Is this the worst DLC/patch in a long time ?

yikers Member Posts: 94

Yes imo this is the worst state of the game its been in a long time.

If u havent watched scott jund latest vid on why he is stopping playing killer you should but tldr; survivor sounds are really bugged right now, like its really really bad.

The dlc perks are all but useless or has too big drawbacks or are way too niche to even get used in a match.

The dlc map is a disaster, easily the worst map in the game with what seems to be no thinking involved in how it would play out, do they even test thise things before releasing ? Did they just not listen ?

PH is just another killer with ability to fake zone survivors, 3rd now i think they made? exciting stuff...

And then theres the previous bugs from other patches still not fixed with sounds n such.

oh at least we got more expensive skins to buy right ?


  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281
    edited June 2020

    I think people are completely overreacting about the chapter and the game tbh. Of course people are entitled to their own opinion but the game is still bashed over every aspect of it to an extreme

    The dlc perks are fine for both sides, every single chapter people complian about perks being useless before even giving them a chance.

    The bugs are a huge issue I completely agree and I just feel like okay we have the big anniversary dlc out, I think EVERYONE would appreciate and even advocate for a break in new content so that core bugs and issues can be addressed properly and most importantly promptly to an acceptable standard.

    PH as a killer is also fine, his power is fine, it's nice that he brings a whole new dimension to the game with the cage mechanic.

    I agree that the map needs some work, it's brilliant aesthetically and atmosphere wise but it is way to tedious to traverse for both sides.

    I honestly don't care about scott as an individual so I don't think that just because he came out and said he's not playing killer anymore it should be taken more seriously than other people who've stopped for the same reason but it sad that that's probably what it will take for the devs to take more quick action on the issue, especially when sound is often one of the most vital sources of information for the killer in a match


    Okay after going through it I take it back that patch and bug wise yes this is probably one of the worst positions it's in. The content if the chapter itself is absolutely fine bar structure of the map but I seperate the bugs from the chapter content while discussing their issues.

    As for skins I'm reluctant to say anything because it's very likely Konami has something to do with how they were done this chapter

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    GF chapter was worse. More bugs, more broken perks, start of queues getting worse

  • Grobovshick
    Grobovshick Member Posts: 19


    You were waiting for new DLC. I understand that. But seriously it isn't the worst update.

    The map's unusual and I like its atmosphere. But sure its' hard to play, you're right. We just need a time to master its (for example, I really used to hate Doctor's map).

    About bugs you should write to special topic:

    I hope the developers will fix them how they fixed latest Healthy Obsession achievement.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    I kinda view this chapter as an attempt to take care of all the issues people have had with certain strategies without actually doing anything about it.

    What do Killers complain about? D-Strike, Borrowed Time, etc. So now we have a Killer with the capability to ignored those issues.

    What do Survivors complain about? NOED, slugging, Pop Goes the Weasel, etc. Now we have a perk from a Survivor that simultaneously punishes Killers for running hexes as well as slugging. We also have a perk that blocks generators so that the Killer can't use Pop.

    I don't know if this was the right way to do it, but it kinda feels like what's going on with matchmaking: hide the underlying issue from the public and implement something new to see if it takes care of the problem for them.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    the DLC itself I don't think so (sure, the map is trash and I has basically everything an awful map has), the all legendary skin failure is laughable, but sure not important game-wise, while the bugs are awful: ruin bug, sound bug (after boasting to have solved it), matchmaking still not solved, lobby screen errors, and much more.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    At this point it feels like bhvr simply hires the cheapest coders they can find to save money. Imagine bragging about fixing sounds, but having said sounds even more broken. As long as folks keep buying the skins and dlc bhvr will never change. Really wish a triple A developer will make a similar type game so we get top tier coders. This game is a mess.

  • Cius
    Cius Member Posts: 86

    each chapter is worse than the previous one, simply

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    The bugs are really bad, but otherwise i think its fine

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Bug wise I'd say yes, although I'd argue it has some competition with the release of Cursed Legacy with the Basement bug and the sound bugs it also had, and the patch that gave us infinite Sprint Burst and the Wake Up! Bug. There was also Legion's infinite mending bug when using both the Filthy and Nasty Blade addons, but as for sound bugs this chapter takes the cake for how obscenely broken they've been.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Haddonfield still takes the cake for the worst map in my opinion, but Midwich is the second worst now, even beating Ormond. This is the worst patch in a longtime, solely for the bugs and the map.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    I haven't gotten stuck after being unhooked and similar stuff as killer since the patch, so big win. You can't convince me not

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I think the content is fine, but unfortunately there are A LOT of new bugs which are making the game really frustrating to play. I really wish that the devs were allowed to take three months off from releasing new content to focus entirely on bug fixes. Unfortunately bug fixes don’t make money like new DLC so I doubt it’ll happen.