lobby times

I don't know if its just me, but for some reason lobby times are taking ridiculously long amounts of time. even before the chapter was released, i'd often wait 8 or 10 minutes for a 5 minute match as killer.
Anyone else getting this?
Before DLC it depended on time of day. Survivor was quick in morning/afternoon and Killer was at most 10 minutes, at night it switched. Since DLC came out I haven't played Killer yet but Survivor has been consistently quick, I think it's because everyone is trying out Pyramid Head.
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It's normal when a new killer comes out. Give it a few days and it'll go away.
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even prior to the release of the chapter i was getting 10 minute queues for killer tho
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good point, might just be playing during the down periods
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yeah ive noticed this too..and for the last week aswell (prior to dlc drop)
sometimes it can be quick but most ofton Qtimes seem longer regardless of the time
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Im noticing it now even with the new challengues it goes ridiculously slow purple rank both sides
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go between ranks 1 and 2