๐Making changes here as killers. Nobody is happy with the current state of Lisa (because she isn't even done properly), so... I mean, it would be a total shame if we all together brought up mories against people who play as Lisa or simply camped them as Bubbas to make devs listen to us.
Just saying.
Edit: every other survivor must escape, Lisa players should see the issue in themselves.
Edit 2: Y'all miss the point. Of course she's expensive af, that's understandable, but for this price you only get a model, no unique voice, no lore, name in the lobby, N O T H I N G.
Interesting way to get a point across. Not sure how I feel. But, eat the rich?
19 -
I feel everything will be to people "standard" when the game receive a graphic overhaul.
4 -
Or people won't realize they're being targeted and that the killers are just being toxic. You'd have to 100% leave non-Lisa players alone for anyone to pick up on what's happening.
18 -
Another immature thread.
There are other ways of providing feedback on someone you didn't like. It's really simple really.
50 -
It's not about graphics, she doesn't have a separate voice, lore, in-game identification. She costs like 3 characters but she's not even slightly worth it.
14 -
So because you're mad that a character you don't like got put in the game you're gonna relentlessly tunnel and camp them? Literally hope you get banned lol
32 -
Because she's a skin not a new character.
They never promised lore/separate character treatment they said day 1 she will be a skin.
22 -
No! ๐
4 -
Oh I thought you were referring to the character model. Yeah, I'm surprise they didn't add a separate voice especially after receiving the feedback on Susie and Joey.
5 -
A skin can't be a fully functioning separate character for this much money?
4 -
Remember, you can't get banned for tunneling or camping.
1 -
Its a $15 skin It's barely more than the skins we have had for years.
5 -
Hey that's my pic lol glad to see you love it lol BTW I'm on ps4 so feel free to bring those moris I loves them ๐ท๐
2 -
It's the price for 3 characters, what do you mean no? You can't give it at least a new voice?
7 -
The Legion skins have been around for ages they didn't get unique voices. They were the price of 2 characters.
This standard was already set maybe if it was $20-$30
1 -
Just also saying this glorious moment would of been possible unless I bought that skin and the Micheal has nurse issues and brought in a mori for me.. so yeah and I captured it in a screen shot which I have on my ps4.. Worth every penny!
3 -
The Legion is free, iri shards.
Lisa is not so free as you can see.
Also, 20-30 dollars for a skin with a separate voice is a reasonable price for you? I'm bringing a plate with a fork for this one right here! ๐คฉ Anyone else joining me?
6 -
You do realize that this skin was made outside the original contract right? So they'd pretty much have to charge that much.
5 -
Lisa..... Lisa.... wait. I'm confused. We talking about Legion? All these comments are getting me so confused.
1 -
Ah, now I see why my teammates and killers have been muppets towards me today. I literally bought the skin as soon as it came out and although I agree she isn't done properly it's really immature and lame to tunnel and mori someone because of a cosmetic they bought.
7 -
You know rather than tunneling Lisas, perhaps just advocate for people to boycott the skin? People tunnel P3/Brown cosmetic Claudettes and guess what's still in the game? Blendette is. They aren't going to remove/change it if they're making money, and the people you tunnel have already bought it, they made the money ez pz.
Now, on the actual topic of the skin itself, I'm fine with it, not happy, not angry. Would it be more worth it if it had a unique voice? Possibly unless they gave it an annoying voice like Cheryl's current. But lore is a silly thing to expect or even want, the skin is a noncharacter, it's a SKIN not a character.
And charging around like fifteen dollars for a LEGENDARY SKIN isn't all that shocking, it's legendary after all. To be honest the skins are overpriced already, you can get 2 characters for the price of most skins, not to mention the rift which has a plethora of cosmetics and charms. Has it stopped me from buying them? No. It's just a cool little addition. Don't like it? Don't believe it's a just price? Don't buy it.
6 -
Ignore my last comment. I just saw the Collection Trailer. Now I know what u guys are talking about.
1 -
Oh, you support it?..
2 -
Now instead of tunneling Claudette mains Lisa mains are the newest target๐Claudette mains can rejoice ๐.
7 -
I want to buy it. But the price is too high to match the quality. And you KNOW it's unreasonably high. It's too high to say "you just complain about expensive stuff"! Any questions?
5 -
It's five dollars higher than a basic skin...
It's barely any higher than a normal skin. As I said it isn't that shocking that a LEGENDARY, and I stress legendary, the term used to describe most things in games that are high price for little gain is 15 dollars. I say it again, if the price is too high, don't buy it. Money talks more than petty tunneling of the skin.
7 -
Forget Lisa. I want a Bubble-Head Nurse custom for...well, Nurse I guess.
4 -
You literally justify this type of thing because it has "legendary" title. Bruh.
3 -
You ignore literally everything else I say and focus on one point to nail down on instead of seeing the big picture. Bruh.
I'd also like to add that I never said it being legendary was justification for its price tag, but read it that way if it fits your narrative.
4 -
And the best legendary skin award goes to,Lis..oh wait,no,it's not Lisa Garland,It's Chery Mason doing a cosplay of her
3 -
Pfffffffffsh, you act like us Bunny Feng's aren't already use to this.
3 -
Big picture. The skin costs higher than any DLC, it costs higher than 2 separate survivors/killers with different perk, other cosmetics, voices and lore. It nearly costs like 3 characters. All we want from this skin is it being seen as a different character by the game. Meaning for it to change the character's name in a lobby. We want another voice for Lisa because Cheryl's voice does not suit her. Lore info-page would be neat. We want this because the price is at the point where it's just a spit into a face to ignore such minor things about a cosmetic that costs this much. Stop using the argument that it's a cosmetic. It's an expensive cosmetic that needs to match it's price functionally. Different character models were introduced for the Legion that is free. Putting more afford into Lisa was needed because the Legion had less "rare" cosmetics and she has the most expensive cosmetic. But we only have another CHAINED model. You hear me? CHAINED. You can't buy one piece and be happy, nope. Pay all for just a model.
This policy is not fine. If you're fine with it, it doesn't mean others are okay with it. Especially the ones who were hyped for Lisa.
3 -
But there are much less Lisa players, so it will be much easier to... Cure them.
0 -
Alright still ignore what I said.
1. Never once did I say everyone had to be okay with it, what I did say was that you shouldn't have expected anything else. And you said the policy is not fine, to which I say, If you're not fine with it, it doesn't mean others aren't okay with it.
2. The Legion argument is heavily flawed. Legion is an original character created by Behaviour, and Behaviour only. They aren't from a popular horror franchise that the license had to be bought to add. There are rules and stipulations to these things. We do not know what goes on behind the scenes, so you can't fully pin the blame on Behaviour.
3. Most of every single other skins are the cost of two characters, you still shouldn't be shocked they slightly upped the price.
4. I even said another voice would be better.
5. I won't stop using the argument of it being a cosmetic, because that's what it is. They said it's a cosmetic like any other besides the lock of wearing every single piece, so of course I will say it's just a cosmetic.
Arguably no other cosmetic matches it's functionality, aside from brown Adam and Claudette cosemetics. All they add is "ooh look, pretty, I spent money".
4 -
It's not the skin, it's just the players today and probably for next week because new DLC. I had same with no Lisa's in the lobby.
0 -
Why to play as Lisa anyway? Cheryl is the protagonist of the game.
0 -
I think this post confirms that DBD has the most sad, pathetic gaming community I've ever come across.
13 -
I thought this was about Hag...
3 -
Yay!!! Let's ruin the game for someone just because they like a character. Seriously lisa's fine.
12 -
Killers are all about getting "revenge" on survivors. Genuinely childish, and annoying.
4 -
I was playing with a Lisa earlier. She was very poor by the way.
1 -
Don't give us killer mains a bad name please, let them use whatever character they want unless a p3 blendette, those deserve a mori but let them use whatever they want.......
7 -
Loool you know it's not mandatory to buy right? Like you do see that yeah? And like maybe you don't realise but ummmmm it doesn't come with any unique perks or abilities so it it's not even like you use that as an excuse, it's just a skin dude hahaha ๐๐
Like if you dont like it because it's nota new character, maybe call for boycotting of purchasing the skin so the devs can actually see in figures that they are missing out and address it rather than being childish and waste your time griefing people who can actual tell the difference when an skin and a new character are announced thinking you're making some huge differnence ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
4 -
Their explanation of legendary cosmetics was that they would be a different character.
2 -
If your idea goes through, would BHVR would rather change:
- the most expensive skin in the game;
- or moris because you're hurting their cash cow by targeting their best customers?
I wonder MonkaHmm...
1 -
Yeah, itโs just a shame that itโs never listened to though huh?
1 -
If you don't like the skin for whatever reason you can. 1. Not buy the skin. 2. Provide feedback in a meaningful way rather than targeting random people because they liked the skin. Such an immature way of trying to get a point across.
3 -
its funny how everyone is saying that is just Cheryl cosplaying as her, When you can say the same about some of the killers.
you think Micheal just wants to stare at people and throw them on meat hooks?
you think Leatherface would enjoy standing in a basement for most of his life?
you think Freddy would rather be the remake version of himself?
its a skin. And not even a good one at that, so why bother complaining about it?
1 -
And Lisa is a different character but just the skin of one. The current implementation makes perfect sense.
2 -
Both are good tbh, don't like ebony Moris in their current state.