Chase music (pyramid head)

Realized that in the Ptb the chase music was different from the live version now. And to be honest the Ptb version sounded creepier and better. Why was it changed?
Well, rigth now for the survivors PoV listening to this chase music is a torment in itself.
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Yeah just curious for any mods or devs out there. Wondering why it was changed
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Yeah, the old one felt like actual foreboding music. And it sounded great. The new one is just random loud noise like Doctor's. It's not even silent hill style loud noise, it's just random loud noises. Don't know why it was changed.
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any dev know why?
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As I commented on a different post, yes, I agree that the PTB music was far better.
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@Peanits @not_Queen @Almo Can we bring back the old chase music from PTB for Pyramid Head? 😈
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I really can't tell from the terror radius if I'm going against Deathslinger or Pyramid Head. Not sure if it's just me. Didn't try the PTB, but just listened to it, it's way better.
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I have the same exact problem hahah they sound a lot alike. I also can never tell the difference between Oni and Doctor when they're farther away.
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Asked the same question but didn't get an answer