Fazbear Fright Chapter (Springtrap and Mike)

Destrix Member Posts: 1

The Machine-

A mechanical killer, able to locate and hunt down unsuspecting survivors with his power “Main Attraction”. His personal perks “Spring Loaded” “False Hope” and “Always Comes Back” allow him to punish unskilled engineers and make it more difficult for them to rescue eachother.


William Afton was known as “The Face of Freddy Fazbears Pizza” that was the restaurant he worked at. Always on top of all the other employees there. He was well respected, wearing a flashy, purple uniform given only to the best employees who worked there. Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza was a restaurant designed to be family friendly fun for all ages. Afton saw potential in a place like that, but there was always something off, something wrong with the place. The potential for a truly great restaurant was tainted by one bad decision after another. One day, Afton decided that the only way to make the staff wake up and improve, was to throw dirt on them, and taint their name, forcing change. He used one of the many mascot costumes he had used, a yellow one. With that costume on, he lured 5 children into the back room of the restaurant, and murdered them in cold blood. He then hid the bodies in 5 animatronic suits, hoping they would never be found. Over many years, complaints piled up, and the restaurant was shut down. But then, it reopened. After several murders and several closing and reopenings, Afton was fed up. He lured the animatronics of his first 5 victims to demolish them. He was unaware that the souls of the children would be vengeful. They cornered Afton. Out of fear, he retreated into the old Rabbit Suit he murdered them in. But the suit was old and decrepit. A small amount of moisture caused the springlocks holding the robotic parts back snapped loose, driving them into his flesh. The pain and anguish only fueled his anger. And during his final breaths, he vowed vengeance. Years later, he reawakened in a new location. He recognized several objects scattered around in what appeared to be some sort of horror attraction, and he was the star. He walked around, feeling pain in every movement. But he managed. He pushed forward to find someone else in the building, sitting on a chair managing several faulty security systems. Anger overtook him, he wanted the man dead. He failed 5 times, 5 nights in a row, and burned in the building. As he burned, smoke enveloped him, or so he thought. He felt a moisture, a very similar moisture to when he first died. He realized it wasn’t smoke enveloping him, it was fog. He blacked out, and reawakened once more. He found several hooks lying around, and several people sitting by a campfire. The same anger he felt towards the security guard overtook him once more. He wanted to see them die. He would kill them all. They would all suffer just like all the children did, just like he did.

Power: Main Attraction-

Years of working at the same pizza restaurant has taught you a thing or two about security. Pressing the active ability button near a wall, tree, or other obstacle will place a security camera on it. You can carry 6 cameras at a time. The auras of survivors will be revealed to you when they are within a 8 meter range of a security camera. A survivor can break a security camera if they spot one. You will gain a notification when a security camera is broken, and the camera will be brought back to your inventory. 6 ventilation shafts will also be spread randomly throughout the map. The auras of these vents will be revealed to you in white. Vents can be located in the walls or floor of a map. Using the active ability button while standing near a ventilation shaft will allow you to crawl inside. From there, you can select one of the other 5 ventilation shafts to quickly travel to. Survivors can also seal a vent if they find one. Only 2 vents can be sealed at a time. The auras of sealed vents will be revealed to you in yellow. Pressing the active ability button during a chase will flash a 5 meter cone of red light in front of The Machine. If the attack hits a survivor, they will scream and gain the Hindered status effect for 3 seconds. If the attack misses, The Machine will undergo a 3 second state of fatigue. After use, the ability will undergo a 15 second cooldown before it can be used again.


Spring Loaded-

You’ve learned the hard way that machinery can be fatal if mishandled. Survivors will be put into the injured state if they fail a repair skillcheck or fully complete a sabotage action 10 meters from the killer. If they are already injured, they will gain the deep wounds status effect instead.

“After learning of an unfortunate incident at the sister location involving multiple and simultaneous springlock failures, the company has deemed the suits temporarily unfit for employees.” -Phone Guy

False Hope- You know how to manipulate people’s hopes to lead them to their deaths. When a survivor is hooked, the perk activates. When activated, all other survivors will see the aura of the hooked survivor as well as 2 extra fake hook auras at least 20 meters away from the real location of the hooked survivor. The aura of the 2 fake hooks will be revealed to you in yellow. The perk deactivates either when the survivor is unhooked or when the survivor reaches the second stage of sacrifice.

“Management has also been made aware that the Spring Bonnie animatronic has been noticeably moved, and would like to remind employees that this costume is not safe to wear under any circumstances.” -Phone Guy

Always Comes Back-

Like the children in the old pizza restaurant, you are drawn to the weaker targets. You become obsessed with one survivor. If you begin a chase with the obsession and let them escape, gain a token. You have a maximum of 3 tokens. Hitting a survivor that isn’t the obsession with one or more tokens will apply the broken status effect on them for 30 seconds and consume one token. Hitting the obsession with all 3 tokens will immediately put them in the dying state and consume all tokens.

“We had a spare in the back, a yellow one. Someone used it. Now none of them are acting right.” -Phone Guy

Memento Mori-

The Machine grabs onto the back of the survivors head and smashes their face on the floor 5 times. He then grabs the survivor by back of their neck, lifts them up, rips their jaw off, and finishes them off by twisting their head 180 degrees. The Machine walks off as the survivor falls back on the floor, lying on their stomach with their head facing upwards.

Mike Schmidt-

A fearless security guard. Able to make the most out of his surroundings and share his findings with the rest of his team. His personal perks “Hyperawareness” “Light in the Darkness” and “Communicator” allow him to pass valuable information to other survivors and make the most out of the tools he is given.


Mike Schmidt was an unusual employee. He worked as a nightguard in Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Despite the dangers he faced, he continued to work the nightshifts there. Even more strange, he cared not about the money he was given. It seemed like some force drove him there, as if he’s been to Freddy Fazbear’s Before. He was respected by all the other employees, not because he was good at his job, but because of his bravery. Without fail, he perfected every night, surviving against all odds. But one day, on his last week before retirement, he flipped his camera down to find a limp animatronic suit staring at him. It was golden yellow, and bared the image of Freddy Fazbear. The suit stood up, and lunged forward at Mike. He blacked out, and when he awoke, he was in a whole new world. He saw hooks, generators, and a campfire in a barren forest. He wondered if he had died, and if this was the afterlife. His many thoughts were interrupted by the sound of screaming. He had to investigate. If anyone is going to be a hero, it was going to be him. He ran deeper into the fog, and was never seen or heard from again.



Your sharp senses are a security camera of their own. When repairing a generator good skillchecks will reveal the auras of all survivors for 2 seconds. Great skillchecks will reveal the aura of the killer for 2 seconds.

“Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know” -Phone Guy

Light in the Darkness-

You’ve learned that flashlights can be deadly weapons against those hiding in the shadows. The battery life of all flashlights are increased by 12%. The visual brightness of flashlights are also increased by 12%

“If you can’t find something, or someone, on your cameras, be sure to check the door lights. You might only have a few seconds to react.” -Phone Guy


Information is valuable. And in a team, everyone needs to be knowledgeable. Any aura that is revealed to you will also be revealed to all other survivors that are 20 meters away from you.

“Hello? Hello, hello? Well if you’re hearing this, then chances are you’ve made a very poor career choice.” -Phone Guy



Molded Pizza Slice-

An unfinished pizza slice left to rot in the dumpster. The repugnant stench sharpens The Machines senses

The light flash area of effect will be shown in a white aura

Kids Drawing-

A shoddily made drawing of a child next to her “best friend” Bonnie. It’s strangely unnerving.

Slightly reduces fatigue recovery time

Live Wire-

A loose wire from a broken security camera. It strangely pulsates with electrical energy.

Slightly increases the security camera detection range

Broken Voice Box-

A voice box broken beyond repair. A small tag can be read on the side of the speaker. “The Mangle”.

Slightly increases the ventilation travel speed

Plastic Pirate Hook-

A toy pirate hook found in the prize counter of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza.

Slightly increases the range of the light flash


Bonnies Guitar-

An electric guitar played by Bonnie the Bunny during many performances at Freddy’s only one string remains intact.

Moderately increases the range of the light flash

Freddy’s Top Hat-

A small top hat belonging to the lead animatronic, Freddy Fazbear. It’s taken quite a beating over the years.

Moderately increases the ventilation movement speed

Door Button-

A red button used to close security doors, torn off by something or


Moderately increases the time it takes to destroy a security camera


A small golden coin bearing the face of Freddy Fazbear used to play various arcade games. It’s partially rusted.

Moderately decreases the cooldown of the light flash


Chica’s Cupcake-

The cupcake belonging to Chica the Chicken. It’s stare if awfully unnerving.

Increases the amount of security cameras by 2

Exotic Butters-

A basket full of several butters from around the globe. A note can be seen inside. “For Eggs Benedict”

Significantly increases the security camera detection range

Hand Crank-

A signature hand crank used for springlock suit maintenance. Blood stains cover the ends of the crank.

Increases the amount of ventilation shafts by 2

Music Box-

A small music box found in the prize counter of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Strings can be seen dangling from the box’s opening.

Significantly increases the ventilation movement speed

Ultra Rare-

Severed Frontal Lobe-

A piece of a child’s brain. Pieces of flesh and bone are still attached to it.

•Light flashes will instantly

destroy pallets.

•Significantly reduces the fatigue time.

•Significantly reduces the light flash

cooldown duration.

“They used to be allowed to walk around during the day too, but then there was the Bite of 87.” -Phone Guy

Bloody Springlock-

A springlock that fell off of The Machine when it started moving around. It’s damp with his own blood.

•Survivors hit with The Machines light

flash will suffer from the exposed

status effect for 3 seconds

•Moderately increases the fatigue time

“What a deceptive calling, I knew it was a lie the moment I heard it, obviously, but it was intriguing nonetheless.” -William Afton