Deathbound is unbelivably fun, and for both sides!

I think I have fallen in love with deathbound
As killer it gives you a ton of information, its basically as if the devs mashed Nurses, Whispers and Infectious fright into this beauty of a perk. It will work wonders on killers like legion, oni and billy.
As survivor it adds a ton of tension to the game, I got jumpscared by PH a few times because I could not hear his terror radius, which really adds up to the atmosphere of the game.
I hope they keep doing perks like these in the future, forced penance and trail of torment are not the best but Deathbound fully redeems PHs base perks.
Honestly I love the perk, and it really changes the play style for the survivors. It just makes them stick together.
And i’ve been jumpscared so many times by it.
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I wouldn't discount Forced Penance just yet, with the doubling of duration.
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Unfair. Nemesis has become a staple on many insta down killers, most notably Cannibal. Blood Echo is also seeing use on many killers. I haven’t played Deathslinger yet but I see streamers constantly testing out Retribution.
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I really like retribution. Havent used new perks yet.
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Im heavily heavily looking foward to running on my oni - Deathbound, infectious fright, discordance and either pop goes the weasel, trails of torment, sloppy/coulrophobia or tinkerer soon enough.
lil bit of anti heal there, lil bit of snow ball here, lil bit of info there, and op pop in a stealth, a regression, an anti heal perk or bbq in the 4th slot for added madness.
plus just pariing it with nurses on stealth/non stealh killers is going to be so fun. sneaking on everybody healing, or catching people off guard afterwards. really love this perk. also love trail of torment, even with its god awful cooldown. v funsos.
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That perk is literal garbage
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Dead Man's Switch is also pretty good with Nemesis and Thrilling Tremors.
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Deathbound and infectious fright is anti-synergy.
The combo makes the healer immune to IF for the duration.
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I've played against this perk several times now, and yeah it's pretty cool. This is the first perk I've seen properly utilize the Oblivious status effect, since other instances of Oblivious either don't last long enough or are given when you'd know where the Killer is anyways. Since this perk has neither problem it's very disorienting to play against.
Pyramid Head probably isn't the most threatening Killer to have this perk tho, since he's loud. So I'm looking forward to seeing it on other Killers.
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Think of it with sloppy too, and i know how you like coulahoweveryouspellit.
Then thanta is also an obvious choice. Znd since it works with special abilities it has tge potential to wreck on legion.
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Yeah deathbound is definitely the best of PH's abilities. Forced Pennance is literally useless and Trail of Torment is just "Oh he's over there at that gen".
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The buff actually made Forced Pennance a real perk.
It's certainly nothing amazing. But it went from totally useless to a bit weak.
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I've got some good use out of it, especially now protection hits are given out more generously so a survivor that just ran by an injured teammate gets broken as well
Also could be perk number 4 for the iron grasp/agitation/mad grit build