Are Ghastly Gateus working as intended?

So I have played like 5 games with people whom of which used Ghastly Gateus and there is no bonus Blood points?? Like I get the bonus 100% from my survivor pudding but I don't get the 104% of the gateu??
Is this happening to other people as well or whut owo
Supposedly they are bugged right now, I havent tried myself
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Im speechless...
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Yeah it isn't working for me. Sometimes I'll get the bonus bloodpoints, sometimes I won't.
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From what I've seen/heard, the person USING them gets the BP, no one else does.
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They released the entire event... With crowns and whatnot... And they didn't make sure the BP offerings are working properly?? Smh
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Seems like they work like survivor puddings or escape cakes right now.The bonus points only apply for the one who used it.