New survivor concept: Retired priest or modern voodoo/witchcraft practitioner

StevenWinchester Member Posts: 10
edited June 2020 in Creations

WARNING: I’m aware that I’m a main survivor and the perks proposed here might be a little biased, so bear (trap) with me, I’m all ears for feedback.


A retired priest or some modern voodoo/witchcraft practitioner with knowledge about rituals, gods, the afterlife, entities from other realms, etc. I proposed 7 perks, 3 would be selected depending on the final features of the survivor:

· Teleporting the killer away from you

· Random survivor hexes

· Perk to blind the killer without a flashlight

· Harm yourself to get a temporal boost in certain speeds

· Purify stuff to hinder the entity’s action

· Staying still when the killer comes for you gives you a boost for a little time

· Praying alter probabilities for a little time, (crazy idea) can be used to “attract” the hatch

Now, long part

This proposal is born from the idea of introducing the angel Castiel, from the Supernatural TV show, as a survivor. In the show, Castiel is a powerful celestial being, but, as the show goes on, he becomes more human, to the point in which he’s basically a human which knows a lot of things about God, Heaven, Hell, monsters, rituals, etc. However, I can understand that Dead by Daylight, as a company, doesn’t want to acquire another license to exploit a character, so I’ve developed this idea so it can be seamlessly applied to a character like Cas, a priest of some religion, some sort of generic supernatural creatures hunter or to some millennial survivor who practices modern voodoo/witchcraft, all of them knowing stuff about entities, other realms, demons, rituals, etc.

ALSO, I was unsure how this proposal would be actually implemented in the game, depending on the final features of the survivor, so here I propose 7 different perks, all with the same spirit.

Banishment (Teleporting the killer away from you)

“Your knowledge about the creatures of the Afterlife provides you with the tools to get rid of them”

Activate-able Perk.

When you enter in the “Injured” state, Banishment activates. When Banishment is activated, you can use your blood to draw a banishment rune in the ground. Drawing this in the ground takes you 4 seconds, and you can see this rune all the time. A survivor can only have one rune drawn in the whole map. If, while being injured, you step in the rune during a chase AND press the Active Ability button, the banishment rune activates, teleporting the killer 20/28/36 meters away from you in the opposite direction the survivor (character) is facing, blinding the killer for 1 second. Visually, the trap glows and the killer is blinded, and when they recover their sight, they are in another part of the map. Survivors which are now in the terror radius of the killer will suffer the Oblivious state for 60/55/50 seconds. Teleporting the killer away successfully will put you in the Broken status for 90/75/60 second and make you the Obsession. Banishing has a cooldown of 140/130/120 seconds.

Possible nerfs: the killer can delete the runes by sweeping them with their foot, action that takes them 2.5 seconds.

Possible changes: each survivor can draw more than one rune.

Dark spell (Survivor hexes)

“They are not the only ones who can prepare a good hex”

You can use the rest of a previously lit totem to prepare a hex which benefits the survivors. After cleansing a lit totem, Dark spell activates, and you can use the rests of that lit totem to put up a survivor hex. Assembling that new hex takes 30/25/20 seconds. Survivor hexes have beneficial effects in all the survivors. These effects, which are set randomly when the survivor hex is finally lit, can be:

  • 1/2/3% Haste status effects.
  • 25% of times, a killer’s hit to some injured survivor will put them in the deep wound state, instead of the dying one, without prejudice for perks like NOED or Borrowed Time.
  • Probability of getting common items from chests reduces to 10%.
  • 15% of times, failed skill checks won’t show a noise notification to the killer.
  • 3/4/5% luck bonus.
  • Increase your recovering speed in 15/20/25% when you’re in the dying state.

These effects do not stack if several survivor hexes grant the same effect. A survivor hex grants only one of these effects.

Survivor hexes are identified with a blue flame, and having the skull in the ground, instead of above the bones. The survivor who prepared a survivor hex can see its aura all the time. The killer can destroy this hexes with the same animation they use to destroy pallets, generators, etc. There is no way to know what effect each survivor hex is producing. Dark spell has a cooldown of 140/130/120 seconds.

Possible changes: the killer can see the aura of the person who has just created a survivor hex, or the survivor might become the obsession or creating a survivor hex could give the survivor the Exposed state for a short time.

Fire Reaper (Blind without flashlight)

(This might be the weirdest perk of this proposal, compared with the current perks of the game)

“Fire is light, and light can expel the darkness.”

Activate-able Perk.

Fire is your trusty companion. If you spend 50/45/40 seconds close to a fire, torch or barrel on fire (up to 3 metres), Fire reaper activates. If you come closer to the fire source and press SPACE, you can harvest the light using your bare hands and store it inside of you. This process, which takes 2.5 seconds, puts you in the Broken status, although you don’t leave blood marks, makes you scream and shows a noise notification to the killer. When this perk is activated and charged, you can release the light you harvested in the form of an orb by pressing the Active Ability button. This orb will go towards the killer ONLY IF they are up to 10 meters away from you, else the orb will just follow a straight line in the direction the survivor is facing and fade away. If the orb hits the killer in the side or the front, they will suffer as if they had been blinded with a regular flashlight. If the killer is running “Lightborn”, or the orb hit them in the back, it will just have the effect of a regular stunt.

On the survivor side, releasing the light turns you back to the Healthy state. Fire reaper has a cooldown of 100/80/60 seconds. Fire reaper counter (time you have to spend near a fire) reboots when you release the light, you receive a hit or when you enter a locker.

Possible nerfs:

a) The fire orb can only blind the killer, so it will have no effect if it impacts in their back or if it impacts in their front or side and they are running Lightborn.

b) You have to aim the shoot with the camera, as when you use a flashlight.

c) You have to stop and use the Gesture 1 (pointing) to throw the orb.

d) Releasing the light leaves you injured.

e) Instead of releasing an orb, the light could be released in a radial flash of light with a much shorter radius of action, so you have to expose yourself a lot to actually blind the killer.

Blood offering (temporal boost based on offering)

“You can request help from foreign forces, but every help comes with a price”

Activate-able Perk.

Pouring your blood willingly becomes an offering for the spirit/patron who guards you (*). When you’re in the Healthy state, Blood offering is available. Pressing the Active Ability button will trigger an animation in which the survivor harm themselves, what makes them scream, which will show the killer a noise notification and show them the survivor’s aura for 5/4/3 seconds. For 50/60/70 seconds, the survivor will receive a 10/12.5/15% speed buff for repairing, sabotaging, healing, opening chests and traps, cleansing totems and opening the doors. Activating Blood offering will put you in the Broken state for 110/115/120 seconds. Blood offering has a cooldown of 140/130/120 seconds.

Possible nerf: using Blood offering also cause the Exhausted state for the same amount of time that the Broken state.

Thanks to this reddit thread for the concept of injuring yourself.

(*) This spirit would be specified depending on the final type of survivor. It can be God, a minor god, a spirit from the voodoo folklore, etc.

Purification (hinder the progress of the entity)

Creatures of the Fog cannot put their hands in what has been purified.”

Your guard spirit/patron can reach out to you to hamper the progress of the Entity or its minions.

You can use your willpower to channel the power of your patron to hamper the progress of the Entity or its minions. When Purification is active, you can purify:

  • Hooks. Purified hooks decrease the Entity’s progress speed in 5/10/15%, and if you’re in the first stage, the probability of escaping by yourself increases in 2/3/4%. Escaping or getting unhooked deletes a hook’s purification.
  • Windows. Purified windows allow you to jump over them one more time before getting blocked, and the time it takes to unblock (the first time) is reduced by 5/7.5/10 seconds. If the killer is running Bamboozle, they have to jump over a window twice to block it. When a window is blocked, it loses its purification.
  • Pallets. Purifying an upright pallet will increase the stunt time in 0.5/1/1.5 seconds, while purifying a pulled down pallet will make it harder to break, costing the killer 0.5/1/1.5 seconds more to break it.

The purification process is done by placing yourself near the thing you want to purify and holding the second button (M2) for 3 seconds. Survivors can see the aura of the things they’ve purified. Purification has a cooldown of 60/55/50 seconds, and each survivor can purify up to 3/4/5 elements in the map. Purifying elements beyond that number will remove the effect from the oldest element that was purified.

Possible nerf: Bamboozle is not affected by windows purification.

Possible buff: purifying generators keep them from being damaged by the killer for a short time, as a countermeasure against Pop Goes The Weasel, although this wouldn’t make much sense since the Silent Hill chapter already adds a perk for that.

Leap of faith (temporal boost)

Looking Death in the eye knowing that no one might come to the rescue: that’s the ultimate expression of faith

Surrendering yourself up to the killer when you’re on your own (no other survivor around in 40/35/30 meters) gives you a temporal boost to do whatever it takes. If you’re standing inside of the killer’s terror radius for 5/4/3 seconds while they are coming for you (in your direction), you get a 15/17/20% speed buff for repairing gens and opening doors for 2/3/4 seconds. Leap of faith causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds and cannot be activated while the survivor is Exhausted.

Possible nerf: you can only use this perk up to twice in the game, one per each time you’re unhooked, but then the speed buff or the time it lasts should be increased.

Pray (ask for random help)

Sometimes you can only pray and hope things will get better

Activate-able perk.

Activating this perk will trigger a 2-second animation in which the survivor put their hands together and pray to the sky. For the next 30/35/40 seconds, odds are in your favour. Pray can cause one of these effects (they cannot stack):

  • 50% of the correct skill checks will be counted and have the effects of an Excellent.
  • 50% of failed skill checks will produce no noise notification for the killer (but will still cause regression of gens in the case of repairing).
  • If it’s time for the hatch to appear and Pray effect is still on, it increases the probability for the hatch to appear in a radius of up to 50 meters around the survivor.

Pray has a cooldown of 100/90/80 seconds.

Crazy idea: praying next to other survivors will raise your prayer even higher, which could increase the time Pray effects lasts, or decrease the distance in which the hatch appears. The idea behind this perk was “Could four survivors, in some random scenario, by using some perk which affects the odds of the game, summon the hatch somehow?”, so I haven’t developed this perk much, I just think it would be just a funny idea.

And that’s all. Let me know what you think, especially the killer side, I’m aware the game is sometimes unbalanced for your side and if I can mature this concept to a more realistic one, I’d like to do so.