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Event rarity is pointless! Here are some changes to streamline Event related equipables

Hex_BoopTheSnoot Member Posts: 151
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

An item or cosmetics doesn't need an entire rarity just to signify that it was part of an event, and some of the newer Store and Rift cosmetics are evidence of that. Below are ways to changes to make event related items, offering and cosmetics stand out, while still working within the better established Legendary to Common rarity system.

• Event rarity no longer exists, and the previous Event color theme (gold) is now used for Legendary cosmetics.

• All items, offerings and cosmetics related to an Event now have the related Event's banner, regardless of rarity.

• A character cannot have any cosmetics higher then Rare at base, meaning any Event, Ultra Rare or Very Rare cosmetics currently on characters at base must be decreased in rarity.

• All Event items and offerings are decreased in rarity to Rare, from Event.

• All events that an item and/or offering has been used in are listed underneath its description, instead of just the latest Event.