2020 cosmetic contest launch date

So I know that the two contest winners were revealed during the 4 year anniversary stream (Legion and Claudette skins) and was just wondering when we think they'll go live? Also, is anyone happy with the designs? The legion skin is cool, but as a non legion player... looking forward to the Caludette outfit though since she has so few good cosemtics
Same, I wanna know when I can play as my epic stabby boi
EDIT: Epic stabby boi WITH a cool skin
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As far as I'm aware, the community design-your-own-cosmetic-contest (which will probably be a yearly thing) are going to first go into the free track of the rift before releasing on the store. This gives as many people as possible the opportunity to earn them for free, and basically for the community to share it's own ideas (artists and the like) with as much of the rest of the community as much as possible.
So I would guess you'll have to wait for Tome 4 to get that one, there are some 20 days left in this rift, and there's a few weeks before the next rift releases which I think that drops at the same time the Mid-Chapter Patch does.
So there's your timeline right there (if I'm not mistaken)