Tome III But I don't have Kate

Hello everyone!

I've been playing DbD for a while now though I did take a break for a bit. It was getting a bit repetitive for me. I never really had a problem with the game before, at least not one that I felt I should come to the forum for. Today i noticed something while looking at the challenges in tome III, Dance of Death. To complete it I need to be chased by a killer as Kate for 30 seconds. Makes sense, seems simple enough. Wait a moment I don't own Kate... Am I required to buy Kate in order to complete this tome? Is there a by pass for this? Will Kate be temporarily available if I select it?

I only ask because I simple don't know and any time I try to search for the answer all I find is how to do the challenge. This is probably the only time I've every been honestly grumpy with the game, since I don't tend to buy/get things I have no intent on using. Don't really care for Kate's or her perks so I had no plans on getting her. In my opinion challenges in tomes shouldn't be tied to something you don't own because at that point the game is now saying "Yeah you want to finish this thing? Pay money."

Anyone have any insight to this?


  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Kate is not a "paid" character. You can buy her with shards.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The lore is very well thought out. I do give props to the team that wrote it.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited June 2020

    Thats my point. If you seriously have a problem and can't afford to drop $3.99 on a game you likely only paid $9.99 - $19.99 for, then you can buy her with shards.

    EDIT: I stand correct, it's currently on sale for $3.49

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    As it stands if you were to buy the base game not on sale and buy every DLC, it would cost ~$100. Everything is currently on sale right now for 50% off, making it $50, which is slightly less than full price for a new game that has come out. After that, new DLC comes out every 3 months, usually for around $7-10. If you can't afford to buy a full price game, and then pay $3 a month (DLC every 3 months) then you probably need to get your priorities straight.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125

    It's not that people can't afford the price, it's about the quality of the content that for the most part, makes it not worth the money, and cheap tactics like locking lore behind a paywall doesn't help at all.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I skipped the Legion ones as a killer.

    I will never purchase that boring, disgusting, peasant, emo, angsty, Hot-Topic teen killer.

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529

    get kate

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Stop complaining, people. The Kate challenges are OPTIONAL.

    Man, these entitled late adopters to the game lol

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    No the real question is can u get it for free? Yeah, so its not a pay character if not almost all are paid chars. If devs release a lore rift for quentin and The pig what you gonna do? Thats paid characters. Instead of using shards for skins use it for chars for next rift.

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340

    Hi there,

    as I understand, current Developers' stance on Challenges is that You can finish every Tome from Prologue to Epilogue without having to pay or buy anything. However, that does not mean completing every challenge, as some of them require You to have certain paid characters. To counter that, every character that's required for current Tome goes on a temporary sale (50%? I think). They are not given out for free, though.

    Also, the challenges won't disappear even if You don't do them right now, You can always finish them in the future when You get the characters or perks You need. And I think there are people posting videos on Youtube with Lore from the Tomes if You really want to see it right away.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I really don’t get all the fuss about this..

    Kate is a DLC char purchasable with shards. All her challenges are optional and not needed to get to the end. The whole archives/rift/challenges thing is optional and not needed to play the game. No one is forcing anyone to pay to progress.

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    That was an odd decision but they still can get it. It’s their decision to not get Kate, if they don’t have enough shards now they can unlock it later when they have earned enough.

    and if you don’t want to play the game to get the lore... just look it up in the internet.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    It's not as bad as GTA five to be honest, the game itself cost nearly £50 for me, some of the stuff I had to do in game for challenges cost a ######### ton of money as well.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Side Note - you have infinite time to complete the Tome Challenges. They will not go away once the Rift closes. So if you have any interest in buying Kate (or the Chapter where she is included, if you play Killer, it is quite a good Chapter because you get Pop Goes the Weasel) later, you can still do the Challenges.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Would you argue that it's not free to post on this forum then, as it requires you to spend time?

    I don't understand people who complain about not being able to complete on challenge over something like this.

    If you want the lore, you can always read it online, or if you don't want to do that the lore will always be available to you even after the rift closes.

    If you want the lore personally, you can buy the character or save your money and spend your time instead to get shards for the character.

    I just don't see the huge deal... People act like these challenges are mandatory for anything but they're not. Anybody can look up the lore any time they want, rift fragments can be earned through pure gameplay and therefore the challenges aren't mandatory to complete the rift, the challenges stay up forever so even if you complete them late they will still give bloodpoint and lore rewards. They also haven't made any rifts that involve characters that are exclusive to buy with money.

    It's just like... If you don't have money, and you don't have time, is it really a big priority for you to be playing games? Even if you want to play games, you likely aren't going to always be able to get every single thing in every game. That's especially true for people who don't have a lot of time or don't have a lot of money. People who don't have money are going to miss out on things like founders packs when games release, and people who don't have time are going to miss out on events and limited time items and deals in games. Things like this will always be the reality, and it's surprising to me that with all this being so, that people will complain over something like a single Kate challenge or something.

    Also, OP, the game isn't telling you "Yeah you want to finish this thing? Pay money." The only way it would be saying that is if Kate was a licensed character like Bubba, which she isn't.

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    bit late to moan about it but i do understand where people come from but lets be honest kate has been out ages, they only do characters you can buy with shards and tend to do one already owned character and then one they created later on. so since kate has been out well over a year i think its fair they put them into the tome, afterall the tome is a huge bonus! look at all the cosmetics, charms, BP etc. you can get whether thats on the free track or premium (premium you get cells back so its kinda free) not to mention the put the characters on discount when the first level comes out. BOTH kate and legion cost £2 each, so after multiple years of them being out, giving you many bonuses and a discount i think that £2 is a fair deal, if you dont wanna put the small amount of money to support all the game does dont be upset you dont get the extra things

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    If you find the DLCs aren't worth the money because they're not good enough quality, then why the **** do you even care about the rift challenges and rewards? Seriously that makes no sense. And as pointed out by others.. if you play the game enough to care about the challenges, but say the quality of the content isn't that good for the most part to explain paying for it, then I wonder why you even play the game in the first place.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    "Pay" implies that you are using currency. Time is not currency. If you want to be philosophical with the whole "time is money" thing, then that's fine, but nobody is forcing anybody to give up currency to buy Kate, and when most people are saying "free," they're talking about the item not needing to be purchased with real life currency. As I said, you can be all philosophical with it or whatever and try to argue that time is a commodity, but nobody cares about that in this conversation. I know what you're trying to say: "it's not free because you have to do work to get it," but how far do you want to go with that? You could stretch that so far, you could just say "well nothing is free because everything costs something." It's like, sure yeah okay maybe you're right, but what does that really add to the conversation? It doesn't really, in the context that most people are using.

    This is why I asked, "Would you argue that it's not free to post on this forum then, as it requires you to spend time?" (Which you still haven't answered.) The point of that question was to bring to your attention how far you can go with that logic of yours, and that it doesn't exactly apply very well to this sort of conversation. If you don't have to spend money on it, then most people are going to consider it "free." Trying to nitpick their words and tell them that they're wrong because "time is a commodity" isn't going to change a thing because those people obviously aren't talking about that. What they're saying is that it's not behind a paywall, like some auric cell exclusive cosmetics and such are.

    BHVR is a company and they make tons of stuff that nobody needs to spend a dime on past the initial price of the game. If somebody buys a game, but they don't have time to play it, then I'd say that buying that game in the first place is probably not a wise investment for said person. They could just straight up charge, and make everything auric cells, because they're a company and they need money. I hate seeing people toss around the word "entitled" like they do so much, but honestly, how "entitled" can you be to expect everything in the game to be given to you without having to spend time or money to get it? Either spend the time and play the game like any other person and accept that you gotta work for some stuff in games sometimes, or instead accept that you lack the time and/or money to get the things you want.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Seriously though, are people going to be making these topics every rift, when a paid DLC character is featured?

    Behaviour are a company. They try to make profits. So of course they'll make these things require some paid characters to "force" people to buy them to complete the things! I'm sure it worked for many players, who got the required DLCs without complaining because, honestly, the cost of a DLC is the same as one or two starbucks coffees. So yeah.. If you can't afford those.. I feel sorry about your finances.

  • bluecrayon203
    bluecrayon203 Member Posts: 4

    I was unaware of the blood shard option for getting some characters. To be honest my query into this wasn't about "Ohh I have to pay more money for a thing" it was simply me wanting to find out if I was required to get a character that I don't own in order to complete the tome. Since general searches for this info only produced how to do the challenge and not specifically what I was inquiring it was frustrating.

    What I will say that does amuse me though, is that I posed a simple question with a simple answer. "Do I need to get X to do Y?" "Yes" This has now turned into a handful of people arguing about paywalls and how certain things aren't fair, or how it does matter or doesn't matter. The idea that people so easily jumped on a bandwagon to whine about cost or defend what is "free" and what isn't. Yes Kate is cheap and affordably be it with currency, shards or auric, and one could simply buy her and do what you gotta do. My point was that I don't buy/acquire things I don't want.

    Let's look at Kate for example. I don't plan on using her perks and even if I did I could eventually get them through the shrine. Kate herself I don't care for her aesthetic nor her cosmetics. Seeing as all survivors can use what every other survivor has, as in Perks, and items, each survivor is essentially a cosmetic model for a survivor. There for there isn't much of a reason to buy/acquire a survivor unless you like that survivor's aesthetic/cosmetics or don't want to wait for their perks to show up at the shrine. Personally there are three reasons why I won't get a handfull of survivors and none are money related.

    1. Its an aesthetic, don't care for their appearance
    2. Perks I have no interest in
    3. I don't want to get stuck doing a daily with a character I don't use. Yes I am aware that daily rituals can be re-rolled for another but if I re-roll it and if gives me one i don't like then i have to wait a day to re-roll it again.

    So could I get Kate and do the challenge? Yes. Would I have a reason to have Kate afterwards? No. This is the only reason I asked about requiring to have Kate to finish a tome.

    Still in my opinion I don't think tomes should require non base characters to complete. Could the challenge require a non base character perk? Yeah, since one can get perks from the shrine without owning said character.

    Don't confuse unwillingness to purchase or acquire something in game as a "I shouldn't have to pay more money or time" argument.

    But those are just my opinions. By all means get Kate, don't get Kate, throw a hissy fit over small things, praise things or whatever you might do, just remember its all opinion. That and it amuses me when people lose their mind over stuff.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'm not taking words out of your mouth. You seem to view money the same as time, because you speak of them both as if they can be applied in the same way which they can't. Sorry you can't explain what you mean very well. You bring up "spending" time as if it's the same as "spending" money. Therefore, I ask the question, if this forum is not free to post on, because you are "spending" time here. You keep avoiding what I'm asking probably because you don't have a good response to it. Once again, I'm not putting words in your mouth. I'm asking you a question and expecting an answer, based off what I asked you. It has nothing to do with "what you said." It's just me asking a question. So chill out with your stupid accusations, and feel free to actually answer the question.

    I see the difference in what you're saying. I just don't think it changes a thing. Like I said, most people don't give a rat's ass if you think iridescent shards are real life currency because they're not. When people are referring to "paying" for something they're usually talking about money, at least in the context of "pay to win." Iridescent shards are something that you gain over time, which cost you 0 money. Therefore, you're spending nothing but time to get the good. Not paying currency for it, other than virtual currency which isn't real currency.

    Like you said, if it's free, it's not a transaction, and when most people saying "free" mean that they don't have to spend money, then your example is not a "transaction." When people are talking about "free" vs. "pay" in this context, they are talking about money. Nobody is thinking of shards when they think "money." What your example boils down to is "I spent time on this game and earned these points, therefore if I use those points to unlock a character that means this is officially a transaction!" No. You still didn't spend money on anything, you paid nothing. I just disagree that shards are even a currency, unless as I said, you consider time to also be currency, because shards are just gained by spending time on the game. Not money, time.

    Did I mention it doesn't cost money?

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Apologies, I should have been more clear about how I was structuring my response here. Most of that wasn't directed at you, which is why in that comment I made that little aside specifically directed to you. Most of the other stuff I'm talking about is due to other people on the forums complaining about the same thing, but they call it "pay to win" and stuff. The other user I was responding to in this thread is an example of what I'm talking about, where they try to justify complaining by saying things like "it's not truly free because X, Y, and Z."

    And also, I understand not wanting to buy the character, but that's why I brought up all those other points about being able to look up the lore online, or how the challenges will stay forever even after the rift closes so it's never too late. I understand you're not just looking for everything given to you or whatever, I just personally don't think it's a huge deal for a challenge to be for a non-base character (preferably not licensed) because it just fits when you're giving lore to a certain character for them to be featured in that rift. Also, on top of all those things I listed above, you get iridescent shards simply for playing, so eventually you'll have more than enough shards, where you don't have much to spend on other than the things you don't really care for that much.

    I understand your concerns and see your reasoning, but I just think there's plenty of ways around it to the point where the hate people give it usually isn't that sensible. I can see some arguments being valid, but I don't see a ton.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404
    edited June 2020

    I dont care what anyone says. If you can buy a character with SHARDS, they are FREE. It doesn't matter that you can pay money for them to bypass the grind for shards. She's still available for free. Anything that can be bought with in game currency is FREE. People pay for convenience. I'm okay with them having shards characters in tomes. In fact, they should put more DLC characters in tomes. We have enough lore for the "free" ones.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited June 2020

    Two challenges in level three require Kate and her perks, but both unlock the last two lore pieces for Dwight.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480
    edited June 2020

    You're just making idiotic comparisons now. Math equations have nothing to do with anything here and it doesn't matter if you don't care what people "think," because to them it doesn't matter what you "think." It's not the same as a math equation, it's called drawing the line in a different place. My question has everything to do with the discussion at hand. The reason I ask it is to test exactly how you view money vs. time. You just are too defensive to answer a question straight without trying to look for sinister undertones.

    You just don't like it so you like to throw terms around like "strawman" and "Guess we have to agree to disagree then. I think things that don't cost money in this context are "free" and you can be a little stickler over your "it's not free cus it costs time" rule. Nothing more to say if you can't even accept this basic concept. I'm not going to continue posting in response to you when all you do is act play a victim and act like people are out to get you. Don't be so narcissistic to think such a thing, you're not worth the energy for a "gotcha!" moment. If you fail to see how your "logic" (if you'd even call it that) doesn't apply here, then there's literally 0 point in responding to you lmao. I'm not going to try to change somebody's mind of a stupid philosophical definition of something being "free" just for them to constantly act like other people are out to get them -- it's just not worth it when you obviously have your mind dead set on being bullheaded. Have fun with the thick skull.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    You do not need to own Kate or her perks in order to complete the Tome in the sense of going from the Prologue Eye to the Epilogue Eye. You can complete the Tome in that way without ever touching a Character- or Perk-specific challenge.

    If you want to complete the Tome in the sense of filling every single node possible, then yes, you will need to purchase Kate and the Legion if you do not already own them.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Board seems to have eaten my reply when I tried to edit it, so apologies if this double-posts.

    If you mean "Complete the Tome" in the sense of going from the Prologue Eye to the Epilogue Eye, then no, you do not need to own Kate as it's entirely possible to go from one end to the other without ever touching a Character- or Perk-specific Challenge.

    If you mean "Complete the Tome" in the sense of completing every single node, then yes, you do need to own Kate to get to every Survivor node and the Legion to get to every Killer node.