New map makes Scott Jund quit playing killer

hanibel Member Posts: 164

Scott jund made a video today saying he is going stop playing killer for the time being cause midwich map is the most terrible map designed by bhvr even more worse then haddonfield another reason for taking a break is because ironwill is still bugged even though devs said it was fixed scott then proceeded to proof with a clip from one of his stream.

Scott also says that pyramidhead felt clunky and underwhelming like deathslinger this has been biased news with CNN



  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Same but for survivor I actually like the map, as the pallets aren't as bad as dead dog saloon, but still playable. The windows are pretty good but can be countered simply by breaking a wall.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'm enjoying it too, both as surv and as killer. But I think Scott is spot on when it comes to the pathetic sound bugs.

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    More for survs. Finding gens is horrible, finding mates on a hook also. As a killer I hadn't problems by now.

  • hanibel
    hanibel Member Posts: 164

    Scott literally says in the beginning of the video that the map is bad

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2020

    Yeah Object will be pretty terrible on it but Stealth killers are amazing on it. You can't pick the map without the offering.

    PH is a little janky but i don't think hes underwhelming at all compared to Deathslinger. I think i kind of actually regret buying the deathslinger dlc...

    Oh but sound IS broken even i noticed that

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    The strange thing is, for some reason, I'm not getting the sound bugs he showcased. Occasionally I get the downed survivor that doesn't make any noises still, but otherwise with my headphones on, I hear footsteps on all maps, and pained whining from injured survivors. I Haven't really been paying attention to survivors falling from heights so that may exist, but otherwise I'm not experiencing the same problems. It could be that I use windows to set my default sound system to my headphones instead of ticking the "headphones" option in the games settings menu (I leave that un-ticked). Tru3talent doesn't seem to be having the problem either, because if he did he wouldn't shut up about it, and neither does Monto, or Otzdarva, so maybe it's something else affecting Scott.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    Honestly I think it might be a PC issue with the sound bugs because I've been able to hear footsteps just fine on PS4. I have a good headset when playing too.

    The map is decent. Not bad, but not good. It has less obstructions on it than Haddonfield. I'd rather play Midwich than Haddonfield.

  • Tris_wuz_h3r3
    Tris_wuz_h3r3 Member Posts: 12

    I feel like the new map was more focused on the arts and effects then the actual layout of the map.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    I like midwich though they really need to fix the sound bugs it makes chasing them with extended los breaks way more difficult. Dont know how many survivors went to narnia thanks to being quiet like ghosts.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    It wasn't cause of the map. Well I'm sure the map had a bit of it due to it having more priority for the first week but it was cause of all the sound bugs. Sounds are more broken than they ever have been. Silent slugs are still rampant, survivors don't breathe or make injured sounds, footsteps are silent, Iron Will will just activate at random even if you don't have it, no more falling sounds, and god knows what else we have to find out, inb4 Quick and Quiet for every vault.

    Even generator sounds are bugged. I had a gen in the Chem Lab in the new map that made ABSOLUTELY NO SOUND aside from the tapping sounds that happen from me working on it but no mechanical whirring or sounds of the pistons moving. He had no idea I was working on it cause he physically couldn't hear it.

    Killer is in an absolutely horrendous state right now, and you never realize how much you need sounds until they're gone.

  • TheSneak
    TheSneak Member Posts: 2

    Not for Pyramid Head himself. He's tough on his own map

  • Silentfox
    Silentfox Member Posts: 12

    People just don’t want to learn things. I haven’t had any issues on the map. Complaining for the sake of complaining. Other streamers say the map is hard for survivors, so on and so forth

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183


    Super safe, unmindgameable pallets.

    It's hard to find gens.


    There are no infinites.

    Breakable walls aren't a must.

    I wouldn't say map is terrible by itself... but when it comes to the killers getting this map is either automatic win or loss.

    Kilers that decimate everyone on this map:

    Huntress, Hag, Deathslinger to some degree.

    To them there is no counter in hallways.

    Killers that are strong on this map:

    PiramidHead, Clown, Freddy, Doc

    Killers that are ######### on this map:

    Plague, all stealth killers, Nurse (due to the bugs), Bubba (It's Bubba), Trapper, Legion (its size combined with 2 floors with not too many drops, makes it hard to use his power effectively)

    Killers that can go either way:

    Myers (his classic slow movement speed in t1)

    Demogorgon (if you get portals you are set, but more often you won't have time for that)

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    This is something that has been known to affect a large portion of the community, including myself. Don't be so dismissive about it just because you don't get the problems.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    I agree that PH feels clunky to use.

    I don't agree that the map is horrible design, a lot of it stems from that fact that most people still don't have a good grasp on where things are... because it's new.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Midwich is Haddonfield 2.0. You don't have a lot of great pallets save a few as survivor, but the lack of LoS and ways to get around the map also screws killers over so bad to the point where if a survivor has object and balanced landing/sprint burst they would be literally untouchable.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    I decimated with Ghost Face with zero add ons so I dunno what you’re on about

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I like the new map tbh. It's different. I'm sure it won't be that bad once people actually took the time to learn it.

    Also i want more scary ambiance effects in the older maps. The jumpscare locker dude is amazing

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2020

    "not saying Im no longer playing killer probably take two weeks"

    quitting something means for good, taking a break,... well we all do that time to time

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    It's no secret that the new map although it looks fantastic is completely broken in terms of balancing. But even worse than the Halloween map. I think what's even more frustrating is that even though the devs are trying to make maps more killer friendly they still think it's okay to put out maps that are the exact opposite. I'd even argue it's crap for survivor to. It's hard to say the devs have been listening to the feedback we have given about unbalanced maps when they still produce crap like this. If anything it shows they haven't, and this is where I believe lots of the frustration is coming from.

    As for pyramid head. He is not OP so can people grow a brain and realise that? If you die against a killer. It does not automatically make them too strong. He is mid tier at best. Around plague, ghostface level. He is extremely weird to play with the clunkyness of his ability especially on xbox. And I think it's silly you can't put trails of torment on stairs. And to all those who say his ability is op cuz it dodges ds. It doesn't work with pop, it doesn't work with bbq, it doesn't work with dying light, it doesn't work with make your choice etc. The amount of times I've seen people be toxic by hoping in and out of lockers to get you to use their ds is annoying. And so is the fact it lasts way longer then is needed. You can literally sit on a gen and when the killer attacks you call him a tunneler. It's nice to have a way of countering that.

    His is balanced and in my opinion one of the most balanced killers in the game. But his map, much like oni's is yet again not balanced at all. I'm not sure what the devs where thinking but I don't blame him for quitting killer. I'm honestly coming close to and god knows how that'll effect cue times again like when a bunch of people stop playing killer last time. I think they should stop adding new content and just focus on bug fixes and map changes.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    It's strange because I have all the sounds effects he said he havent, the problem is the streamer not the game lol

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    And i decimated survivors on cornfield maps with bubba multiple times.

    Does it make bubba strong?

    Does it make bubba strong at least on these maps?

    2 Times no.

    The problem on this map is that, you have to move througth corridors and when you do, you can be spotted accros the map.

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    As a survivor main who plays killer in a blue moon, I actually enjoy how he is in the game. In Silent Hill other than being a nuisance, he’s not really all that. So it’s nice to have a game that finally brings him to life. Maybe it’s biased. Maybe I’d take P.Head as a legion power type just have him in the game. I’m not sure why I enjoy him. But I’m also not sure what kind of changes I’d do to him.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    He forgot Dead Dawg Saloon.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Me too. Maybe my opinion will change as I play it more but so far I'm really enjoying it.

  • Mjra
    Mjra Member Posts: 50

    Firstly to all the people commenting about how they don't have the but so Scott's the problem; congrats you just learned how bugs work I hope your parents are proud. The bugs arent constantly in effect, they randomly happen in games and when they do it can be disorienting. And it also seems to be literally any sound effect can just be muted cause I got quick and quiet for free in multiple games.

    Secondly the maps main issue is that its disorienting to walk around and it's just not fun when you know where survivors are but you have to walk very far away to get to stairs so you can go up to them. There are 4 sets of stairs on the map one of which the killer has to actively put into the game. Take into consideration that those 4 stairs are on each corner and you can get gens that dont spawn on corners. It's frustrating to play against as a killer to know where someone is and have no agency to do anything because they'll be gone before you get there

    Lastly Pyramid Head feels clunky, not bad, just really clunky. The cooldown for his ranged attack, while probably balanced, is frustrating. It does not feel fun to be stunned for 3 seconds for using an ability successfully.

    The key point that Scott is trying to make, which a lot of people seem to not listen to, isn't that playing killer right now sucks or is bad. He literally says it's not a balance issue. It's a frustration issue. Hes not having fun playing the role.

  • Redhawk_uk2
    Redhawk_uk2 Member Posts: 53

    Personally, I'm loving pyramid head. He actually made me rnjoy playing killer again.

    The new map

    3 ways up (4 if the killer breaks a couple walls)

    There are about 2 holes in the floor and about 2 holes in the walls and windows to get down stairs quick

    The map is literally a rectangle that doesnt change so I can't understand why people are having such issues finding their way around. Please do tell me your reasons why you find it hard just personally for me its very easy to navigate.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Gen rush? Hell I'd settle for being able to find a gen.

  • komaboma
    komaboma Member Posts: 56

    There is because so many players are saying ######### this game. Especially killers due to how rough it is for that side

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    I wasn't trying to come across as dismissive so much as I'm curious as to why it's not affecting myself or the streamers I mentioned, but is affecting others. For example: For the longest time, almost a year in fact, I had sound issues with the game as well, but when I turned off the virtual Surround sound enhancements in my windows sound device properties for my headset about 4 months ago, all of my sound issues vanished. I was really outspoken about the issue until I discovered that fix, and it was a solution to the problem that was simple, but normally wouldn't be thought of. Beforehand, having that option ticked in windows wasn't a problem for the game, but after they updated and gave us Plague, the game sounds regarding survivors noises apparently became incompatible with the windows virtual surround sound enhancement.

    Naturally you can understand why I blamed the devs for this for so long, only to discover all I had to do was a simple fix on my end to get everything working normally again. So now here we are, again, with an update that has broken the sounds in the game for many players, but for some reason it hasn't broken them for myself or the streamers like Tru3, Monto, and Otz. This raises the question of why this is happening for so many, but not others. For me, I obviously don't have that windows enhancement turned on, and I don't have the headphones option ticked in the games settings menu despite using headphones, so that may at least be a starting point for people to test for themselves.

    Of course, this could be something else entirely, like the games spatial sounds no longer being compatible with certain soundcard drivers, or something along those lines. All I know is that, despite it getting through the testing phase, many are complaining about it, but not everyone is experiencing it, and it would be nice if we could suss out why, which would help the devs come up with a hotfix solution on their end as well.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Albeit this map is like The Gideon Meat Plant 2.0 this map does work well when playing as the Doctor. You can actually track survivors well with their periodical screams and usage of static blast. I always had some form of dread when it came to getting midwich with killers that didn't have survivor tracking powers (Pig, Trapper, Demogorgon, etc.)

    I've gotten 4Ks (mostly 3Ks because I let the last survivor go *IF* they understand what I'm doing for them) on the midwich map because I played as doctor. The map isn't as bad, but it is sort of irritating when playing as other killers. Survivor wise it can be a pain to find teammates and gens at times especially when you need healing.

    So, it's not a terrible map, but it certainly isn't perfect either. For killer it just depends on who you're playing as, but if you're playing as doctor I highly recommend you use add-ons that reduce static blast cooldown. Survivor locating killers like legion and their perks also work too. Maybe huntress and deathslinger could work on that map too considering the narrow corridors and halls until survivors reach a room or something, so they can get out of your line of sight.

    For survivors put on bond or teammate locating perks like bond or bring a map item and find some gens in the meantime.

    As a whole Midwich is a map that requires some sort of locating item or perk and heavily searching locations which on the Killer side can take forever depending on what group they're playing against or what Killer you're playing as. If you want to avoid this map then you're perfectly fine with using a map offering.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130
  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    The sound bugs get old really fast, it's true.

    It's not like they're THAT common, but even if it's just a once-every-couple-matches thing, it's enough to potentially mess up that match.

    But man, if killers just occasionally didn't emit their terror radius, the community would explode.

  • NICK714
    NICK714 Member Posts: 173

    i like that map.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    For me it's worse as survivor but it's definitely terrible for both sides.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    TWiXT said that he didn't experience the problem, along with a slew of other people, and offered some information about his settings that could, hopefully, help out those who are experiencing the problem. He didn't say the problem wasn't real (quite the opposite, in fact) or called anyone a liar. In short, he's offering advice and information that indicates the problem could be external to the game.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    It sounds weird to suggest that something might be wrong with one's settings when the sounds play most of the time and then just don't sometimes. Especially when they play fine in a match and then don't later in the same match.

    Most of the time I hear downed survivors just fine from a pretty wide radius. Sometimes I can be standing right on top of a downed survivor looking at them and absolutely no sounds are playing. (Actually had to apologize to a survivor once because I was just kinda standing on top of them and then running around trying to hear their sounds, and they thought I was just slugging them and being a jerk. Hah!)

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited June 2020

    I would like to refer you to this comment I made on page 2 responding to another who chided me for being dismissive:

    I'm trying to inform about the possibility that the sound problems are not universal, hopefully address why this is happening, and if there is a simple fix for it that others can take advantage of. I'm NOT taking the stance that "it doesn't exist", I'm looking for answers as to why I seem to be mostly immune to the problem, and offering up how I have things set up on my computer in hopes that it may help others narrow down the underlying problem so that we can come up with a quick fix solution until the devs resolve it on their end.

    I do still sometimes get the "downed survivor not making any noise" issue the devs said they fixed, regardless of my sound settings making me mostly immune to the overall issues others are having, but I have noticed it's become more rare. It's not fixed, and is definitely something wrong with the game in this case because of how random it is.

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