7.1 surroundsound headphones = amazing
Just started playing not too long ago. I always seemed to lose a survivor after injuring them and a short chase. I would get frustrated because I knew they were literally right in front of me and I couldn't find them because I couldn't hear them. Saw all of the posts saying audio was broken and said "oh well".
Just got a nice cheap set of 7.1 surroundsound headphones ($20 used on amazon) OMG. There you are! I hear you breathing and groaning in pain!
I can hear crackle of the sparks on the loading screen, I can hear the rain falling in the lobby and Mr. Shakey in his cage! Oh, and is that someone working on a generator a few meters to my left? Oh! And I heard some crows in the distance to my right!
I literally never heard these sounds before with regular headphones or my tv surround sound system at ear shattering levels.
It is game changing!
Now if only the volume on chase music, screams, and explosions, could de decreased just a tiny bit, cause my poor ears!
I have a bit of hearing damage, but if everyone could already hear those sounds with volume at a reasonable level I guess my hearing is worse than I thought!