Another mid to low tier killer?

helix43 Member Posts: 180

So I've been out of the loop and haven't really played this game much since the releaseof the last killer, but I decided to come and give ph a go. I'm about 7 games in am I correct in assuming we've got another demo/deathslinger situation again? I feel like he has no map pressure at all and by the time I've built up and type of momentum the last gen is about to pop. Would like some input from people who play bothsides equally about him, so I don't end up wasting time and blood points like I did with deathslinger.


  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Just as Dabihwow said is to early to tell, it only been 2 days people need to find out optimal play and the perks that best suit him.

    I dont think that his top tier either but i definitely think his not Deathslinger tier either, he has a very complex kit to decide where he belongs just yet.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822
    edited June 2020

    If you're talking about strength, this is straight up not true. If you're talking about fun level in matches against him, I couldn't agree more. There's basically no counterplay to his chain because he can straight up quickscope. Injured survivors can drop pallets early to prevent being downed, but healthy survivors still get deep wounded when they break free, so there's nothing they can really do about it in most situations. You can't dodge the shot if the killer has half a brain because there need be no warning that it's coming. It's just a more or less free deep wounds. With M&A he can even deep wound healthy survivors from outside his terror radius. What a fun killer.

    In terms of strength he's pretty mid-tier tbh. Like trapper his strength varies hugely map to map, though. On open maps that still allow for stealth, like Coldwind, he's really strong. On congested maps with lots of obstacles, like Lery's, he's trash.

    Edit: I'm an idiot. I read "Deathslinger / demo" in the post and I brain farted and thought we were talking about Deathslinger. I don't think PH is one of the worst killers in the game per se, but I do agree he's mid to low tier. I do think his cage ability is underrated as a time saver. You might get bad luck and have the cage spawn across the map right next to a survivor, but regardless you're saving all of the time and risk of having to pick up a downed survivor and putting a quick hook on the board. There's no DS to worry about there, no Saboteur, no body-blocking, no party starter saves, etc. His "fast mori" for tormented survivors on death hook is great too. Rather than having to go through the normal mori animation or pick up the person and walk them to a hook he can just remove them from the game in a couple of seconds. It's great.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    If you think Deathlinger is a mid-tier killer, this would explain why you think Triangelface would be Mid-tier too.

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

    That's right, he's correct. Deathslinger is mid tier. Did you expect deathslinger to be better than huntress or oni at least?

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180

    Sorry, but he is. He is a weaker version of huntress. Not to mention his needle thin hit box can easily be dodge and countered by body blocking and dropping pallets.

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180

    Thanks for the input guys. Looks like I'm gonna skip another killer. Back to division 2 I guess.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180
    edited June 2020

    Are you actually going to supply points to support that claim, or are just going to keep regurgitating that sentence?

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

    Do you know why Deathslinger is far away from being a mid-tier killer?

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    I think pyramid head is decent killer

    The sensitivity change is something that annoys me bit that is not big when you are mastering him.

    I would say high b tier. Or low A

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Hes a decent killer, just wait. Once some big shot content creator finds a good build for him, all the "pRiMaD hEad wEak buFF PLzzz" threads will be gone. And all the Pyramid Head player's will be running that build and get 4K's every match.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I've seen some pretty good players with him too. I do think he is quite good tbh.

  • Broccoli_Jaeger
    Broccoli_Jaeger Member Posts: 252

    Pyramid head is good in chases but he does lack map pressure. By the time the snowball effect starts to kick in 3 to 4 gens have been repaired.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Please don't listen. To them, PH is hella fun to at as and he's DEFINITELY not trash marky words. If you feel like DD is trash though, I don't know what to tell you, he's mid at least