The recent controversy of Lisa Garland has sparked a lot of outbursts in the community, myself included. For a price of 1485 AC ($17.70 AUD) the team should be using a different voice actor and movement for the character. This was most likely a skin just to test the waters with the community but I believe that if this is a main concept for each other character moving forward in the new chapters they need to change this.

On a side note, the developers need to change the new skins that came out and make them customizable with other skins. The fact that you will have the same few people that play legion, pyramid head and Cheryl running around with the same skins may have an affect on player enjoyment when playing those characters.

Would love to hear your thoughts



  • BraveClem
    BraveClem Member Posts: 333

    It's true,for that high price they should give a more complete product,not just two animations and a different model for Lisa,Some of us don't want Clones, Lol.

    even Alessa deserves a new voice but that's debatable,and the Heather/Cheryl Cosmetics should be changeable.

  • Wubalubadubdub03
    Wubalubadubdub03 Member Posts: 141

    I doubt they would or could fix Lisa, so I think they should make her very rare, 1080 auric cells, and refund people the 405 auric cells. The sets feature has not been well received and should probably be removed.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    I actually expected such a price and no completely new voice... however I hope in the future they may change the voice to a more fitting one borrowed by the existing roster OR just add the legendary to the already more fitting voice char independent of licensed

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,198

    I think they could fix at minimum the voice and the name in the lobby as they do the voice acting themselves almost every time.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    Why buy skins in the first place? They don't improve any aspect of your character, apart from your appearance. Waste of money imo

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I haven't bought her.

    I have the community to thank for warning me beforehand.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    They cant, Konami would go completely nuts if they did

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    If they find most of their player base won't buy it, it would make sense for them to reduce it. It is high, and I've not purchased it, but in the end it's about how people want to spend their money and how much joy they feel they receive upon collecting such items. Maybe once the dust has settled and BHVR total up how many were purchased they may reconsider.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    What you people need to understand is that it doesn't matter if they don't change her voice and name. YOU'RE PLAYING AS LISA GARLAND. And for the love of God stop complaining if you're not even gonna buy her.

  • kylerabdcgamer10
    kylerabdcgamer10 Member Posts: 279

    omg some of you people are idiots..."LEGENDARY" SKINS ARE MEANT TO BE A DIFFERENT CHARACTER, "LISA" and "HEATHER" are NOT the same character it would make literally no sense to mix two characters together they are meant to be separate, I agree with the other HEATHER outfits though you should be able to mix and match those two

  • kylerabdcgamer10
    kylerabdcgamer10 Member Posts: 279

    and it isn't all "KoNaMi's" doing you fool its a deal between both, behavior got the rights and wanted to be as faithful as possible to the Silent Hill series by making an extremely accurate map and including four characters from the series so far, FOUR. you do realize that don't you? they just made a way to have more characters without having to worry about extra slots and perks, this means with every new and old chapter we could get more licensed and non licensed characters.

  • Wubalubadubdub03
    Wubalubadubdub03 Member Posts: 141

    I agree that Lisa should remain seperate, I meant that all the other sets should be removed. And because Lisa is essentially just a skin for heather (because she quite literally is a skin you buy for heather and has the same voice) she should not have legendary status or legendary price.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    No way I'm buying Legendary skins if they're anything over $12 at most. I really love Lisa, but no matter how beloved the character is, you can't persuade me with that price. Even $10 is asking a lot for a cosmetic. And yeah, the problems show. It's gonna be a crying shame if the price never changes, and the problems are never fixed, because Legendary skins open a lot of potential that's gonna be lost.

  • kylerabdcgamer10
    kylerabdcgamer10 Member Posts: 279

    the whole voice thing is most likely temporary dude, doing stuff like adding a new voice to a character skin is harder then you and others probably think, they most likely are trying to find a way to make it so Heather's voice lines and Lisa's don't get switched sometimes much like legion. they are probably still trying to get a voice actor that fits the role, also another thing to consider is, is that they are all still working from home

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Just let Lisa get P3 graphic and I'm happy

  • Wubalubadubdub03
    Wubalubadubdub03 Member Posts: 141

    Honestly it is my fault for not realizing BHVR might release an incomplete product that they would fix later. If that truly is the case they should have held off on releasing Lisa.

  • kylerabdcgamer10
    kylerabdcgamer10 Member Posts: 279

    Its not really incomplete dude its a skin, the only thing left is for a voice actor and AGAIN theses things are harder than you guys think especially when working from home

  • Wubalubadubdub03
    Wubalubadubdub03 Member Posts: 141

    If it doesn't have the voice it is incomplete, and if it is incomplete they should have waited to release the skin.

  • Taiga
    Taiga Member Posts: 368

    That would be so cool. They could have added a P3 for Lisa when you unlocked P3 as Cheryl and bought the Lisa skin.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    It is understandable why Lisa is a set that can only be wearing as one-piece. It is completely different character. But they also added some sets that are unreasonably chained. PH outfit, Cheril's alternative outfits, even Legion Bunny outfits. They could be released as usual skins with 3 separate parts. There is absolutely no reason to chain this outfits.

    We already have seen how devs made mistakes with cosmetics release options. First we got cosmetics as DLC, then we got some old pieces in steam inventory. So I hope this chained bs will not be released without good reason after that. I hope it will be abandoned as other unsuccessful attempts.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    No skin has ever had separate voices they just change the look of a character so its not incomplete as a different voice was never mentioned. Its just not what one wished it to be.

    Thats not to say they won't be thinking about making changes after the feedback but that may not be possible to do quickly as it would have to be part of the original deal made with Konami. This would mean asking them for permission since any changes to licensed dlc or cosmetics need to be agreed upon in the contract by both parties.