They never did any of this before pride, and they're probably only doing it to make themselves look good. (Talking about outing gay characters on my last sentence).
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Let's say they're just doing this to make themselves look good. So ######### what? Why is it a bad thing that they're giving LGBT characters the same treatment as non-LGBT characters? If they'd waited until July, for example, do you seriously think there wouldn't have been any outrage?
Again, I ask that you put yourself in my shoes and try to look at it from my PoV. I don't even care about representation, just for the record.
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LOL I was one of the first P3 legions and I didnt know that either, people put way too much value on lore, I would guess half or m,ore of us dont even read it.
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Well it is a genetic disorder after all, some may have their genes/alleles so altered that they can't even reproduce. Technically we were all females in the womb until a certain point where we started to develop into either female or male. Of course something can ######### up during this process and cause a mutation. Either-way, until we have the technology required to literally change bodies/transplant brains, I'm not too keen about that (cause it looks weird and it's kind of an uncanny valley to me). Adding Legendary cosmetics IRL would definitively make things more interesting and make it easier for people to change gender/bodies/whatever they want.
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Seeing it that way, it would seem like a double standard. And outrage is always unnecessary for something like this. I'm not outraged, I'm just giving my opinion but I understand your POV. Your pov doesn't apply to me in particular but I see where you're coming from. And I do think that the dev's don't genuinely care about lgbt as much as they say they do. They're just like every other company that supports pride only when it's convenient for them. They never wanna say anything about it until it benefits them more, like pride month.
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I'm all about human experimentation in the name of science, so in that regard I'm all in.
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I was honestly never interested in most characters lore lol.
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Tbh the only lore I'm interested in is Doctor's lore. It's just amazing how much they took from the real world to make his lore.
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I only really cared about huntress lore and nurses lore.
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I'm glad you understand.
I think you're wrong about the devs not caring. They've expressed support for the LGBT community multiple times, not just during pride month. Of course, that doesn't mean they don't expect to make a profit from it - they're still a company, after all, and they need to make ends meet.
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I'm not saying they don't care. I'm just saying that they care a lot more during these times. They probably do care, they just probably don't care as much as they claim and let on.
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They're a company, I'd expect nothing less. However, they show support outside "these times", so I'm inclined to believe them, the same way I believe your issue with confirming which characters are LGBT has nothing to do with anti-LGBT sentiment.
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+ some other quotes from her
"The flashbacks are PTSD not schizophrenia since they don't materialize.. Like she doesn't think they're physically there and real, there's no evidence of that, so the're normal flashbacks which means they're the result of PTSD."
-her saying that.
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Works for me. Thanks.
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