Things That This game still bad with

1- Gen Speed: Faster Than Light, especially on maps where your control of the map as a killer is equal 0 (Haddonfiel, The new map etc)
2- Balancing the maps: I Will use as example the new map, There are only 4 ways up and its almost impossible to find then since all the corridors are Cntr C+ Cntr V. Also the amount of pallets and breakable walls that you ######### need to break if u want chase someone are Disgusting of HUGE, there are what? at least 20 pallets and maybe 15 breakable walls in a small map like this, windows are safer than The National Bank and the only killer that we can play on this map is Doctor.
3- Hitboxes: I was playing as Clown right now, using his RedHead's pink finger addon, with this incredible hitboxes, hit someone with that thing is the same thing to try trow a basket ball in a 12m distance.
4- Buff killers: The Thing that BHVR less seem to do effectively especially in comparison on how they nerf then, as example i will use clown, this is the worst killer in all game, got a bottle change that seems not different at all.
5- Map Size doesnt mean good for killers: Smaller the map=Less area to look for totems, also, if the map is small, is a hell to patrol gens.
6- Totem spots: Need i say something?
7- Killer's perks ideas: The newer killers just come with less and less good perks, as examples i can use the DeathSlinger and the Executioner, Do you really think someone will use their perks? maybe if with a perk build or a meme build, but never occasionally.
no ,i am killer rank 1
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I think they're starting to run out of perk ideas tbh. Most new ones have been useless/meh. Blood pact is overshadowed by Bond and Empathy. Repressed Alliance is just eh, and isn't worth a perk slot in my opinion. For the People hardly comes into play, and if it does it just screws you over, the list goes on.
And yeah, Midwhich sucks for both killer and survivor. The only good part about it is the design and easter eggs
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Midwich seems only to sucks for killer, did you saw HOW MANY PALLETS in square there is? Almost all the pallets are safe, i found a area with literally two pallets in the same place, the amount of breakable walls that we NEED to break is HUGE
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I've found Midwich better for both sides than Badham. Could very well just be that I haven't played new map that often.
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As far as perks go. I think they just can't put in anything good that won't become broken once mixed with the current meta. Look at Ash for example. Old MoM was a stupid idea but it might have been acceptable if you couldn't combine it with DS+BT+Adren. Once word got around how powerful MoM was a lot of people bought the dlc. Then BHVR finally nerfed the perk and people bitched they wanted their money back because that was the only reason to buy that dlc. Now they probably release crappy perks just so they don't have to face that kind of backlash again.
I don't really like the new map. Cosmetic wise it's beautiful but in function? Even though I can see gens and hooks it's another story to get to them. It reminds me of The Game when it first came out. It's more of a maze than an arena. A few breaks in the walls or maybe another set of stairs to go up would be appreciated.
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The stairways being where they are make saving survivors upstairs a pain, there's a high chance of running into a room that has nothing and leads to nothing, your teammate might've already used the pallet.
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Played the new map twice in a row and 4ked twice. Might just be good for Ghostie because it's like a ######### maze lmao
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Once i played this map, a guy trowed every single pallet and it was still long chases because the abusive amount of pallets i needed to break, also the walls that is a pain on the ass and the windows that are everywhere
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I didnt tried killers like Wraith on this map yet, but i am right that they still suck, especially myers this poor man
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The developers would rather prioritize cosmetics and releasing chapter after chapter to make money. They would rather release a new bunny Legion skin than give Legion a buff. They don't seem like they care about balance issues and other problems us players face very often in this game. Addressing your problems on this forum is unfortunately futile because the developers surely hear these complaints, they choose not to listen to us.
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Oh no 100% the map is terrible. I just don't know about it being better for either side. I think it's just bad all around
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I already noticed that the Devs dont care more about the game, survivors are their money tree so there they go get the game easier and easier to they
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Survivors make up the majority of DBD's playerbase I believe so they would want to make the survivors happy. Thats why we got the Pig nerf and Ruin nerf.
#BringOldRuinBack T-T
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Yeah, let's see if how happy they will be with a 15 minutes queue time that will keep increasing with the time