Lisa Garland.

I’m pretty sure they missed out her earring that was very visible to see in Silent Hill.
And Symbolically it shows she’s different and not like the other monsters. I just feel like it’s an iconic thing they forgot.
As you can see it’s on her right ear.
As you can see it’s not there. :(
Is there a reason it’s not there or did they just forget?
Seems like they forgot a few things her voice for example and her name.
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Her name is on the outfit same as Alessa. She's still just a skin.
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As far as I remember they said she’s supposed to be a different character who just shares the same perks and progress.
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Yes but its 15 dollars for a skin and the devs said you become that character just not with their own perks they just needed to have it say lisa when you played with the skin and gave her her own voice for something double the price of the dlc itself.
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Gotta say I never even noticed the earring when I played Silent Hill 1 like 2 weeks ago. That is certainly an odd thing for the devs to miss out on when you see the attention to detail they put in the map and whatnot.