When will BHVR fix gen speed?

Just got a game when the first gen got done in literally 10 seconds and the second one in 40 seconds, it wasn't even possible since half of then where with me. I DCed in the same time cuz holy ######### bhvr, I won't play this game for a while now, it's impressive, every update is a new ######### to deal with
Oof Gen rushers
They're looking at implementing an early game mechanic and hope it fixes some issues.
The last thing I want is holding m1 longer than it is rn
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I want that at least they fix the brand new parts and remove some loops of the azarov's resting place
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That would basicly just remove all of Azarov's. That map is already pretty open and I usually see it as an easy win everytime I load into it.
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"1st gen got done in 10 seconds"
This is where you losed credibility to me
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Dude, they got the main house that have 3-4 windows open, they got a 3-4 loops in a single line, also every loop in the North of the map is close one each other, with other words: South: Main House, some loops, Middle: Tons of loops in a line. North: Tons of loops close each other and the shack
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if it bothers you that bad use gen blocking perks, thats why theyre in the game, stop complaining
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You know a gen can’t pop in 10 seconds, right? It was likely closer to 20
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Do you think i am kidding about that? they literally got the first gen gone in 10-18 seconds, i couldn't even get to the other side of the map that was what, 14 seconds?
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Not on this time, i couldn't even go to the other side of the map, what should take 14 seconds, and they have done the gen
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I think he's exaggerating a bit BUT I have noticed a few generators on certain maps can be repaired INSANELY fast. I've encountered this twice on a specific gen on Lery's and it takes maybe ~ 25-30s to repair by yourself. Think I filed a report when I first noticed it; haven't heard anything back yet. Anyone else notice anything odd with gen speeds?
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Dude, this gens literally got done in 20 on maximum, i am not kidding about that, they got this so quick that i couldnt even go to the other side of the map, what should take 14 seconds maybe
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From what I've seen in the past week or so I believe you. Do you remember which map you were playing on?
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And, of course, we're talking about NO add-ons, right?
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azarov's resting place, i was moving from west-east what is about 40m maybe (I did some quick math)
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This i dont know, i just opened the task manager cuz this game now is one of the last things i want to see in a while
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But i think they were using the fastest toolbox, with a charge add on and the brand new parts to this gen go so fast, but was still only two guys in the same gen
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Before you tell such lies, do at least your simple math.
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Ahhh, yeah even the nerfed BNP makes a difference. I'd have to do the math to figure out how long it should take TWO survivors, one with Engineer's Toolbox & BNP, the other with nothing (or maybe Prove Thyself; BNP; or whatever), to fully repair a gen. I would need any and all relevant data; otherwise who knows, maybe Spine Chill had some effect.
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I am not kidding, and my math isnt exact but i could at least have an idea of the time
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max at 17.8 or 18 sec.
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Y'know when you load into a match and it takes 20 seconds for the Claudette or Nea to start moving around?
That but killer.
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TBH it sounds like you need to improve your killer gameplay rather then it has to do with gen rushers. Don't take this the wrong, everyone has areas to improve. I've been a rank 1 killer for nearly two years, and I know my tracking could still do with improving.
Azarov's resting place is actually quite balanced, if you're a low mobility killer you can just stay on one side of the map, somewhat neglect the other generators on the other side.
Azarov's Resting place is one of my favourite maps to play on as killer.
I personally use the Hex Ruin and Surveillance combo on the majority of my killers.
I agree there needs to be something done with gen times, but I still don't think you needed to disconnect. It sounded like they were on their way to 3/4 gen themselves.
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Never either they buf slow down perk or simply you have to accept that you will always lose against swf on comms. That is why many players switched to surv
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They couldnt activate spine chill, i was too far away from then, and about the data, all the data i have is with you already i think. Also thanks, you are the only one here in this discussion that is trying to help
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Thats what I was thinkin. I love playing Azarov's when I'm playin someone like Bubba or Legion.
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EDIT: see next post for maths
Post edited by Zoophage on0 -
They'll fix gen speeds when they decide to finally fix totems so they aren't stuck out like a sore thumb. They said they were gonna do that years ago but never did. I really do think people should lower their expectations.
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Like thats any better?
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I did some maths for you but it'll have to be approved first before it appears (I had to edit something). Whenever it drops I hope it helps. Gens can definitely go fast, especially against a very coordinated SWF.
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I think your math was right (i think), even thought you were a professor after that, but thinking now, whats the point of anything that we post here since bhvr wont change anything. thanks again
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I know it can definitely feel that way sometimes but trust me, they listen. There have been countless mods/tweaks/reworks in this game and it's still ever-changing; that is what makes a game go the distance. While it's true that the most recent nerf to gen speeds was inadequate, it did show that the devs were at least listening to the community. That's good news, even if it takes them a long time to do. Hang in there and don't be afraid to voice your concerns!
What platform do you play on?
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It is. If it was ten seconds that would be terrible. You can get it down to 18 with a mix of perks and AMAZING tool boxes with 4 people working on it. So, yeah... It makes it better
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Have you tried not quitting? The game isn't over just because 1 or 2 gens pop early.
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Dude, I am already tired of the same #########, survivors genrush and spam GG EZ on the endgame comments, get stuck in places as killer, sound bugs, SWF, long queue time as killer, not having any fun killer, survivors are all bullys if you try to meme or play a random killer that you aren't adept with. All this bullshit takes the fun and drop it. I am taking a break of the game, maybe a week as usual, or another 2 years.
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Did all four survivors have BNP and jump on the same gen immediately or something?
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Nope, two of then was in my side of the map
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If two people were with you. This wouldn't be possible, even with a BNP/toolbox. Unless they were hacking or you're exaggerating. Hmmm 🤷
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Not exactly 10 seconds, but a gen can be quickly done with brand new parts, charges add ons, prove it theyselfs, while using the fastest toolbox
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OK, well, if you had let's say two survivors with Prove Thyself, two Engineer's Toolboxes, and two BNPs jump on a gen immediately, after clearing all skill checks for the BNPs and getting 50% gen completion done, they would still need to do the other 50% inside of, I'm going to be generous and say five seconds.
Their combined efficiency (with Prove Thyself) before toolboxes would be about 2.34 charges per second, which would take 17 seconds. I don't think the toolboxes are gonna triple their efficiency.
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I don't know exactly the time, I only know it was between 10-15 seconds or something like that
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Now I can't even approximate numbers? What a freedom
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So it's just a bit of exaggeration.
I dont disagree, people who rock rare toolboxes with BNPs and Wire Spools can complete gens quick, but they can only do it once. And this is very rare, in my experience as a solo player. The most common item IME is a med kit.
Prove Thyself wouldn't have sped up their gen, just nullified the efficiency penalty survivors have for working together.
I'm sure this was irritating, but you're gonna be fine.
When I play Trapper, I assume survivors are going to pop 1-2 gens while I set up. Don't sweat it. As soon as you start getting people on hooks the snowball effect turns the game around pretty quickly.
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Not sure why it's taking so long to post. I'll redo it.
I don't know what the Survivors were using in terms of perks (Prove Thyself? Streetwise?
Spine Chill), or if the other Survivor (#2) on the gen had any items/add-ons. Without that information we're guestimating something like this:Survivor #1 = Engineer's Toolbox (16c @2.0c/s), BNP, Wire Spool (+12 charges @ 2.0c/s)
Survivor #2 = Nothing
1 generator = 80 charges = 80s @ 1c/s
2 Survivors incur a 15% repair penalty, so instead of fixing the gen @ the rate of 1c/s it will be 0.85c/s for EACH of the Survivors = 1.7c/s total combined efficiency (w/o items, perks)
80/1.7= 47.05s repair time for 2 survivors
This is where it gets a little tricky (I'm no math whiz, believe me) - I don't know how BHVR decided to write the expression for Brand New Part (BNP). I'm just going to say it repairs 25%, or 80*/0.15 = 20c in the given time; otherwise it would have significantly less of an impact on a gen that wasn't at 0c (if it can even be used like that; I don't know). It repairs up to 25% (if player hits both skill checks) of the gen in 5 seconds, at a rate of 20c/5s = 4.0c/s.
Both survivors get to the gen and start working on it at the same exact time. In 5s the gen will be at 20c from player 1's BNP in addition to player 2's contribution of 0.85*5 = 4.25c, for a total of 24.25c or ~30.32%.
Again, I don't use these items so I'm going to assume that BNP doesn't use up any charges of the Toolbox while it is being used; if in fact it does, the end variable, time, will be slightly different. Does the -15% even effect the Toolbox or BNP? Again, lots of guestimating:
Generator is currently at 24.25c/80c, or ~30.32% complete. The Survivors continue to work on the gen together at a rate of 0.85*(2.0c/s + 1.0c/s) for the next 21.86s, while his Engineer's Toolbox is in effect. In that time @ 0.85*(2.0c/s + 1.0c/s) = 55.75c the repair is compete, and Survivor #1 walks away with 6.14c remaining in his item.
24.25c + 55.75c = 80c, or 100% in 26.86 for maximum efficiency, in terms of time and given our initial constraints (no perks, no items on Survivor #2, not hitting any great skill-checks, etc). If one of the Survivors had Prove Thyself equipped this would shave a few more seconds off the time required; just like both players consistently hitting great skill-checks. In light of this, his estimate of ~20s doesn't seem so absurd.
Post edited by Zoophage on0 -
Don't matter anymore, I am taking a break, I am ######### tired of this same bullshit every game
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Are you a math professor?
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There's mistakes galore in there but I'm not going to edit them and have my post disappear again.
AGAIN, there are some generators on some maps (not going to specify more than I have already) that, for wherever reason, are going INCREDIBLE FAST. I repaired one, by myself, while my friend was being chased. It took maybe 25-30s (conservatively) to finish. I'm assuming this is a bug and have reported it. This may be what OP was subjected up.
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Thanks for your help to try to prove that gens need a speed fix
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No, but it's funny you ask that. My parents always pushed for me to become a professor; I guess I still could but it would be in Biology or Biochemistry.
Damn! I'm on PS4 or I'd add you.