Fix her please

While everyone else talks about which character is gay (please keep social discourse and politics out of this game for the love of god look at whats happened to Blizzard), I want to focus on more important matters.

Can we please talk about how poorly Nurse is performing? CD on the blinks have already made a very difficult character to play Even more so. Its removed nearly all map pressure she had if you take away her range addons which add little in the chasing department. Stack on the endless blink bugs, and dead blink zones, you end up a character that does incredibly well against potatoes, and absolutely piss poor against half competent survivors that know running in a straight line and making a hard left or right turn in any direction rather than waiting at pallets is the sure fire way of wasting a lot of time because she HAS to wait for those blinks to come back.

To either continue the chase, or find a different survivor she has to wait. Waiting on her main form of locomotion because the devs completely gutted her by adding more fatigue on top of a CD. The counter play survivors already had (looking at her hand, getting out of LOS during fatigue, her constant banshee screaming) has been increased tenfold and punishes the good nurses who didn't use the omega blink or 5 blink (which, btw, was the main complaint from both sides) with her range addons properly addressed, and made as they should have been to begin with the extra blinks removed and replaced with something that actually adds nothing by taking away her biggest strength in nearly all situations it should have been left at just that, the perfect killer, ability enough to shine and slay any team with the right plays, and plenty of counter play with both visual and audio ques and every other weakness a killer has, the biggest being time..

Lets not forget once a Nurse finds a survivor, she probably will already looking at the ground, and on CD, so once found she can't do much unless she happened to have blinked on top of them to begin with. Pre rework Nurse without addons used to give the most rewarding and fun matches around, with or without perks, she was a killer that took skill, but wasn't held back by what perks she could bring. If anything she desperately needs QOL changes. Starting by allowing her to cancel a blink, or swing out of it, a survivor that runs right up to you while you have a blink held is god damn frustrating, especially if you know they have deadhard, and something that you should by rights be able to punish.


  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    She probably need another rework.

    On one hand she is The Best killer in the game by a mile (if played by a good nurse player)

    On the other hand she is just frustrating af.

    Also she has a million bugs (double stun for example) which make her even worse.

    I would say nerf to a point where she isnt OP in the right hands and just remove the fatigue in trade.

    Stuns are unfun in every game. And killers who stun themselves are unfun by nature.