Rift Tiers Too Difficult?

Danu Member Posts: 281

Anyone else finding it very difficult to get tiers in the rift?

I've found it difficult from the very start but i mostly put it down to being very occupied with college and work and not having much time to work to it. Now though I have neither and even though I've been playing so much more than usual (at the very very least an hour every day like teh devs recommend) it still take way too long to get tiers, especially when you're out of challenges.

I really wanted to get the rift pass this time as well but I can only really justify it if I make it to the end and honestly I don't know whether I can do that now


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I think it's pretty normal.

    I'm keeping pace with my other rifts 🤷‍♂️

    Meaning, adding my lvl with the days left => 70

  • omegalul
    omegalul Member Posts: 47

    I completet the rift in 14 or 15 days, i startet playing DBD again as the 3rd lvl was released. So i could do a lot of missions and grind the levels pretty quickly.

  • Grobovshick
    Grobovshick Member Posts: 19

    I don't agree with you. You may to reach the 70th level without hard tasks. So if you play the game, you'll get your prizes.

  • Cabbage
    Cabbage Member Posts: 349

    This rift was the fastest one for me personally, I found the challenges way easier.

    1st Rift - 66 Days to Complete

    2nd Rift - 40 Days to Complete

    3rd Rift - 20 Days to Complete

    I haven’t bought any tiers this is strictly through playtime alone. The challenges are getting easier and less frustrating, but take more games to achieve them. Because I play so much I feel like more tiers should be added, but I get that not everyone has time to play and so it would be unfair.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If you want to grind through it will take alot of play time. 1 tier takes 8,000 xp. Which is 15 to 16 games on the average. Assuming 15 minutes a game that's 4 hours a day. Now this is not counting the tiers that you get through the challenges. But it's still a big grind.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    This is my first time doing an every prize rift and this is also the most difficult one that I've played. I guess it's a sign to stick to the sporadic rift prizes I'd normally get.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    You have to play ALOT to finish the rift, even if you can get all of the challenges. I for one know I will never finish it since I only have an hour or two a day to play DBD.

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    I think queue times make big difference with this as well. I get that because we got a new chapter queue times are fast right now but generally they can be so slow that it adds so much more time. It definitely is a big grind for someone who doesnt play hours upon hours a day and honestly the grind is so much that it makes it sometimes bot worth even getting the paid rift since a lot of the rewards are underwhelming imo

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    I actually disagree with you @Grobovshick , @Cius has a very fair point with the challenges. A lot of the challenges are hook x different survivors, chase x different survivors, finish repairing x generators so they automatically require more games than some other challenges. They aren't necessarily hard, just more time consuming.

    I play the game every single day for around 2 hours on average and I'm still finding that I'm somehow slipping behind on tiers. That being said I don't think tiers should just be handed to you but when you're paying for the premium rift especially they shouldn't be so difficult to achieve that 2 hours a day still isnt enough

  • Grobovshick
    Grobovshick Member Posts: 19

    I talk about my experience and I got the 70th level two days ago. Without premium and tasks of the 4th level of the 3rd tome.

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    Yeah its possible I never said it was but as @Always_available said they played for hours daily, the devs have stated before that they tried to model tier profression around the typical average daily play time which is 1 hour but this isn't the case especially given volatile queue times and I've seen quite a few people on the same boat

    I do obviously think that tiers shouldn't just be handed out to you but I think that it should not be so difficult to progress through the pass if you miss a couple of days or dont play for hours on end every day, it's a bit excessive right now. I'd even settle if they just gave a boost to people who bought the premium pass since they spent actual money on it and it would be a bigger incentive to buy it.

    Honestly I don't see how anyone at all misses out on lowering the progression requirements of the rift tiers a bit

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2020

    The rift like all battlepasses is not designed to be completed by everyone or it makes no money as players will get it for free each time.

    The battle pass business model has always been about the majority not quite making it so they keep buying some cells to top it up or buy the rest of the tiers to complete it. Unfortunately it seems you fall into this camp.

    Since they always said you can progress through the free one at the same speed and then buy it and reap the rewards if they put in even a slight booster for those purchasing the pass at the beginning it negates that principle.

    This is personally why I never buy battlepasses.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I spread my time between several different games because I can't really settle down with just one, especially since not a lot of my friends play the same games I do. That being said, while I don't spend all my time playing this game and I could play more often, just trying to get most of my daily game XP and playing up until now like I have, I've been averaging 1 tier per day. I haven't really recorded data of how much time I've spent or whatever, but I haven't even touched a challenge in level 4 of the tome yet, I'm about to finish level 3. So IDK what tier I'll end up being when I finish all the challenges, but it hasn't seemed as bad to me as the other ones. I did slack a little bit on the first one admittedly for a week and a half or so, but even after completing all the challenges and everything I only ended up at like tier 50.

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    Yes i hate it! It's so greedy! People saying "oh it's just like every other battlepass" no, i know for a fact it's way worse than fortnite and cod...and red dead if you want to count that but it can literally be completed in a day lol. Other battlepass are fun because you're constantly making progression by just playing and you have multiple challenges active at once so they don't take forever and you don't completely waste your time when you have a challenge like "stab 5 survivors in one feral frenzy" because you're still working towards "earn 150,000 BP" and "Chase survivors for 600 seconds"

    It makes me sick because they're already selling 10, now 15, dollar skins on a paid game that has a constant stream of paid dlc. And the whales will still buy all tiers day one for 50 dollars so i don't understand the concept of making it this bad. To nickle and dime a few people who are willing to put im grind but can't make it? I actually completed tome 1 and stopped playing durning almost the entirety of tome 2 because of how ridiculous it was. Paulie said it took about 200 hours. HOURS.

    Come on man they need to stop with this. This is also the only battle pass i know of that doesn't have double weekends or anything to help progression along

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    They're mostly just so grindy and I really wish you could do more than one challenge at once.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Even extremely busy with work I maxed it before the fourth tome even dropped. The tomes do most of the work for you.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The issue is that the tome only gets you up about 40 tiers, leaving you to basic matches or spending for the last 30.

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    It's very true it would negate the principle but it would also provide an extra worthwhile incentive to buy the premium pass early.

    Again i understand it's not meant to be very easy to do but I still thing it's too tough even for dedicated players. I think the difficult of leveling puts off more purchases than would be potentially lost if they made it a little easier to progress, I just think it's poor taste especially when many of the rewards arent wonderful (the charms mostly in this respect)

    I completely get what youre saying with the business end of things but I still think it could be done better without negatively affecting sales

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    The idea of having multiple challenges active (to a limit of 2 or 3 maybe would be so helpful in terms of relieving some of the tedium with challenges like do x gens, damage x gens, chase x survivors as you can pair another challenge with them

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    See this to me is very worrying, to put into perspective I've been working on getting from a quarter of the way through level 50 to level 51 over the past 2 and a queue just through basic matches and I only just got it. Thats for 3 quarters of 1 level

  • Grobovshick
    Grobovshick Member Posts: 19

    I get your opinion but I also understand developers. It's a standard model of online games. If you don't want to pay in game - work hard for special game items. What is more DBD skins don't gift you any advantage in the game.

    If you a casual gamer - just enjoy the game process.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I think that some of the challenges are a bit over the top like leave with 0 totem challenge

    and so on, I literally busted my rear to do that challenge and it was the worst challenge I ever done and I will never do something like that again. I mean I would like it if they toned it down just abit

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    With this idea I think we can say that EA and DBD are side to side, both of then don't care about their games and they are putting skins instead of balancing and other useful things

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I always got to tier 70 easily without spending any cells.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Just got tier 70 and I haven't bought any cells and skipped most of the challenges.

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    But how many hours did you spend doing it? You should have to spend time on the game 100% but 100s of hours is ridiculous

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,126

    I've gotten to 70 each rift pretty easily. Only one i've had problems with is the 2nd rift as i took a pretty lengthy break between tier releases and had to grind it out hard in the last 10 days.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I have 260 hours played currently. Yes it is quite ridicolous amount considering that I started about a month ago.

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    That's about what Paulie said it took last time. I like this game, maybe even love it but they ask that i basically play nothing else and play DBD when i don't want to just to get a few skins that i don't even really think are up to par with whats in the store for the most part

  • kingoftheirish1992
    kingoftheirish1992 Member Posts: 159

    Not so much difficult more time consuming. Even if you don't do any challenges and get a fragment a game you look at minimum 700 games. ( 70 times the 10 fragment to make one tier ).

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    I managed to complete the rift a couple of days ago and I'm glad I did, some of the challenges in level 4 seem ridiculous, 15 hatchet hits in one match?

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    This is what I mean, I know it's of course possiblr it should require time put into the game to achoeve but the required time right now can be excessive

  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325

    Yes! I do not have a problem reaching tier 70 but that is because I play excessively and daily. Right now DBD is the only game on PS4 that I play. BUT, my teammate plays on average 2 hours a day daily and now has 7 days to complete 20 tiers still. He is concerned he won't reach tier 70 and feels forced to play killer during a time he is not even supposed to be playing - he has responsibilities :( he mains survivor, i play both. Community Managers: would it be possible for either the tracks to be separated for those who main one role or perhaps for the rifts to remain open? - not for purchase indefinitely but at least to give those who purchased it a chance to go back when they have time to unlock the items in rifts they purchased. My son is in a similar situation as my teammate. He wanted a particular item in the rift, Huntress' Laquered Wono Axe but between work and school he did not have time to complete the rift. I understand we all have the option to purchase the tracks after purchasing the rift but no one should be forced to purchase them simply because they do not have time or because they main one role. This is what I see happening though. As a result, my son doesn't buy the rifts anymore and now my teammate will most likely lose money on a game he is dedicated to :(