General Discussions

General Discussions

XBOX |Rank 1| Killer Tier List 4.0.0

This is my experience while playing DBD from both sides in rank 1 on xbox:

This is a mix of gameplay from survivor perspective and killer perspective... gameplay overall , let me explain (opinion):

F R E D D Y: good addons, short and lullaby that only tells you he's near. Power to shut down loops and disable repairing gens faking tp or after unhooking.

D O C T O R: enough stall and good information, m1 killer but shut down loops making pallets drops earlier or a succesful hit when shocking in the right time.

H A G: bad gen pressure but big map control, 10 traps on the map is always risky but weak against activated traps while carrying or hitting and swf.

B I L L Y: punish people away from windows or pallets, most likely, just m1 a good survivor and juking is risky but not that effective, he has good movement speed so he put good pressure.

H U N T R E S S: bad gen pressure, good chase but mostly depends if the killer is good and if the survivors succesfuly mindgame her.

O N I: strong mid and end game, weak early but doing good mindgames in blood fury most likely gonna carry you and absorb blood where survivors healed is a good way to get your power when passing by.

G H O S T F A C E: good starting chases but he's vulnerable to looping, he punish survivors that dont pay attention with grabs, bad map pressure but snowballs optimally.

D E A T H S L I N G E R: good chase if you land your shots can snowball quickly and can bait the shots. Bad map pressure and he's predictable.

S P I R I T: like deathslinger, she has a good chase and if played correctly you end chases fast and she has good mobility so she has an acceptable pressure. She's weak with windows and pallets since they can be a mindgame and when her power is recovering.

E X E C U T I O N E R: i just play against him once but he has potential to be like the shred of demo and punish your moves if you are predictable and greedy. The torment is kinda whatever because you need to pay attention while walking or running but in chase it's more difficult but i can't explain more.

T R A P P E R: slow start, good snowball and good mid and end game, you just need to put traps around corners of loops or right in the edge of the pallet and you will have a lot of pressure. If you have been spotted the survivor will disarm your trap and dead hard avoids traps under pallets.

L E G I O N: strong early game but weak mid (good if you could stall in the start because they will spend time mending and healing or just be injured wich is easier to end chases) and end game. Punish survivors that are together and his counter is running away once he stab someone with feral frenzy to waste his whole power.

C L O W N: his buff make him one tier up, he feels dinamic and strong in chases but lacks of map pressure and mobility even being a 4.6 m/s killer, he needs to reload his bottles wich takes time and the little slowdown makes plus 1 sec.

M Y E R S: weak early but strong mid and end game, his counter is hidin in jungle gyms. Again, punish survivors that dont pay attention. Strong addons tho.

W R A I T H: purely a m1 killer and he has good addons, like ghostface he most likely gonna hit you if you dont see him but overall, he can be countered by looping or spine chill. Healing against him is good but in a safe spot otherwise you are done with a hit.

D E M O G O R G O N: he's okay, kinda slow start but has good mobility and chase potential with shred and baiting it. He's easily countered by cleansing his portals in the corners where the gens at and kinda looping.

P L A G U E: weak at the start but once everyone is infected he's like an infinite t3 myers and cleansing makes her huntress on stereoids. She's countered by the early gen rush and cleansing in the corner where nothing is there. Besides that, she's a m1 killer.

N U R S E: it's very rare seeing a good nurse, most of the time you face baby nurse or mediocre nurse and since she's the most counterable killer by moving unpredictable and taking distance makes her worst to play as.

B U B B A: worst killer by far, no map pressure, mobility and chase power, he only end chases faster, his counters are windows, pallets and tiny structures. He's better with the bulp and carbo guide add ons but then, you dont have to be greedy and dont fall for an easy mindgame so always watch him and try to figure out what he is going to do.


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