Did Bhvr forget how to make killer perks?

oh_0k Member Posts: 712
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Every chapter after plague has had awful killer perks with a few of them being ok on certain killers or with other perks but none of them can stand on their own, even after constant feedback they still don't change these perks.

This is how perks should be like, no unnecessary down sides and no affects that will have basically no impact



  • MortisCarnifex
    MortisCarnifex Member Posts: 41

    I can't see how Forced Penance is possibly bad. Sloppy Butcher+ Forced Penance = a survivor that's easy to locate, chase, and will take 2 minutes to heal.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    What the modified forced Penance or the garbage that the devs put out? In the niche situation of a protection hit they can't heal for 30s. That's total garbage especially when the perk you already mentioned, sloppy applies on every basic attack no conditions and actually takes time away from the survivor by increasing heal time and actually stays useful even if you hook them immediately after. 30s of broken is useless if you chase them as hook and whoops perk did nothing and if you don't they just go find a gen and it'll probably be near the end of the duration when they get to one. Seriously for something that requires either another injured survivor next to the target hit or for you to hit someone during a carry that's garbo.

    I do think hindered for 60s would be op. 30s of hinder would probably be good though, that'd certainly punish hook body blocks pretty fiercely. Only a perk worth running against obvious swf sabo squads but it'd have a niche use like lightborn does against flashlight bully squads I guess.

  • MortisCarnifex
    MortisCarnifex Member Posts: 41

    oops I'm a little not smart.

    Still, with the combo the survivor is going to take forever to heal after protecting their buddy.

  • MortisCarnifex
    MortisCarnifex Member Posts: 41

    The modified version would be pretty cool, and yeah they couldn't heal for two minutes.

    The existing version is still effective, but obviously not as much. I still don't see how it's a bad perk

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2020

    Wait Forced Penance applies Hindered too? I thought it was just Broken.

    EDIT: Oh never mind, those are your modified versions. Having it apply Hindered would be really cool. I think the devs just don't want to risk creating another Mettle of Man where a perk is incredibly overpowered on launch and 95% of the community wants it nerfed.

  • Riku_Odayaka
    Riku_Odayaka Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2020

    Yeah... I can't see myself using any of the perks.

    Forced Penance isn't really helpful as a survivor who takes a protection his is bound to either get away or have Dead Hard and get chased. In either scenario, they wouldn't have the opportunity to heal.

    Deathbound would be helpful if the killer is able to travel quickly and quietly (like hag teleporting with rusty shackles), but there's better perks if you'd want to apply the Oblivious effect anyways. Some killers even had add-ons that everyone has piling up from not using. And hey, if the person you get stuck with has Prove Thyself, that's more incentive to work on gens together.

    Then there's Trail of Torment. You give your position away immediately and give survivors a pinpoint on what direction you are proportional to them in exchange for 15 seconds to approach. While it can be useful with the right strategy, Dark Devotion is even more helpful as the transferred terror radius can mislead survivors while letting one catch them off guard.

    There's better perks to use. None of these are really game changing. Though, I guess maybe the devs don't want to lock useful perks behind a paywall? Shrine does take a while to cycle good perks.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Mangled just adds a few seconds to a heal not minutes. Doubt it even adds up to a full minute with both combined. I don't know the exact numbers but it's annoying as survivor, potentially lethal combined with nurses but sloppy isn't that broken strong to add a minute and a half,base heal time is only 16s. Even coultraphobia(however it's spelled) that clown perk wouldn't cause that and I know it's 50% slow is larger than mangled.

    This is to say nothing to the low likelihood of actually even activating Penance at all outside of exit gate slapping. Can easily go multiple matches without ever seeing a single actual protection hit. Aside from wildly chasing survivors while carrying someone with agitation risking a wiggle off you can't actually control if it activates at all and even that requires hook hovering by the survivors.

  • MortisCarnifex
    MortisCarnifex Member Posts: 41

    Say multiple survivors are hit while carrying another survivor. Most scenarios they heal and save him before he goes into the 2nd/Struggle phase. Now they they risk going down to save their buddy. Now they have 30s where their hands are tied. They could work on gens for 30s, then have to heal and by time they safely get back to him he's already on death hook next time he's down.

    If it was too much longer it would be overpowered, and if it happened all the time then the survivors would never be able to heal.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    I probably would put monstrous shrine above Penance. Atleast you can reduce time loss from insidious bubba if people don't come or add a tiny bit of pressure to trappers fortress.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    This feels like someone trying to justify cruel limits because you can technically theory craft one situation that might happen in 1 in 20 matches that could theoretically make the perk sound useful. The problem will always be of course the other 19 matches you have an empty perk slot. Even in the one off you may as well just run sloppy and it'll help not only that situation but many, many others and I dunno, throw pop in the slot that would have been wasted on Penance. A perk has to be consistent to a degree to really be useful or atleast have a means where your own play or strategy could increase that consistency to compensate. Penance is less reliable than a hex perk for a tenth of the impact.

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    Sorry, that would entail making Killer fun to play against people who don't have the collective IQ of a goldfish

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Great design. Wish perks were more like these. Usable, but not crazy overpowered.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Nah also use mad grit to counter all those bodyblockers. Then you get the easiest win of your life.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I feel you severly underestimate hindered

    Someone told me it aplies a 15% slowdown. That means that as a 115% killer you catch up twice as fast.

    That for 60s would be bonkers.

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    The paywall itself needs attention as it currently stands. It's too intimidating for new players, and it only ever increases. How can the mobile version of a game have LESS of a paywall than the main one. That's saying something, don't you think?

    Anyway, if people want a particular perk with the current system 5 bucks for a bundle of 3 perks aint too shabby. Sucks, considering just how many there, though. I've only been playing DbD actively since Halloween last year and I've already collectively spent some 135-140 dollars on the game. If I had to guess, about 115 of that is PC game and DLC, with maybe 15 or 20 of that being dumb ######### like Ash cosmetics.

    Hope they fix the grind and paywall pr.oblems soonm

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    The hindered status effect actually only implies that a slowing effect is active. The actual values depend on the perk, power and addons used .

    The huntress addons slow for 3%.

    The clown gas is 15%(20 with addon), for the duration of ~1s after leaving the gas cloud.

    I doubt thered ever be a long lasting slow effect (>10seconds) thats more than 5%.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I literally said

    "Jesus Christ" and shook my head.

    That's just bad.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Trail of Torment is fine if they just remove the yellow aura. Forced Penance is also fine if they increase the broken duration to at least 90 seconds on tier 3 so it's actually somewhat punishing for the survivor.

    The perks must not break the "meta" but at least should be somewhat usefull.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    Survivor perks are also disgusting. They just don't have too much to work with since they have hundreds of perks already created...

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Ghostface, demogorgon, and Oni have had some impressive perks. The PH perks are absolute garbage, why do we have so much coodowns?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Hindered is pretty amazing, whenever I use hindered add-ons I always bring play with your food for some nasty plays.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    The design of the more recent perks are so backwards. It doesn't make any sense why Trail of Torment, a stealth perk, gives away your position...

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Shame because the current meta is unbalanced as hell. A few perks on either side stay meta and the bottom of the barrel perks that literally no one uses just get kicked to the wayside. Hell, they even acknowledge this by having certain perks higher rarities than others for some bizzare reason. It's ashame that they always focus on new killers to make a quick buck rather then dedicating a few months to balance and bug fixing

  • joaco_profe
    joaco_profe Member Posts: 2

    Most perks both survivor and killer have been pretry bad for a while except a few exceptions, they don't wanna change the meta to keep the "balance" the game has but it's getting boring, I hope the next chapter has better perks for both sides

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I can see why they don't want to make new perks too good. If they overstep their mark and make the perk TOO good, it can feel necessary and people start criticizing that the game is P2W. Think of the top tier perks that are behind DLC - DS, Pop, BBQ, etc.

    Then if they go back and nerf that OP perk, people will feel like they just spent money on a perk they wanted, which is now 'useless'. Cue more complaining.

    I think they just need to get people numb to buffs and nerfs with much more small changes. Bigger buffs should be left for perks that come with the game.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Perks started getting bad with Spirit. All three of her perks essentially reward bad play.

    Spirit Fury: Isn't bad on it's own, but when combined with Enduring, it becomes a braindead combo.

    Haunted Grounds: You could be completely losing a a game, but if someone cleanses your hex totem, then it will just become a slug-fest.

    Rancor: Not much needs to be said about this perk. It's NOED that effects 1 person and literally applies an ivory mori to them. A lot of people say that NOED and Rancor reward bad play, and you're right, but what you're forgetting is that it also punishes 1 survivor for doing their objective: surviving.

    Perk changes:

    Spirit Fury:

    If combined with Enduring, Spirit Fury requires 2 extra charges before it is useable.

    Haunted Grounds:

    Only 1 hex totem spawns


    The obsession does not become exposed, but rather is inflicted with several other status effects.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    This is actually a pretty big issue for long term game development. Power creep can significantly impact a game over time.

    On one hand, you want players to be interested in new content. On the other hand, do you really want to see perks that are better/stronger than Pop, DS, etc? And then later perks that are even better?

    It's a dilemma for developers. It's why they have to get so creative with new perk effects.

  • Soapbar
    Soapbar Member Posts: 60

    Demogorgon's perks were awful. The only usable one was Surge and it's strictly worse than Pop in 99% of situations. Cruel Limits is just lol. Mindbreaker could be good but it's way too specific on when it activates.

    Ghostface's perks were alright, although Furtive Chase is easily one of the worst perks in the game. TT and I'm All Ears are alright.

    Oni is just lol. Windows of Opportunity having a cooldown makes sense since pallets/windows are necessary for survivors, well, survival. Why Zanshin has a cooldown after hitting someone is beyond me. Blood Echo is usable, if a bit underwhelming. Nemesis is okay, usable in builds that rely on obsession perks (also is the only perk that synergies with Furtive Chase in any capacity).

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I agree on Demo, but surge alone makes up for it, as it can be used effectively on almost every killer. For ghostface thrilling tremors and I'm all ears are some of the best perks in the game, but furtive chase is awful. Zanshin is pretty trash, but nemesis is very fun with play with your food, making a deadly combo, and blood echo is one of the best and most underrated perks.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Problem is power creep is differently scaled for survivors to killers. They seem terrified to give killers a good STRONG perk while survivors get a STRONG perk every major release.

    And just so ppl knkw what i mean.

    Killers get 1. Serviceable perk, totally fine but nothing that really changes the meta, usually just another option. 2. A poor quality perk, useful in certain circumstances but either too niche or too many limitations to be really useful. 3. A Terrible quality perk, with a severe limitation or an effect that is just worthless. Perks that, while might work with very VERY specific builds offer nothing to most killers

    Meanwhile survivors get

    1. A rather strong perk. A perk that, while not as strong as DS, BT, DH etc... Can definitely be used in most situations pretty safely and dont require any work to reap the rewards.

    2. Two Serviceable perks, as described before. Not great but not bad, can be used but doesnt really change much.

    The problem is that survivors have so many overly strong perks that everything else SEEMS poor. Meanwhile most killer perks that have been released have been rather underwhelming

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    How can it be bait, when it's my opinion? Stfu troll.

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    Pretty much this. Let's look at the last few killers and their perks:


    Nemesis - Serviceable perk, can work well mostly when paired with another obsession perk such as PWYF.

    Blood Echo - Poor quality perk, has a cooldown of a minute at tier 3, and exhausts for 45 for a perk slot.

    Zanshin Tactics - Terrible quality perk, pretty much no use for this unless you're new to the game and are learning window and pallet locations.


    Hex Retribution - Serviceable, can combine with other hex perks like Haunted Grounds or NOED to find and down survivors.

    Gearhead - Poor quality, requires hitting a survivor 2 times, and requires survivors to hit a good skill check, which is random. Much better info perks out there.

    Dead Man's Switch - Terrible, requires hooking the obsession, which only happens a few times. Requires survivors already working on a gen to let go. Can occur more frequently if you run Nemesis, but now you're running multiple perks to get its weak effect to activate.

    And Pyramid Head, you already know how that one goes.

    Deathbound - Serviceable, alerts you to a survivor's location and makes them oblivious for 45 seconds, not too bad when you look at it.

    Forced Penance - Terrible, 30 seconds is way too short, and protection hits occur rarely to get it to activate.

    Trail of Torment - Terrible, it's a stealth perk and tells survivors where you are and has a cooldown of 80 seconds. I'd rather go perkless than choose this thing.

  • bkillerc
    bkillerc Member Posts: 142

    Some periods on their own do little to nothing with no real point in ever running them...

    Then you figure how they can fit in a build and make an incredible combo.

    Distressing is a good old perk example. Why would you ever want a larger terror radius? Well, obviously there’s perks and addons that work depending on your terror radius so in the case it makes sense.

    But I agree, many perks that can’t hold up by themselves don’t seem to even fit this category. If you make too many perks like this, you could end up with broken/painful/annoying combos as they start stacking together. (Forever Freddy anyone?)

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Most people didn't ask for perks that are easily stronger than the current ones.We just want to have decent perks that allow some different kind of playstyles without being too weak/restrictive.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712
  • GodofRanch
    GodofRanch Member Posts: 7

    Survivor main here. Even I think the killer Perks (and survi or Perks for that matter) are severely underwhelming.

  • Evelyn208
    Evelyn208 Member Posts: 31

    Did you buy cosmetics? I have all killers and survivors and only dropped 50USD. Since Jan this year.

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    Again, only a couple. Some Ash ones and I guess the first and third rift if you wanna count those.