Killers not playing

I played a game as survivor just a bit ago and I didn’t find the killer once or he wasn’t playing. Nobody got hooked or in a chase and we finished the gens and left and it’s not like it was a lot of points but I was on top of the leaderboard and lost a pip. How is that fair?
Imagine caring about pips in 2020.
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Everyone is entitled to play the way they want get over it
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Probably a Wraith farming for shards.
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It's boring but if they're doing that then just gen rush and end the match asap.
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I've had that happen before
I asked them where they were and they said:
"Basement bubba protect box"
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Basement Bubba is the best way to play the game. If you want to get hit and hooked just go to the basement for him duh
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I like to play Davy Jones chest basement Trapper, immersed invisible Demogorgon, and one of my favorites. Park Ranger Hillbilly when I'm really bored
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Don't know why you said "duh," but whatever makes you feel better about yourself. 👍
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Because I clearly wasn't being serious? Like even in text form that's obvious. Really pressed I said duh when I said that bubba going straight to the basement is a good strat lmao
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I thought you had a problem with what I said because you thought I was complaining or something because the original poster dude was.
Also, I disagree about that being a good strategy because in my game, no one went down there. I didn't even know who the killer was until he told me.
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Yeah, it's not a good strat. I was just being sarcastic
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Omg I feel so stupid now lol sorry man!
I'll go sit in the corner.
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Maybe he is trying to do some challenge? Grab from gens or break 50 pallets. This challenges shift killer's and survivor goals sometimes and it can probably ruin the game for teammates and opponents.
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Sometimes if I'm playing against a group that's obviously way better than me or toxic I just go to a corner of the map and face a wall until the match is over. Usually I do it after people body block and hook sabo or if they're really obnoxious with flashlights and t bagging. If the first player I go up against runs an infinite loop I just peace out then too.
I used to enjoy this game...
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You're good. It's hard to detect tone through text.
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Happened to me, I actually had a real life semi emergency and I was queued into a match, left my game on and well survivors were upset from losing pips on the end game chat
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No way something could have happened during the loading screen and the killer player had to go away for 10 min...
You totally should report for that even though they didn't afk on purpose. 👍️
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Sometimes it's easier to take the loss and move on. Depends on the situation. BP be damned. Especially when you know you'll get the pip back next game or two anyway.