Serious Talk

If there's one thing I've noticed from playing the game and spending time on the forums, it's how Toxic this community is, and when I say toxic I'm not saying it like it's one sided, it happens on both sides and it has become a serious problem.
Everyone likes to complain about camping and tunneling and various other things killers do that make the game less enjoyable, but has anyone every stopped to think why killers do this?
I remember when the game first game out and everyone was still learning how to play the game and before it became huge, killers didn't face camp and you could actually play a game as survivor without having to rely on Meta Perks because you weren't going to know if you were going against a face camping Bubba. What changed?
I will preface this next part with I am a killer main, and I know the second I say that there will be survivor mains reading this who will stop listening and jump on the defensive, but here me out before you grab your pitchforks, I am not here to blame because let's face it we all are part of the problem.
With that said this started in part because Survivors got complacent. No one likes being sacrificed, let's be real, but it's a part of the game. I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment it happened but I suspect it has to do with a certain YouTuber many of are probably familiar with named Ochido.
For those who know who I am talking about you'll probably know where I am going with this, but for those don't, he posted funny moments which were basically him playing with friends and trolling the killer by either taking advantage of map exploits or various other methods that many killer mains will note as toxic behavior, from flashlight spamming to insta bombing the hook.
You want to know what happened to him? His account got banned, three times. But at that point the damage was done. Survivors were using these new "tricks" they learned in mass and had grown this mentality that they are the ones in control, and because they are more survivors than killers, they used their numbers to get what they want.
Didn't like a new killer because they broke the norm and had some counter play? Leave every match with them so the devs nerf them, I notice it now, Survivors are frustrated with Pyramid Head, hasn't even been out a week and they're calling for a nerf.
So certain killers became unplayable without meta perks, naturally killers became frustrated because there was a massive power imbalance and started developing their own ways to even the playing field.
Camping, Face Camping, Tunneling, Slugging, etc.
And here we are, at each other's throats because no one wants to admit they did wrong. I will start and say I am apart of the problem. I do my best to avoid falling into these but I am not perfect, we all have our frustrating matches and after a while you just want a win.
We can't fix the problem when no one wants to admit there is one, they only notice the symptoms of the problem and leave it at that, but together we can do this, I hope we can at least.