Is this how it always is?

I've been playing this game for almost a week now and recently when I started killer, I get in matches with the color levels, and for some reason they're always the ones insulting in the chat after game. Is this a pattern everywhere or I'm just getting bad matches (sorry if english isn't that good)
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welcome to dbd lul
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Not always, but yes, there's usually one or more toxic survivors in the chat. Sometimes the killer is toxic as well, but that's rarer.
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Sorry to tell you, but its pretty common.
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You'll run into players that are friendly enough, but you have to think that with 4 different players you're going against there's a chance for each one of them to be toxic. So more than likely, you'll get at least one per game, but then there's also the fact that people like to group with each other which tends to lead to them being more toxic (because they feel like they can do more as a team, or because they want to look cool in front of their friends.)
I wouldn't get discouraged into thinking it's just going to be every game and just ruin the game entirely to you. If you ask me, the end game chat is one of the most useless parts of this game anyway. The only time I ever stick around is to either check somebody's build or look at emblems or something.
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Welcome to dbd rarely solo players are toxic only the filthy SWF are the ones toxic exploiting devs doesnt adress SWF for solo and killers. Once they do you will see surv arent such great and such pro as they think.
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The matchmaking is always like this rn, they're changing the system so it might be better soon. Hopefully. Can't really get much worse.
If you mean the 'ez' comment then yeah you'll find people who feel proud of themselves for escaping against a new player when they're high ranks with full perks. It suggests their lives probably aren't exactly overflowing with achievement though.
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Yup. It kinda is always like this.
You got the higher ranks most likely because they were queued with the lower ranks there. Which is something people do specifically so they can beat up on newbies, which is an indication of why they act the way they do.
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Just wow the guy saying ez to a rank 18, just ignore it if they are proud of that to the point of bragging they probably have little else in life.
The psychology of lack of power is an interesting one, if you lack any true sense of power in life, as a huge number of people do (especially children as they aren't really in control of anything), you create an artificial sense of power to compensate. Online gaming is like a crock pot for this kind of massaging of ego. You can live in a fantasy world and have all the power you desire.
Remember that when people brag about winning and get abusive when losing its often because they are more likely an insignificant person in real life. I don't get upset I just pity them a little.
As for the rainbow match making there is a fix in the works apparently.
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Theyre working to fix matchmaking supposedly so you wont be facing those ranks forever.
As for the messages, yeah best to just close that chat box.
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Welcome to dbd in a nutshell. Trainwreck of matchmaking and endless insults. Win or lose expect toxicity.
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People who are toxic like this online are just sad. You should feel sorry for them :(
If they're being really awful, e.g. racist/homophobic/death threats/etc. report them, otherwise just move on. There are nice players out there!
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No, it actually gets WORSE believe it or not
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Chances are, this was a MM abuse. A Red ranked SWF who uses a yellow rank as leader to get 'EZ games'. It's sad but I get it all the time on my games. I don't understand why people do this. An ego boost because they crushed an inexperienced player?
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I thought that was fixed?
When PH came out some friends and I got into a 4 man swf. We had 2 reds, a green and a brown. The r1 survivor was hosting. For 2 days we only got baby killers above rank 16. I don't think that was because of our ranks. I think due to the sound bug not many veterans are playing killer.
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Yeeeaaahhh, this is how it be for a while now.