Anyone else hate Pyramid Head?

Avarice Member Posts: 65
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Like not hate playing against, but playing as him playing as him. I bought him because I thought he looked fun, and I wasn't able to try him on the ptb. GOD he really is just the most boring killer. His power doesn't have any oomph to it. it's like WOW! I can leave an easily avoidable trail and wow I can fire off an attack that goes through walls that is just as avoidable as my trail. The only times you get to actually utilize his power is when survivors wander into a place that they don't have the range of movement to dodge, which is rare. His cages are boring, lackluster and most of the time survivors get sent to precisely where you don't want them to go. From a fun standpoint, playing him feels like waiting in line at the DMV only to find out when you reach the front of the que you're missing one of the four required documents. There is no flash to his power, and there aren't great benefits to his power. He plays like an m1 killer whose power is a hindrance more than anything.


  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,547

    There are definitely games as him where I feel like I would’ve been better off playing like a Trapper back in the “traps could be permanently sabotaged” days...but then I also have games where I’ve got one person in a cage, one on a hook, and I just managed a completely blind wall shot for a down by mentally picturing where they’d have to be if they’d been moving to get distance the whole time. It’s a work in progress to be sure, but I think it’s on me rather than him. I personally find him fun, even if I’m in one of the “I’d be better off M1 only” games, because it’s still very much a learning experience.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    I've had some really good games with him but i've also had a fair share where his power was just void and spent the entire game as M1. Huge open maps seem to be awful for him since you can just see the trail and easily avoid it.

    I also really dislike that you can't place trails near gens, yet you can if you play trapper, demo, hag, freddy etc. His power is also too easy to avoid with a horrible fatigue time before you can move.use again.