xxDeathwishDW Member Posts: 138
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

So here it is:

I hooked a survivor and then start to patrol generators.

Then they unhooked, and I went for it. When I was there, they were healing themselves. I wanted to hit the other guy, but the hooked man was too close, so I hit him.

After again unhook, I went to other guy cause I knew I was tunneling, which is not good. I usually do this, BUT when I don't tunnel A survivor, (just one, not all) I can't win! They 4 escaped, but this were his last chances. All hooked 2 times.

But also, when I tunnel a survivor, they say "very bad killer, tunneler". But is it wrong or I am bad, when they unhook they are just healing themselves there, isn't it wrong? Or is it true?

So, how can I win without tunneling a survivor? I'm new on killer, so pls some advices to make me better.


  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Just do it. unless your afraid of decisive.

    that or slug them on the ground where they are limited and have to be saved by a teammate (Excluding unbreakable etc)

    if you've given them a fair match and they decide to heal under hook towards the end when their on death hook like that, thats on them. its not tunneling if you leave and come back. its just a way of the game.

  • xxDeathwishDW
    xxDeathwishDW Member Posts: 138

    Oh, so it's not a toxic action, it's a part of game? So it's their fault. Thanks for helping!

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    its not a toxic action at all!

    unless your straight up chasing a person down after every unhook/camping them in the face on hook. that can be considered toxic. simply going for the last survivor hooked is not toxic, expecially when your already leaving the hook. its more so just an unfun strategy at times for survivors to face.

    survivors also have enough tools to combat real tunneling ie borrowed time, ds etc. if your fully commited to doing so you'd likely losing the match, but if your just playing the game as you say theres absolutely no way it can really be seen as toxic no matter how much people may whine :P

    wouldn't call it their fault either. just can kinda feel unfun when some killers come and put you right back on the hook without letting you be chased or play the game.

    some of my best games personally are the ones where i am "tunneled" per say, as im being chased constantly. whats not fun is just going from zero hooks, to dead in under a minute due to someone rehooking me over and over with no reprive/mercy. hence why i personally bring ds to give me a lil headstart if they try to do so.

    All in all play the game as you wish and have fun doing so! don't let people tell you how to play the game (Expecially if your winning)

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    Going for the injured survivor is fine. You want to be mindful of DS but killing a survivor reduces the amount of gen pressure. You can follow the survivor rule book if you want but why play with a handicap?

    Something to try is using the slug to your advantage. If one is on a hook that's two survivors not working on gens. Slug another as the first is being unhooked and that's three that are now doing something other than gens. Go back for the first while they're healing or pressure the fourth off a gen... Whatever works in the moment.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Yeah a tunneling killer is just a bad player. No exceptions.

  • xxDeathwishDW
    xxDeathwishDW Member Posts: 138

    ahh, so what should i do? Give advices insted of saying bad player please.

  • xxDeathwishDW
    xxDeathwishDW Member Posts: 138

    Some say true, some say false.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    This is the only game I think I've ever played where it's even a question as to whether or not one team needs to compensate and go easy on a team that makes a mistake or is in a weak position, because otherwise it's "not fun for them."

    Let me ask you this - do survivors who come across a gen you've kicked say "oh, well, I'm going to let this one regress so the killer can have more fun" or refuse to do bones because "it can't be fun for the killer to play without perks?" The best a group of survivors ever does for a killer is decide not to teabag or otherwise grief the killer.

    I am assuming you're not playing killer as some kind of charity work for four random strangers on the internet. This game isn't about their fun. Your objective is to kill as many of them as you can, so do that. If "tunneling" or camping gets you there the fastest, then don't feel bad about it. The cries of the injured aren't a warning to you to stay away from them; they're supposed to be vulnerable and in danger.

    It's the responsibility of their teammates to keep them out of danger, not yours.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Don't get stressed about it, friend. A player who just sits under the hook and heals instead of hiding is a bad player and they are only projecting their failure onto you if they say anything afterwards. Your mission is to find, tag, catch and hook them. If they are just letting you find them then they need to get better at the game. You're doing fine, friend.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Dude, you are a killer, don't matter who you are chasing and hitting, the important thing is chase or hit someone. Just don't give a damn for then

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    And that right there is the perfect t example. They'll just call you bad and give no advice. Your development into a skilled player should not be impeded by their inadequacies. As long as you aren't purposely following one single player, passing others just to get to them, you're not tunneling. Ignore anyone trying to shame you because of someone else who can't even hide in a bush or go around a corner properly.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Can you imagine what multiplayer gaming would even look like if this soft, entitled and whiny atmosphere existed back when pvp was developing? 007 on N64? The early days of CoD? They wouldn't have lasted 5 seconds in the Halo wars on the original Xbox! LMFAO

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Stop worrying about what the people youre trying to kill think. If you kill them they whine, if you dont kill them they gloat. I promise dealing with whining is better than dealing with gloating. Just watch out for ds and bt. Thats it