

What kind of killer would you like in DBD and why?

Member Posts: 2,924
edited June 2020 in Polls

out of these what do you wish is in DBD, Movie Killers or Video Game killers

personally I would like to see Xenomorph, S-AX from Metroid Fusion, and either Slenderman or Sonic.EXE


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  • Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2020

    I would love to see some obviously missing tropes in horror, especially more non-humans. I want a werewolf quite badly. But, overall, I would like to see more OCs, because they generally have a wider range of cosmetics and originality to them. A scarecrow would be cool, I know there's a couple of scarecrow-ish vanity items, but not an actual character. I think it would be neat if there were more than a few of them posted about the map near gens and survivors wouldn't be able to know which, exactly, was the killer's active one or whatever. I also think it would be very neat to have a killer who's power is hindering survivors when they're looking at them. I think it would shake up the chase scene.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    The dark tower chapter. 2 killers, Dandelo and the crimson king. 2 survivors, the gunslinger (Roland) and Eddie Dean.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    I posted a comment going through all the different sub-genres of horror that I could think of and listing how they were or were not represented in DBD. Without going through all of them there are a few genres that are distinctly lacking in Dead By Daylight, which is odd considering Dead By Daylight is supposed to be this amalgamation of horror under the overarching slasher umbrella that encapsulates it all.

    Sci-Fi Horror. This is the most peculiar because it's one of the most significant and influential kinds of horror - tracing all the way back to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein which was originally first published in 1818, and since then has spawned so many other stories of Mad Scientists, Experiments gone wrong, Aliens landing on earth to kidnap or kill humans, etc. Yet there is not a single chapter that distinctly and clearly covers this genre. (Stranger Things does not count. It takes place in the 80s and makes constant reference to D&D [Dungeons & Dragons] to explain the otherworldly things that appear in the show like the Upside Down and the Demogorgon. Fight me)

    Potential recommendations: The Xenomorph (Alien), The Thing (1982), The Predator.

    Holiday Horror. It's an interesting concept to take Holidays which are usually bright and cheerful moments in most peoples lives, to flip it upside down to turn it into something dark and sinister. It is technically represented in Dead By Daylight through Michael Myers, since the whole franchise centers around the holiday of Halloween, but halloween is way too easy and simple to tie to horror. Even if it did count, it would still only make one chapter out of now 16 (not to mention the paragraphs) and DBD can do this genre better than that, I'd be satisfied with even just one or two more chapters to represent this genre and cement it into DBD.

    Potential recommendations: Anything to do with Christmas would be the go to, so movies like Krampus or Black Christmas could be viable options to look toward. Other than this there's also My Bloody Valentine which is a pretty cool license in its own right that not many people know or talk about, which centers around Valentine's Day.

    Gothic Horror. A very traditional form of horror that many people know about and much like Sci-Fi Horror has some pretty deep roots in terms of horror history, it's unique in that it usually sports otherworldy or older more vintage settings, and there's typically a romantic element to it. An argument can be made it does exist in DBD because the Deathslinger was directly inspired from Stephen King's The Dark Tower book series, which are gothic writings. However, that feels like a one foot in, you're only halfway there, kind of deal and again a single chapter for such a broad genre.

    Potential recommendations: there aren't many licenses to look forward to here so we're mostly discussing original concepts. A few I want to mention are maybe a Disgraced french Nobleman with a Rapier, or a Vampire or Werewolf who slaughtered their beloved.

    Obligatory don't forget about the big 3: Pennywise, Candyman, and Pinhead.

  • Member Posts: 183

    While I sincerely hope that pennywise never gets added (he's the construct of an eldritch abomination, and I don't see the Entity playing well with another one), you have some good points. In fact, one of the most often repeated tropes in horror is bizarrely missing and you reminded me of it- the lover's lane slasher. I mean, he doesn't have to have a hook for a hand, but it wouldn't hurt. Also, where's my zombies? :(

    I never expected to see a konami crossover, but since we have one now I can hope for some RE content someday. I doubt they'll give us an 8' indestructible bruiser with a rocket launcher, so my personal pick out of the lot would be the Licker. That would be sweet.

  • Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2020

    I love the dark tower, but I wouldn't even be able to guess how you could implement Dandelo into the game. What would you do, a channel ability where you perform silent stand up? The King was a lackluster let-down. He pretty much ended up just shrieking and throwing stuff and was taken out by the power of colored pencils and autism. Why not someone far more interesting, like Marten or the man in black, or RF? Actually, I think the best candidate would be Mordred. Either way the dark tower is probably too obscure for people to get into, although it shouldn't be, it's great.

    Also, imagine if Roland did show up, what with the Gunslinger being on the killer roster. Awkward.

  • Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2020

    Just for funsies, cooking up a killer concept on the spot:


    Special Power: Sanguis Venari-

    Press and hold ability button to charge and activate Sanguis Venari. While active, the Witch's gains Undetectable, slows to 100% and all survivors outside of 16m are indicated with Killer Instinct and given a notification that Sanguis Venari has been activated.

    Keeping a survivor's Killer Instinct marker within your focus (This would be a smallish circle in the center of your screen while in SV) will charge a meter. Once full, press the active ability button to activate Malicious Intent. Once Malicious Intent is activated, both the Witch and her target will be unable to move until a short series of soundless skill checks are completed by both the Witch and the targeted survivor. (Maybe determined by the number of totems left on the map) Pending the result the following can happen:

    If the Witch succeeds more great skill checks than her target: The Survivor becomes the Catalyst and gains the Endurance effect any time Witch is within 8m, and is broken while they are the Catalyst. One of the Catalyst's perks are selected at random and disabled for themself and any other Survivor who shares the cursed perk. The Catalyst effect and it's curse are removed upon being cleansed by any survivor who shares the curse, or by being hit by The Witch. Cleansing will take longer the more survivors are cursed. The Witch can only have one Catalyst by default.

    If the survivor succeeds more great skill checks than the Witch: One of the Witch's perks are selected at random and disabled until the Witch gains a new Catalyst or hooks the target she failed to Curse. That survivor sees the Witch's aura for 8s.

    If they tie, nothing happens.

    Press and hold the active ability button while within 4m of any item not held by a survivor to charge and activate Malicious Intent. A representation of that item is spawned somewhere on the map on an altar and all items of its type are now Maligned until the altar is cleansed. Survivors holding a Maligned Item are indicated with Killer Instinct and become exhausted while within 8m of the Witch until they find and cleanse the altar. Cleansing an altar will fatigue the Witch for 4s.


    Misanthrope- You despise people of all walks of life, and seek to do them harm equally. When hooking a survivor you haven't hooked most recently, gain a charge, up to 4. Your lunge distance is extended .5m per token. If you hook the same survivor twice in succession you lose all tokens.

    You'll Regret That- You enjoy turning others' hopes against them. For every 25% that an exit gate is charged you gain 1% movement speed if no survivor is holding the latch. Opened gates do not contribute to this.

    You're Next- You hold grudges like no other. If a survivor takes a protection hit while you are carrying another, they become broken for 60s and are indicated by Killer Instinct while within your terror radius.


    Probably not very balanced lol, but I tried. It was a fun thinking exercise at least.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    True, Mordred and Randall Flagg would be great, maybe just have Eddie as the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 199

    I would like to see a non-licenced killer who can make things with technology.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    The deadlights (pennywise himself) are a complete separate entity than the entity himself. I also think the deadlights are even more powerful than the entity because of Maturin

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    Also, even though the king was disappointing, you have to admit, when you saw the words "all hail the crimson king" on the wall in wizard in glass, you were curious. And when Callahan told his story in wolves of the calla and mentioned the king and his sigul you were even more curious. Song of susannah and the self titled were self explanatory.

  • Member Posts: 183

    Totally agree, that's exactly why he was so much of a let down. You have this huge epic saga with an enormous buildup and then when you meet him he's basically in hyper toddler tantrum mode. But that's just SK for ya, generally you'll read a huge book and realize you're at the last 15 pages and think that there's no way this is getting wrapped up that quickly, and when it is it seems sorta rushed or robbed of its potential. As for Pennywise, he's separate from the Deadlights in the same way that my arm is separate from my brain. Where you see him, you are dealing with the deadlights. And I think the Entity is more powerful. 'She' seems much more efficient in how she feeds off of her prey and doesn't need a disappointing clown to succeed. Erm... well, she sorta has one doesn't she? Lol, but she has more in her toolbelt at least.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Zombie horror is at the very least loosely tied to Dead By Daylight through Bill Overbeck and the Left 4 Dead chapter. I think that's about as far as it'll get in Dead By Daylight, you'd have to get pretty creative with to create a unique Zombie killer, it'd have to be something more than your average typical zombie, something like a Solomon Grundy type character probably.

    ...Thinking about it more I think that might actually work. Hm, who knows.

    Anyway, as for your statement on Pennywise, sorry to dash your hopes of him never making it into the game but it was confirmed a long time ago that the devs are huge fans of Stephen King, and Pennywise is #1 on most wanted licensed characters list for the devs. (Or at least for Mathieu Cote, who is producer / director of the dev team and he's also the one in charge of negotiating these deals with companies in the first place.) So you can bet your bottom dollar that they're going to do EVERYTHING in their power to get Pennywise into the game.

    Lore isn't a valid reason to say no to any character, since the devs themselves created the story they can develop and tweak it however they please if they want to make something work and they probably will. Even if some people in the community don't consider it a "satisfactory" explanation, it's their game, soooo.....

    Not to mention he's one of the most important and constant community requests alongside the other two of "the big 3" so the devs want him, we want him (most of us), it's really up to whoever owns the license for pennywise. Which is a bit unclear at least to us in the community, we don't know if that means the devs need to go through Stephen King himself, or perhaps they need to negotiate with the studio / whoever produced the movies, we'll just have to wait and see.

    But I mean, they did work with Konami, which was something well beyond the imaginations of many in the community, including myself. So anything could happen really.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Jason, Queen alien, some blind killer

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    There's a lot more movie Killers than videogame Killers, though the good reason is that they like slashers.

    But i like them bringing in videogame characters as well.

    Bill came in (R.I.P. Jim French), but Silent Hill is the first big addition, wouldn't mind seeing more.

  • Member Posts: 73

    Like a corrupted survivor, so they have a flashlight as a wepaon and their power is to camoflage as a survivor but obviusly it would be balanced with a cooldown or something like wraiths/nurses burn.

  • Member Posts: 953

    I would love something from WoW. Illidan, Gul'dan, Lich King, Garrosh to name the few.

  • Member Posts: 543

    A double modern feature pack could include the siren. She has two modes. The first removes her terror radius and if there is an injured survivor, makes the sound of that injured survivor instead(an injured survivor may hear their own voice, which is a way to balance the fact that they're close to getting downed). She is slower in this state and still has a red stain. Her lunge is also like Myers tier I. Her second mode is like Myers tier II. She is faster, lunges further, and has a terror radius of 16 meters. Her stats otherwise are fairly comparable to Myers. Her add ons give her effects that grant bonuses for injuring survivors and keeping survivors from healing. An iridescent exposes those who heal other survivors for 60 seconds. Her music is themed on the Greek lyre,becoming more discordant as she draws nearer.

    The second is a cyborg horror having the appearance of a mutated starfish(an experiment designed to replicate the self healing processes of starfish has scarred this former person with a geometry that is more radial than symmetrical). It has a technology theme. It can sensors near hooks (up to 3) that give it sight out to 8 meters from the hook(does not let you see up stairs if planted in the basement). Hook sensors can be removed by survivors and recovered from the ground by the cyborg horror. It can tripwire generators: when a generator has progressed by 5% the tripwire is active, when a survivor tries to escape they must pass a skillcheck. Failing delays them leaving that gen. Succeeding has no effect. Each tripwire was two charges so multiple survivors can be trapped. This is for when the cyborg horror approaches a target the survivor must react calmly in order to make a break for it. It has a 32 meter terror radius and is basically standard. Its add ons increase the range of hook sensors up to 16 meters, gives an extra hook sensor, decreases the time it takes to tripwire a generator, and an iridescent that increases the tripwire charges from 2 to 4. The music for the cyborg horror is hard to describe. I envisioned something like Tycho or Washed Out, but with a sinister twist underneath it.

  • Member Posts: 543
    edited June 2020

    To reduce perk creep each pack should only have one perk per killer:

    1) The Bisclavret: Your obsession has increased exhaustion,exposure, and broken timers applied to them (10/20/30 seconds). Once the obsession is dead a new obsession takes their place. (Bisclavret is a 12th century lay written by Marie de France about a werewolf who was betrayed by his wife).

    2) Magyar's Seething: Damaging a generator or pallet grants a 3/4/5% haste effect for 15 seconds. It is designed to pair with brutal strength,reward damaging gens, and allow the killer to recoup time spent on distractions. (Bram Stoker's Dracula was of Magyar heritage, the Huns originally had significant sway in what is today Romania).

    3) Oscillating Caw: Your terror radius decrease by 4/6/8 meters and increases back to its maximum amount by 2 meter/per second. In practice this means it's very difficult to gauge an exact terror radius' distance by the ears of skilled players. (The caw is merely a reference to crows).

    4) Sirenum Scopuli: Each time a generator is completed a token is granted. Press the activate ability to remove your red stain for 15/20/25 seconds. A token is removed. (Sirenum Scopuli were the islands the sirens were said to live on).

    5) Hex:Arcane Designs :This hex always spawns in the basement. It adds a 3/4/5% time to each generator. When survivors are working a gen they are notified with this and shown the highlight of the hex. With 80 seconds to solo a gen, the 5% stacks this up to 84 seconds. It's really only a counter to teams that spread out and individually attempt to knock gens. (the name of this hex implies that generators have been fitted with strange devices which take longer to figure out from normal machinery).

    Post edited by TransverseCaster on
  • Member Posts: 543

    If it were me? I would release a triple classic pack. A werewolf that has a demogorgon type lunge and can use a type of frenzy like Legions in order to give him mobility across the map. He would undergo a slight TR increase(8meters), gain speed, and basically gain the bloodhound perk for free(stacking on top of bloodhound if used) instead of using the targeting for feral frenzy. Obv the cooldown on this is pretty big. He'd have pretty basic stats otherwise, but a good lunge. Add ons would boost the time and cooldown of frenzy and his leaping attack range and cooldown, and an iridescent that allows him to exhaust targets in his terror radius and another iridescent that causes the broken status for 15 seconds on any injured targets in his terror radius. His music is themed with tribal drums and growling(Ulfhednar anyone?).

    The vampire would have an activated ability that let's you target a survivor within 24 meters. When targeted a bat is sent over the head of the survivor- similar to how a crow flies over the head of a survivor. It pings echoes that allows them to be targeted every few seconds. A second bat can be sent on the same target 10 seconds later to increase the ping rate for the echoes. The bats will dissipate more quickly than crows however and survivors can stop to shoe them away. A secondary ability is mistform, that allows movement over vaults and pallets at slightly reduced speed, with a split second where he must reform before he can make an attack. It's just a way of making pallets and vaults easier to negotiate in regards to time expenditure. It's not like you'd be able to mist then attack for easy hits every time. It would probably have a two second cooldown because it's intended for the longer "god" loops. He'd have a TR of about 24 meters but otherwise fairly basic stats. His addons would focus on increasing bat hang time, decreasing the bat cooldown, increasing bat launch range, an iridescent that allows him to make attacks directly out of mistform, and another iridescent that allows him to enter lockers and gain knowledge of the area within 32 meters (Resting Coffin) including who is in other lockers. His music is themed as a Gothic sound that rises to a toccata when he's very close.

    The scarecrow is the final part. He can lay down stationary scare crows that emit terror radii out to 16 meters.He can assume the shape of a stationary scare crow that drops his terror radii down to 16 meters. I hesitated on this one being a good idea because he could drop someone in a basement, put a fake scarecrow down there, and no one would know if it was him or not(well, without those equipments that let you detect killers equipment). The way to balance this is to set a timer and cooldown for this ability. His other ability let's him teleport to portals created by cracked totems. This is to encourage full totem builds and let's him not suffer if his totems get bombed too quickly. His stats are basic, including a 32 meter terror radius. Add ons give him increased terror radii to his dropped scare crows and lengthen the time he is able to stay in stationary form. An iridescent removes his terror radius altogether for 20 seconds after dropping a stationary scare crow. His music is themed on the sounds of crows and rustic instrumentation.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    I really really want a WWI soldier with a bayonet charge.

  • Member Posts: 2

    If it's a video game chapter i'll go for Clock Tower especially the Snes game.

    ScissorMan as the killer and Jennifer as the survivor and the map will be the Barrows's Mansion.

    Jennifer will probably have stealth and escape perks because in the game she never really fought while ScissorMan perks will promote continuous chases and mind games.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    Greta Thunberg!

    She kills my mood every time i see her!

  • Member Posts: 50

    A killer to stop gen rushing........

  • Member Posts: 135

    I would personally love to see the Baker family from RE7 to be in DBD. Maybe have Marge as the killer and Mia as the survivor. Would be great IMO

  • Member Posts: 4

    I would have really liked to have seen Henry Mason added with the Silent Hill Chapter but since that won't happen, I believe that there are more good and well known horror movies than horror games, with that said I'd believe Supernatural's Sam and Dean Winchester to be good survivors and have a main villain from the show, perhaps Chuck or perhaps it would be better to have no killer at all like the Ashley add-on.

  • Member Posts: 265
  • Member Posts: 2,924

    yes I am aware, didn't realise that was a thing when I made the post

  • Member Posts: 545

    If it were to be a licenced killer, it may be one of the following:

    • Xenomorph

    • Walter Sullivan

    • The Old Man (SCP-106)

    • The Keeper

    • Eugene Victor Tooms

    • Spring-heeled Jack

    • The Schizophrenia

    • The Goatman

    • Richard Trager

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