Things That This game still bad with

USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

1- Gen Speed: Faster Than Light, especially on maps where your control of the map as a killer is equal 0 (Haddonfiel, The new map etc)

2- Balancing the maps: I Will use as example the new map, There are only 4 ways up and its almost impossible to find then since all the corridors are Cntr C+ Cntr V. Also the amount of pallets and breakable walls that you ######### need to break if u want chase someone are Disgusting of HUGE, there are what? at least 20 pallets and maybe 15 breakable walls in a small map like this, windows are safer than The National Bank and the only killer that we can play on this map is Doctor.

3- Hitboxes: I was playing as Clown right now, using his RedHead's pink finger addon, with this incredible hitboxes, hit someone with that thing is the same thing to try trow a basket ball in a 12m distance.

4- Buff killers: The Thing that BHVR less seem to do effectively especially in comparison on how they nerf then, as example i will use clown, this is the worst killer in all game, got a bottle change that seems not different at all.

5- Map Size doesnt mean good for killers: Smaller the map=Less area to look for totems, also, if the map is small, is a hell to patrol gens.

6- Totem spots: Need i say something?

7- Killer's perks ideas: The newer killers just come with less and less good perks, as examples i can use the DeathSlinger and the Executioner, Do you really think someone will use their perks? maybe if with a perk build or a meme build, but never occasionally.
