So you know how wraith and nurse can be lightburned with a flashlight because they are in contact with the spirit world? and hag's traps can be deactivated with a flashlight because they are 'phantasmal'. Isn't spirit also in the spirit world? seeing how she is a spirit...?

So it would be cool if there was a thing where if you can correctly predict where she is then it would send her back to her husk or something, although she could just end her phaswalk tpo avoid it.

It would also need to b pretty fast because the spirit can just strafe to avoid it but i think that would be a pretty cool addition seeing as only the highest ranks of survivors would be able to properly predict it.


  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    I don't think it would be possible, unlike Wraith and the Nurse, Spirit powers aren't linked to the entity from what we know.