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Locker pull bug - very bad

VIle Member Posts: 167
edited June 2020 in Bug Reporting
  1. The video starts where it does because I wasn't streaming or doing anything yet, I was just experiencing the DLC for the first time since PTB so I didn't think to be recording. When the bug happened I literally had nothing better to do so I recorded the remainder.
  2. The date is June 17th and I remember it was later in the evening.
  3. No log - which i regret - however I was heavily medicated so I forgot to save it.
  4. Due to medical I wasn't able to edit/upload until now, hence why i'm posting now.
  5. Why? BOREDOM Also its a hard glitch to explain and visuals help sometimes :D

Platform: PC Win10

Description: I was a day behind getting the DLC due to a surprise hospital stay Monday night. Got home. Figured treat myself to the DLC as a pick-me-up.

Bought the new Chapter, as well as the last two DLC I hadn't got because they were on sale. (Good deal I figured)


Re-verified the integrity of my files, because it doesnt matter after each and every install I've ever done the game always fails 1-3 matches in and I have to do this anyways so now i just do it before even playing even though it adds another 20+ mins to my wait time. Is what it is at this point.

Load game, fiddle about looking at new characters and cosmetics.

Buy Auric cells (regrettably before learning of 'sets' and how they can't be mix and matched)

Still buy Legion Frank Robbie the Rabbit because I'm a hardcore fan and it's a really well done cosmetic I feel justified the cost even as a 'set'.

Flip on Heather and decide to take her for a spin.

Load in lobby.

Everything's good.

Load in live match, it's the new map. Midwich.

Look around, try and get bearings get found by killer.

NBD, happens.

Run, out into courtyard, have no chance at escape, F it time for a bad locker juke.

Dive into it.

Killer swung, hit locker.

I go to get out, and I guess at the same time the killer was swapping to locker pull instead of swing weapon andddd this happens. *SEE VIDEO*

*My camera was locked on the killer as if I were being carried.

At first i DID have wiggle, but it stopped and turned into recover. this was about the time I began to record.

I was able to 'move' but where I couldn't see me, and appeared to be in two places at once it was impossible to actually navigate anywhere.

The killer had no screen prompts, they could swing weapon and walk. No ability to drop, open locker, kick gen, break pallet or anything.

Other players were able to interact with me, several times I am healed by the other two players.

The killer kept walking back and forth from the courtyard to the room where they said they saw me. My character is not shown on my screen there but when he swings it connects. yet I can be healed in the court yard still.

I walked around the map maybe 1.5 minutes, got chased for another 1.5 and then spent the next 12 with my camera on the killer because the game glitched.

No one enjoyed this match. I was and still kind of am lowkey furious over it. I'd just spent $60 on the game that day (3 chapters + Auric cell pack), had been waiting to play it, looking forward to it and first game in I can't even play it. Rude.

It's not like I could DC and just go find another game. No no, because then Id be penalized. Because this was MY fault remember. I made this happen. If I left the others would 'suffer' due to it... Mmhmm, okyeah sure good one Bob.

"iTs OnLy FiVe MiNuTeS..." Sit down, shut up. Its 5 min the first time only. After that, your butts on their 'stacking penalty' hook. And what if this happened again? And again? More and more penalties and soon I'd end up with a 2 day ban, on a game I just sunk even MORE money into. OHBOY!

I ended up rebooting after that match, once again Re-verifying the integrity of my files to play a few more rounds, both as Survivor and I took my Bunny boy out for a stab-a-thon. Not one was without problem. Not a single one. But I couldn't do anything but roll my eyes, clench my teeth and waste another 10-15 minutes on a broke arse match where someone if not all of us were gunna have a bad time.

Occurance: So far this is the first time with this glitch, but honestly, I've been leery of that locker since.

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