I'm new around the fire

Hi everyone, i'm so glad to be here, My name is Francesco, From italy, but i'll keep using the english version of the community because my region is pretty empty.
I'm brand new both on the forum and the game.
First things first, i became interested in DbD a couple of years ago, but unfortunately i don't have any console, or a computer (hell, i don't even have an internet connection), so i Stick on the net watching Gameplay videos and so on. I was an avid gamer in my teens, and a survival horror fanatic (the last update of DbD includes my all time favorite horror game serie and especially the killer), so i was extremely pleased when i found out BHVR was gonna release a mobile version of the game in my country too.
Honestly, i did expect some poor mobile game port like, who knows, action games being turned into gacha turn based RPGs, or stuff like that, ya know... But it was still worth it to give it a try, right?
Well you really cannot imagine my surprise when i found out that the mobile version is like the whole DbD experience, carefully crafted to work on handheld devices! Yeah, i know we have some little differences, like many less audio clues and more visual ones (Like heartbeat, red arrows indicating where the sound is coming from etc etc...), Like an "auto target" for killers etc etc... But hey, i can finally play! And all the killers and Survivors are available through in game currency (yeah it requires grinding but whatever). Also, mobile version is rather late about contents, we have less killers and Survivors, no S.H. Update for us yet.
Well, i'm just happy and wanted to share my happiness with you. Off course i'm a pure Noob, both as a killer and a Survivor, i barely understand some of the things you say in the threads (E.G. wth is tunneling?) But i hope i can get to learn a lot from you guys.
Tunneling is a survivor term for wgen a killer downs a survivor that was just unhooked.
What it actually is, is when a killer solo focuses on a survivor to the detriment of everything else.
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Buonasera, Fran1994.
"Tunneling" is a survivor term for when a killer chases a survivor "too soon" after he or she was unhooked. "Too soon" is completely independent of the actual passage of time and depends solely on the perception of the survivor. They could be fully healed and spend 5 minutes alone and still accuse you of "tunneling".
I would honestly ignore anything survivors and killers say about the way you play. If you're not cheating/exploiting/hacking/whatever, you're not doing anything wrong. You might be playing in a way that is inefficient, but that's something you'll learn by playing.
Buona fortuna and see you in the Fog.
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@starkiller1286 now i see. Well i guess is still a stragegy. Maybe a poor One, because if you hook one survivor and then another one goes to the rescue, you are actually preventing 2 survivors from repairing generators, so the enemy team is actually 50% less efficient, and you could use that time to damage gens or try to find other survivors. If you tunnel, then you are wasting time... That survivor will eventually get unhooked, but his life span will be diminished so you will be almost guaranteed a free kill on the next hook. When i play survivor, i always equip the perk that allows me to see if the killer is nearby an hooked companion, so i know if i can try to rescue or do gens. (Or, if i feel bold, go acting as a diversion).
I think tunneling is not an efficient way of playing. And i Thought that was called camping ahaha
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@Orion thanks Orion. Well, in many games there will always be that ragey player who always try to trigger you telling you "this is not the way you should play!" And well, i guess i'm lucky mobile version has no chat feature yet. So well, that's also a shame i guess, because i would really like to ask some people how do they pull all the tricks i see them do against me (if on other team) but well, i guess i'm saving myself lots of insults for my poor performances ahahah.