Survivors trolling each other

Hey pals. I play only on mobile so i'm not sure if this issue affects console and pc gamers too but..
I was in hospital memorial something... Playing as Nea against a Nurse. Lucky me that nurse was a newbie because she NEVER successfully blink anywhere in the whole game, and since nurse move speed is low as some players IQ, i easily dodged every single darn hit. Lucky me uh? Anyway, here comes the fun stuff. We power up 5 gens, and meanwhile 2 of my partners get hooked, so i decide to go to rescue them, while other one standing look for the door.
I go all stealthy and stuff, i'm as silent as a ninja, and stuff etc etc, and thanks to my perk revealing survivor aura when hooked i easily get one off, then it's time for the second, and that darn nurse is face camping him. I go for it, doors get Powered, i unhook and nurse successfully score a free hit on me.
Gotta go fast, time to run because she tries to blink to keep the pace (got an adrenaline rush IRL, it was so funny) when i finally see the exit, and fellow rescued survivor waiting for me, i stop just behind the doors bc they are BLOCKING MY WAY! When i try to go around them, with nursey approaching, they HEAL ME. AND I STOP. AND NO MATTER WHAT I DO I CANT STOP HEALING ANIMATION!!!!!!! I repeat, i'm on mobile, so maybe console gamers can stop when one is healing you.
You can figure the rest, do you? They keep healing till nursey comes and down me! But then, She starts chasing the others... And i cowardly crawl till the escape..
I escaped. Does it count?
Anyway, why the hell would they do this to me? What's in your mind survivors?? I played good. I did gens, i distracted killer, i vaulted, every pallet i did use was a sure stun, every survivor on the hook was rescued by me, i also equip a useful team based perk... Why Punishing me like that?