Seiji212 Member Posts: 183
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Just for funsies, cooking up a killer concept on the spot:


Special Power: Sanguis Venari-

Press and hold ability button to charge and activate Sanguis Venari. While active, the Witch gains Undetectable, slows to 100% and all survivors outside of 32m are indicated with Killer Instinct.

Keeping a survivor's Killer Instinct marker within your focus (This would be a smallish circle in the center of your screen while in SV) will charge a meter and notify her target. Once full, press the active ability button to activate Malicious Intent. Once Malicious Intent is activated, both the Witch and her target will be unable to move until a short series of soundless skill checks are completed by both the Witch and the targeted survivor. (Maybe determined by the number of totems left on the map) Pending the result the following can happen:

If the Witch succeeds more great skill checks than her target: The Survivor becomes the Catalyst. One of the Catalyst's perks are selected at random and disabled for themself and any other Survivor who shares the cursed perk. The Catalyst effect and its curse are removed upon being cleansed by any survivor who shares the curse, or by being hooked by The Witch. Cleansing will take longer the more survivors are cursed. The Witch can only have one Catalyst by default and receives an indicator of which perk is cursed with charges to show how many survivors are affected.

If the survivor succeeds more great skill checks than the Witch: One of the Witch's perks are selected at random and disabled until the Witch gains a new Catalyst or hooks the target she failed to Curse. That survivor sees the Witch's aura for 8s.

If they tie, nothing happens.

Press and hold the active ability button while within 4m of any item not held by a survivor to charge and activate Malignant Roots. The Witch can see the aura of items in unopened chests and Malign them as well. A representation of that item is spawned somewhere on the map on an altar and all items of its type are now Maligned until the altar is cleansed. Survivors holding a Maligned Item are indicated with Killer Instinct and become exposed until the altar is cleansed.


Misanthrope- You despise people of all walks of life, and seek to do them harm equally. When hooking a survivor you haven't hooked most recently, gain a charge, up to [2/3/4]. Your lunge distance is extended .5m per token. If you down the same survivor you've hooked last within 60s you lose all tokens.

You'll Regret That- You enjoy turning others' hopes against them. For every 25% that an exit gate is charged you gain [1/1.5/2] % movement speed if no survivor is holding the latch. Opened exit gates do not contribute to this.

You're Next- You hold grudges like no other. If a survivor takes a protection hit while you are carrying another, they become broken for [30/45/60]s and are indicated by Killer Instinct while within your terror radius.


Probably not very balanced lol, but I did make the attempt. It was a fun thinking exercise at least. I tried posting this on another thread but i got some message I didn't get to read before it refreshed and disappeared, so if it's a duplicate my apologies.

Post edited by Seiji212 on


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807


    Why would I want to give Survivors Endurance? And your standing still for several seconds with no chance of getting a hit, but for some reason you ALSO have to risk losing one of your perks!?

    AND her stealth aspect has a warning sign?

    What's her base stats anyways.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2020

    Her base is normal, and it's meant to be a huge risk huge reward game. Randomly having the chance to disable a meta perk that several survivors have sounds worth it if you can pull it off. And the endurance is to let the Catalyst get away if the Witch hits them to deactivate the curse for whatever reason, while being broken is to make sure they don't get healed by IS or something since the m1 action would be the cleansing. Eh, it's not perfect that's for sure. But it was fun to think up.

    Also, the warning the survivors is so that they have a chance to not let her keep them in her focus.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok but sooner or later she has to go and chase a Survivor. Once she does her power at best disabled a perk.

    But here's the thing. Since that's ALL her power really does that means that the Survivor is effectively trading a perk for a power. That's not an even trade. Especially since it's a RANDOM perk.

    And you specifically stated that if you hit the Survivor it removes the Curse. So in the off chance that you actually manage to disable a Survivors exhaustion perks before chasing them, already a luck based thing, they will just get it right back the second you move to chase them anyways, rendering what little chase potential the power has useless.

    And heck, the secondary ability you gave her with items just gives the Survivors the ability to stun you cross map.

    If you handed me this Killer in game, I would use her power as a tracking tool and a mediocre stealth tool and completely ignore the rest of the kit because it's HIGH RISK NO REWARD.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    Hmm, kind of a fair point to some extent. In the interest of fairness to survivors, i threw in the endurance, but it does render the kit almost obsolete. I'd still argue that taking out a whole swf full of sprint burst is worth it, but i think i'll remove it. thanks for reading and constructive criticism.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2020

    More than a couple of notable points actually. So maligned items now expose, period, until they drop or clean the altar, and only the survivor targeted with her power will get the notification. No endurance, and removing your catalyst is done by hooking them. Progress, at least.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    For the record. What exactly was the core concept you started building this around? Was it the perk removal thing? Was it giving the Survivors a ######### ton of high stakes skill checks? Or was it just the idea of applying some kind of curse onto Survivors?

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    It was exactly the first thing. Being able to shuffle up the too boring meta perk thing. Probably brought on by constant matches with 4 man swfs all toting DS and Spine Chill and Sprint Burst, etc. I'd honestly welcome anything that encourages survivors to put more variance in their loadouts.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok, direct perk removal won't shift the meta of using certain perks, since that would effect any perk in the same way indiscriminately.

    However if you can settle for instead just reducing reliance on perks in general then we can make it work anyways.

    So if I were designing this Killer here's what I'd do:

    1. Keep the stealth but remove the notifications. Trust me, the Survivors don't move fast enough for keeping the KI effect centered to be a meaningful challenge.

    2. Make the KI effect from 32 meters instead of 16 because 16 meter unconditional tracking is a bit silly for a Killer who's main function has nothing to do with that anyways.

    3. Looking at the KI bubble and holding M2 curses the Survivor. None of that skill check nonsense. Maybe a cooldown, but I think you are seriously overestimating the ability to disable perks.

    4. When a Survivor becomes Cursed. Straight up disable their entire kit until they go out of there way to do some kind of specific action. Maybe another Survivor needs to remove it like Freddy or maybe you just use those alters you mentioned.

    5. Ditch the weird item thing. Finding items on the ground is far too niche a scenario to incorporate into a power in any significant capacity. You either make it too weak to be relevant or too strong for her to be balanced both when it comes into play AND when it doesn't.

    If you want to keep the whole "Must hit X skill checks" thing then put that with the curse removal method. Like have it be something along the lines of "go to an alter and complete 6 super difficult skill checks back to back to remove it" or something.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2020

    I can kinda get behind all but 4. Completely removing their perks entirely is a bit oppressive, and I'd rather have a chance at taking out 4 DS or Sprint Bursts than spudding one survivor. The problem might be how easy it would be to disable it, but if 3 or 4 SBs or DSs get taken out and it takes a considerable amount of time to fix the issue that's an immense amount of pressure. Gonna chew on it a bit. She definitely needs feedback to know if multiple survivors are effected, if not getting to see exactly which perk was nixed.

    With 5 I sorta planned the use of Franklins, but that would take out a slot. I toyed with the notion of the Witch being able to detect and Malign items in chests and maybe that would work better. Yeah she needs some work but I like the core concept. Points 1 and 2 I'll change later for certain I have to admit my sense of distance in meters is pretty bad, especially since we wacky Americans most deal with the Imperial system.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Remember, Good Killers sound a bit OP on paper.

    The way it is now the perk is subject to the whims of RNG and in the best case scenario is a pseudo-Exhaustion perk.

    At least by disabling the entire kit instead of just a part of it, the power is consistently effective. And even then said effect still doesn't stop the Survivor from looping you normally or completing gens like nothing happened.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    I totally understand your point, but my whole concept is killing specific perks, rng or no. Well, to be extra specific, her concept is based upon screwing with coordinated teams by poking holes in their plans. These swat swfs, IMO, succeed because they all run with strategic perks and items to achieve their goal. The Witch, a deeply resentful and petty killer, is meant to at least sway those plans. Which was sort of the thought behind most of her perks. But, yeah, for my first killer idea she's not so great lol. I'll put some work into her later just for the funsies.