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The Spirit feedback

RagingCalm Member Posts: 408
edited August 2018 in General Discussions

Every time a new chapter releases, i always like to mentally note every fact about it, and then make inferences and ideas. I think everyone does. However, it is very important to realize that all of our inferences could be very long in the grand scheme of things, since it is still only the first 12 or so hours of the PTB. DISCLAIMER DONE!!!

The first 2 things I noticed playing as The Spirit was that she is slightly slower than normal Killers and has a slightly less lunge than normal Killers.
I'll save you a whole bunch of reading, and just say my opinion on her balance and how to change her - I think that The Spirit is a middle of mid tier or upper mid tier Killer at rank 1. The main things is just that she is so mindgamey it borders on relying on luck.
I also feel that she heavily relies on using her power for chases, yet at the same time it recharges quite slowly for that without addons. (in my opinion) all killers should either be able to chase without using their power(hag has a normal lunge, trapper has base stats, etc...) or be able to almost have their power at the ready if they cannot chase normally(Nurse, of course. Hag also always has her power 'ready' with her latest buff).
Now, another disclaimer here - I realize that the devs said they don't neccessarily want all the Killers they make to have to be viable at rank 1. They just have to be fun. I LOVE that mindset. - But I can't help but think that just by simply giving The Spirit a normal lunge range, or slightly faster movement speed, or making her power recharge faster at base, she could be somewhere in the top tier at rank 1(Also, we all want to see rank 1 meta changed, don't we? It gets boring!!!). You get the point though, right? I could have listed lots of other things to change about her. Just a simple number tweak buff to one or two things could easily make her top tier.
EDIT: I realize now that since lunge is proportional to movement speed, buffing speed also buffs lunge. That would be too powerful. But still, as stated, just any number change could be good for her.

Anyways, that it is my whole take on The Spirit. Again, when reading this and when making your own thoughts about this chapter(and future ones) realize that even in the first week, stuff like this is just knee-jerk reactions, and should be taken with very small grains of salt. Remember Freddy?


  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Lunges are proportional to movement speed. This means that Hag and Spirit has the same lunge reach.

    However, Spirit's weapon is visually somewhat large, and thus makes it easier to overestimate your reach. Conversely, Clown and Freddy's weapons look smaller despite having long lunges, which makes it easy to underestimate their reach.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    @Visionmaker oh ok, thank you for the clarity. I will edit my post

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673
    edited August 2018

    Top Tier, im rekting Rank 1s with pure SKILL, i dont have a full build yet, still getting 3-4 kills or 3 kills and a hatch escape (4 kills) every time i play her, pallets are completely unsafe and trying to loop her results in a free hit or death in less than 10 seconds.

    Take control of the pallet u are getting looped and fake a phase, if they dont fall for the fake, do a real one and catch them off guard, go into phase during a chase while being unseen behind a wall and cut their path, SKILLFUL GAMEPLAY is the key for this killer, just as Nurse, she has a high skill cap that makes her UNSTOPPABLE once mastered.

    G I T

    Also before u say im facing noob Rank 1s, most of the time im getting matched with the most toxic survivors i've found on the live build so far, the ones that i blocked and dodge every single time, but since i cant dodge in this lobby simulator, i just accept them and do my best to rekt them all.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    edited August 2018

    RE: Movement speed/lunge
    4.4m/s base movement speed. Lunge follows suit, so it's like the huntress or hag.

    Carry on.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    @Peanits thanks for exact values.
    @Bug_Reporter That is very good advice. I was actually thinking about faking phases today(about to try) because as survivor the channel action looks like she is just standing still. When you "fake the phase" do you just stand still or do a partial charge? I think standing still would work, right?

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    @RagingCalm said:
    @Peanits thanks for exact values.
    @Bug_Reporter That is very good advice. I was actually thinking about faking phases today(about to try) because as survivor the channel action looks like she is just standing still. When you "fake the phase" do you just stand still or do a partial charge? I think standing still would work, right?

    To fake a phase, go on top of the pallet (take control of the pallet) and stand still to see what the survivor gonna do, if he leaves the loop, phase and catch them, usually they go in a straight line when running like that, if he falls for the bait just hit him, if he stand on the other side of the loop, do a true phase and get them off guard.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited August 2018

    You will be forced to use all of her power in any jungle gyms, after hitting a survivor, and her power is render useless in windows spots/ buildings

    The fact that she can't go through walls and objects, and still having a 20 seconds cooldown, does not justify it

    The cooldown is extremely long, I am fine with her slower movespeed, but that amount of time just to recharge is too much. Not being able to see survivors in phase is fine, not seeing blood is also fine (The bug right now where her see Blood will get fixed soon)

    if you are playing vs survivors who run in a straight line they are plain bad, survivors can walk/ urban to remove their scratch marks, turning as well will confuse this killer

    Please explain take control of the pellet when the survivor is already on top of it, if you stand on top of it you eats a stun simple as that, when in phase survivors can still hear you, meaning they can still drop a pellet on you

    Nurse is still significantly stronger than her by a mile, she is mid tier, not the worst, close to Leatherface tier. which is in need of buff, people are not adapting to her hence you were able to get 3/4k every game

    atm she is a add-ons reliant killer, streamers points are invalid since they play with Very Rare/Ultra Rare every single game. any killers that reliant on add-ons is just bad, Nurse is a good example of what a good killer is without add-ons. and people that plays competitive will still play the Nurse rather than her

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    After playing some more, hearing some arguments for both sides, and watching streamers, I am really starting to think that she absolutely needs a buff. Seeing the blood as a base power would probably be the best single buff for her. It would make the learning curve less severe without actually increasing her power at skill cap

  • ShowMeUrBirb
    ShowMeUrBirb Member Posts: 63

    Seeing blood makes her upper-mid tier, but also denies countering her by not running so we have problem here.

    JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207

    Seeing blood makes her upper-mid tier, but also denies countering her by not running so we have problem here.

    Tus blood is a bug, in their kit she can't see blood