Pyramid Head is a C-tier killer. Change my mind.



    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    If they were to reduce the cooldown after ROJ, he would definitely be stronger. Hopefully they do in the future. Even a second less of a cooldown would be huge for him.

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    What do you mean Monster builds? Most killer perks are D tier and many of them are used with all killers like Ruin+ surveillance+ BBQ, sloppy, thana and Nurses. Thats all killers have and anything else is trash.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 945

    depends on how you play

    i play him like demogorgon just faking the ranged attack for free hits or using them on garnatied pallet or windows, whilst i get them all tormented but i never cage i just hook them like normal but as soon as they have been saved from struggle i can just ignore the rescuer and just straight up kill the rescued survivor

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    It's a good strat. But they should design killers with powers fun to use, not killers whose most effective strat is not to use the power. Same thing is happening with PH.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    That's pretty much how he is supposed to be played in my opinion.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    First impressions:

    • He needs at least two gen perks to make up for his lack of map pressure and mobility
    • Getting his Adept sucks (got it on the third try, but it was not a fun experience)
    • Trail of Torment needs a much shorter cooldown like right now (this perk has so much potential)
    • Using his power didn't feel good. It felt clunky to me.
    • Punishment of the Damned is way too punishing for what it does. It either needs to be strong enough to warrant that punishment or the punishment for missing it shouldn't be so severe.
    • The range add-ons need buffs. The base range is eight meters. The yellow add-on gives you an extra meter and the green one gives you an extra meter and a half. When you combine them, you have a range of 10.5 meters, which is barely longer than Doctor's base shock.
    • Is there a consistent way to Torment Survivors? It seems like it's really hard to get them Tormented. Do you just leave your trail anywhere or wait until you know they can't crouch to avoid it?
  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Why does anyone need to change your mind lol

    Never understand these posts. If you don't like him or don't think he's good then just use what works for you.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    The Green + Yellow range addons needs to be his default range. This killer is terrible without range addons. With range addons, he is fairly good imo.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    Been playing with PH quite a lot and I don't think people are giving him enough credit. It's similar with the hag- if you aren't using their kit to the best of your ability then they seem lack luster. But if you are, well that changes things. Most of people's issues with POD is what happens when you miss. If you put the same amount of time in to master it, similar to the Nurse's blink or Huntress' hatchets, then you become a beast of another nature. PH has arguably one of the strongest zoning kits in the game, the lack of cooldown from fake POD to M1 is no joke and catches even god loopers off guard fairly often. His trails leave something to be desired, but with attention to detail and the routes survivors take blind, it's free tracking and map pressure. Unless you are mindlessly sending people to cages, which is actually detrimental, having tormented survivors amounts to map pressure IMO. Good survivors will become a bit more timid if you don't give them the option to remove both their mini mori on death hook and the surprisingly helpful barbed wire trails that help you track them.

    TLDR; PH is low tiered based off of people's capacity and ability to play him efficiently. Given time, I think people will come to respect him quite a bit once more players put the time in- he hasn't been out that long. In the hands of the right player, PH can easily be A tier.