What do YOU GUYS think about the Spirit or as i call her Lady Rin?

I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.


  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I think she looks awesome. I think she just needs a tweak here and there to be really viable though. Her 4 second stationary transition really limits the mind game potential but I think the power could be great for cutting off chases.

    Same. And i love the sword and her mori IS BRUTAL AF (only missing sound but we can forgive as it is the PTB).

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Redcum said:
    I believe she needs a buff to her movement speed. Her power doesn't help enough in the chase to make her good. She can easily gets the first hit but it's way too hard to get the second one.

    Fair enough.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    Is her speed the same as a normal killer (115% of survivor's speed /4.6 m/s)?

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I think she looks awesome. I think she just needs a tweak here and there to be really viable though. Her 4 second stationary transition really limits the mind game potential but I think the power could be great for cutting off chases.

    Or that , being able to still walk and see the survivor during the transition could be a really good buff.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Redcum said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I think she looks awesome. I think she just needs a tweak here and there to be really viable though. Her 4 second stationary transition really limits the mind game potential but I think the power could be great for cutting off chases.

    Or that , being able to still walk and see the survivor during the transition could be a really good buff.

    Thats probably to prevent her from being too strong .but maybe like see their shadows or similar could be nice

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @SadonicShadow said:
    I think she is cool but she needs a buff to her power in order to be a viable killer. Wouldn't be a bad idea if she could see snap shots of the survivors every few seconds while haunting similar to how the survivor see snap shots of freddy while dream transitioning. This would make the use of her power more precise and help alot in the chase.

    True True. I think the reason she does not see survivors is so that she nots super OP so there is more skill to play her (Which i think its good).

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    I think she is cool but she needs a buff to her power in order to be a viable killer. Wouldn't be a bad idea if she could see snap shots of the survivors every few seconds while haunting similar to how the survivor see snap shots of freddy while dream transitioning. This would make the use of her power more precise and help alot in the chase.

    True True. I think the reason she does not see survivors is so that she nots super OP so there is more skill to play her (Which i think its good).

    If she could see them full time i think it would be OP but snap shots would be a happy medium. Her power has the potential to hard counter pallet looping like the nurse. With a small buff she could be a meta tier killer and that is something we need because i am getting sick of the top 3 killers.

    Thats Fine by me.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    She is great in my opinion. I especially like the passive phasing ability, apart from her main power (which is also fun to play with). Adding the Addon which increases the frequency of passive phasing makes her really spooky to play against imo.
    Also, that sword animation, oh god I like it!!!
    Combine that with her ridiculous lunge range (when coming out of her main power), you can even cover the hole in Badham preschool or many spots on Haddonfield or mothers dwelling with the right timing.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    This is just from a stylized prospective but omg I 😍love her! I love her hair the most lol.

    The only thing I have *seen* as I've not played her, is her mori animation is a bit jerky yes but in her animation her "cut leg" when you see the close up hit just looks a bit odd.

    I also wished they took advantage of her creepiness a bit more. If maybe when she was near she had something similar to the Huntress only in words...like farther away it was more of a whisper and closer is more of a yell and being hit or mori'd it was a screechy like scream. But that may give folks nightmares lol.
    I don't normally play killer but l love her already l am totally excited to switch it up 😍
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    I haven't played her yet, but just a few observations and critiques.

    My biggest complaint by far is Adam's perks.

    For the Spirit:

    I don't know what add-ons she has, but her power looks like it could use a few improvements. I can completely understand survivor and killer not being able to see each other, but I feel like it might be too easy to dodge. See the killer just stand still? Start running back the way you came because she can't see you, especially if the survivor is not injured.

    As far as animation goes, I think she should be holding the katana all the time. It doesn't transition well to have the katana away while walking and then have it randomly show up when interacting with something.

    The mori is pretty cool, just about the best thing going for this killer in my opinion.

    She does have some useful perks, but they don't seem to fit with her, lore wise. The other killers mostly have perks that makes sense for them, but hers just seem to be randomly assigned.

    • Spirit Fury is actually a pretty good perk to use against survivors that like to use pallets to stun the killer. Bit of a shame (for the killer) that she still gets stunned. I guess if you run it with Brutal Strength and Enduring, it can easily make chases easier later in the game when the survivors have exhausted all of the pallets. This perk is pretty good as it is.
    • Hex: Haunted Ground will really make survivors think twice when cleansing totems. It would be good if you are running other Hex Perks, especially Thrill of the Hunt, because it will add extra effort to cleanse a trapped totem, just to backfire on the survivor. This is probably the best one out of the six new perks.
    • Rancor just seems to be a mix of random things thrown together. You basically get a weaker Bitter Murmur, weaker Hex: Devour Hope, weaker Hex: No One Escapes Death, and you give your obsession Dark Sense. I think this perk could be better if it was less random. It's like the developers just said "here's a good new Hex perk and a random new Obsession perk."

    As for Adam, he seemed so promising. Adam is supposed to be a very smart person, but his perks don't seem to show that effectively. As they are now, I would most likely not want to use them at all.

    • I have actually thought of a perk that works almost exactly like Diversion does (my idea was to throw a rock or something and have the tracks go in the direction of the throw. Either way, it is a good way to mislead the killer, especially if they are tunneling a person. The biggest turn off for this perk is you have to sit in the killer's terror radius for 45 seconds, to only be able to use it once. Make it usable more than once, just have a long cool down. I would keep the other requirements, except for the 45 seconds, it should be shorter. This seems to be the most promising of his 3 perks.
    • Deliverance is a mixed bag. It requires that you aren't found and hooked first. If you are hooked before the perk activates, it's worthless. Imagine being killed via mori before being able to use Decisive Strike. I would remove the requirement to save someone first, and keep the Broken status effect. Again, it's a lot of effort for seemingly little reward.
    • Autodidact just seems off-putting. It doesn't seem like it's a necessary perk at all, merely something to add a bit of a challenge. I think Botany Knowledge is a better perk to use than this one. Quite frankly, this perk needs a complete overhaul. A much more practical use for Autodidact would be the ability to retain the ability of Med Kits and Toolboxes after they are consumed. The effect of Autodidact could either expire when the interaction is expired, or until you pick up a new item. For instance, if you are using a toolbox to sabotage a hook, and the toolbox is used up before it's destroyed, you could use Autodidact to finish the sabotage without a toolbox, even if you don't have the Saboteur perk. Same thing when using a Med Kit for Self Heal. Alternately, if a toolbox is being used to repair a generator, and it's consumed before the generator is repaired, Autodidact would allow you to finish the generator at the same speed as if you still had the toolbox.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Snapshot said:
    She is great in my opinion. I especially like the passive phasing ability, apart from her main power (which is also fun to play with). Adding the Addon which increases the frequency of passive phasing makes her really spooky to play against imo.
    Also, that sword animation, oh god I like it!!!
    Combine that with her ridiculous lunge range (when coming out of her main power), you can even cover the hole in Badham preschool or many spots on Haddonfield or mothers dwelling with the right timing.


  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @slingshotsurvivor said:
    This is just from a stylized prospective but omg I 😍love her! I love her hair the most lol.

    The only thing I have seen as I've not played her, is her mori animation is a bit jerky yes but in her animation her "cut leg" when you see the close up hit just looks a bit odd.

    I also wished they took advantage of her creepiness a bit more. If maybe when she was near she had something similar to the Huntress only in words...like farther away it was more of a whisper and closer is more of a yell and being hit or mori'd it was a screechy like scream. But that may give folks nightmares lol.
    I don't normally play killer but l love her already l am totally excited to switch it up 😍

    Nice go play killer then.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @Redcum said:
    I believe she needs a buff to her movement speed. Her power doesn't help enough in the chase to make her good. She can easily gets the first hit but it's way too hard to get the second one.

    Use bloodhound and then let me know what you think.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @CoolAKn said:
    I haven't played her yet, but just a few observations and critiques.

    My biggest complaint by far is Adam's perks.

    For the Spirit:

    I don't know what add-ons she has, but her power looks like it could use a few improvements. I can completely understand survivor and killer not being able to see each other, but I feel like it might be too easy to dodge. See the killer just stand still? Start running back the way you came because she can't see you, especially if the survivor is not injured.

    As far as animation goes, I think she should be holding the katana all the time. It doesn't transition well to have the katana away while walking and then have it randomly show up when interacting with something.

    The mori is pretty cool, just about the best thing going for this killer in my opinion.

    She does have some useful perks, but they don't seem to fit with her, lore wise. The other killers mostly have perks that makes sense for them, but hers just seem to be randomly assigned.

    • Spirit Fury is actually a pretty good perk to use against survivors that like to use pallets to stun the killer. Bit of a shame (for the killer) that she still gets stunned. I guess if you run it with Brutal Strength and Enduring, it can easily make chases easier later in the game when the survivors have exhausted all of the pallets. This perk is pretty good as it is.
    • Hex: Haunted Ground will really make survivors think twice when cleansing totems. It would be good if you are running other Hex Perks, especially Thrill of the Hunt, because it will add extra effort to cleanse a trapped totem, just to backfire on the survivor. This is probably the best one out of the six new perks.
    • Rancor just seems to be a mix of random things thrown together. You basically get a weaker Bitter Murmur, weaker Hex: Devour Hope, weaker Hex: No One Escapes Death, and you give your obsession Dark Sense. I think this perk could be better if it was less random. It's like the developers just said "here's a good new Hex perk and a random new Obsession perk."

    As for Adam, he seemed so promising. Adam is supposed to be a very smart person, but his perks don't seem to show that effectively. As they are now, I would most likely not want to use them at all.

    • I have actually thought of a perk that works almost exactly like Diversion does (my idea was to throw a rock or something and have the tracks go in the direction of the throw. Either way, it is a good way to mislead the killer, especially if they are tunneling a person. The biggest turn off for this perk is you have to sit in the killer's terror radius for 45 seconds, to only be able to use it once. Make it usable more than once, just have a long cool down. I would keep the other requirements, except for the 45 seconds, it should be shorter. This seems to be the most promising of his 3 perks.
    • Deliverance is a mixed bag. It requires that you aren't found and hooked first. If you are hooked before the perk activates, it's worthless. Imagine being killed via mori before being able to use Decisive Strike. I would remove the requirement to save someone first, and keep the Broken status effect. Again, it's a lot of effort for seemingly little reward.
    • Autodidact just seems off-putting. It doesn't seem like it's a necessary perk at all, merely something to add a bit of a challenge. I think Botany Knowledge is a better perk to use than this one. Quite frankly, this perk needs a complete overhaul. A much more practical use for Autodidact would be the ability to retain the ability of Med Kits and Toolboxes after they are consumed. The effect of Autodidact could either expire when the interaction is expired, or until you pick up a new item. For instance, if you are using a toolbox to sabotage a hook, and the toolbox is used up before it's destroyed, you could use Autodidact to finish the sabotage without a toolbox, even if you don't have the Saboteur perk. Same thing when using a Med Kit for Self Heal. Alternately, if a toolbox is being used to repair a generator, and it's consumed before the generator is repaired, Autodidact would allow you to finish the generator at the same speed as if you still had the toolbox.

    Fair enough.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I would love to see how she would do with tracking perks. Since currently you cant see survivors in the phase walk i can see predator + sloppy butcher being really good on her when she is phase walking.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    What changed with DS? I guess I didn’t see that one
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

    Myers can get rekt completely by competent survivors too.
    I will wait one or two weeks and then decide if I wanna buy her, maybe I will play her in low ranks only to have fun, that should work

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

    Myers can get rekt completely by competent survivors too.
    I will wait one or two weeks and then decide if I wanna buy her, maybe I will play her in low ranks only to have fun, that should work

    Have you at least tried her or not really? (Legit question by the way I have not personally).

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @lyric said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    What changed with DS? I guess I didn’t see that one

    With Rancor you can 1 hit down and mori the obession when the gates are powered . Its a counter of sorts and its great with freddy and his end game perks.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @SadonicShadow said:
    I would love to see how she would do with tracking perks. Since currently you cant see survivors in the phase walk i can see predator + sloppy butcher being really good on her when she is phase walking.

    Its strong from what i saw.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

    Myers can get rekt completely by competent survivors too.
    I will wait one or two weeks and then decide if I wanna buy her, maybe I will play her in low ranks only to have fun, that should work

    I personally think the haunted grounds perk will bring a lot of balance to the game, ruin isn’t gonna go as fast especially if they get the wrong totem at first and cause more than one to be downed, it’s gonna make survivors respect those totems. I’m gonna try to main with the spirit when she comes out on PS4, I’m currently using the trapper and I feel like I’m at a rank where it’s hit and miss, I might do good or I might get tbagged at the exit because ruin was instantly gone and I couldn’t set traps in time to have an effective match, I’m forced to slug at that point which makes the power useless.
  • BottledWater
    BottledWater Member Posts: 248

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    The only thing she needs in my opinion is a slight increase in phase-walk movement speed and they should make the duration a bit longer but overall I'd say she shares the second place with Billy

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    I want to like her, but her power takes way to long to recharge and isn't anywhere close enough in power level to warrant 110% speed. Watching people play her on twitch, I don't she does anything that the Wraith can't do against competent Survivors.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited August 2018

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

    Myers can get rekt completely by competent survivors too.
    I will wait one or two weeks and then decide if I wanna buy her, maybe I will play her in low ranks only to have fun, that should work

    Have you at least tried her or not really? (Legit question by the way I have not personally).

    No, I dont test new killers on PTB anymore, the queue times are too high.
    But I am quite confident that I am able to form an opinion from the footage I saw.

    If she was a 115% killer, it would be a no brain-buy but 110% make her quite dependent on her unreliable power

    But I will buy her anyway I think, got almost 9k shards anyway

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    @lyric said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    What changed with DS? I guess I didn’t see that one

    With Rancor you can 1 hit down and mori the obession when the gates are powered . Its a counter of sorts and its great with freddy and his end game perks.

    Yea I saw that ,that’s a good one, I thought you meant a DS specific change but also good for Myers , that gives one a reason to leave the obsession alone unless they’re the last left also , if I were running rancor I wouldn’t even bother with the obsession at first simply because you’d be wasting your time with DS there when you could be downing everyone else and if you get to the point the gens are done it’s game over if you can get them, I like it .
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

    Myers can get rekt completely by competent survivors too.
    I will wait one or two weeks and then decide if I wanna buy her, maybe I will play her in low ranks only to have fun, that should work

    Have you at least tried her or not really? (Legit question by the way I have not personally).

    No, I dont test new killers on PTB anymore, the queue times are too high.
    But I am quite confident that I am able to form an opinion from the footage I saw.

    If she was a 115% killer, it would be a no brain-buy but 110% make her quite dependent on her unreliable power

    But I will buy her anyway I think, got almost 9k shards anyway

    Fair enough. i think that when you use her you might change your views but we'll see about that.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @lyric said:
    Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

     @Master said:
       @pauloandrade22 said:
      I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.
        What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.
        Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.
      Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.

    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

    Myers can get rekt completely by competent survivors too.

    I will wait one or two weeks and then decide if I wanna buy her, maybe I will play her in low ranks only to have fun, that should work

    I personally think the haunted grounds perk will bring a lot of balance to the game, ruin isn’t gonna go as fast especially if they get the wrong totem at first and cause more than one to be downed, it’s gonna make survivors respect those totems. I’m gonna try to main with the spirit when she comes out on PS4, I’m currently using the trapper and I feel like I’m at a rank where it’s hit and miss, I might do good or I might get tbagged at the exit because ruin was instantly gone and I couldn’t set traps in time to have an effective match, I’m forced to slug at that point which makes the power useless.

    And now you can have 5 totem builds too.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @lyric said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @lyric said:

    pauloandrade22 said:

    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.
    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.
    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    What changed with DS? I guess I didn’t see that one

    With Rancor you can 1 hit down and mori the obession when the gates are powered . Its a counter of sorts and its great with freddy and his end game perks.

    Yea I saw that ,that’s a good one, I thought you meant a DS specific change but also good for Myers , that gives one a reason to leave the obsession alone unless they’re the last left also , if I were running rancor I wouldn’t even bother with the obsession at first simply because you’d be wasting your time with DS there when you could be downing everyone else and if you get to the point the gens are done it’s game over if you can get them, I like it .

    yeah and its practically a guarranteed 1 man for the most part.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

    Myers can get rekt completely by competent survivors too.
    I will wait one or two weeks and then decide if I wanna buy her, maybe I will play her in low ranks only to have fun, that should work

    Have you at least tried her or not really? (Legit question by the way I have not personally).

    No, I dont test new killers on PTB anymore, the queue times are too high.
    But I am quite confident that I am able to form an opinion from the footage I saw.

    If she was a 115% killer, it would be a no brain-buy but 110% make her quite dependent on her unreliable power

    But I will buy her anyway I think, got almost 9k shards anyway

    Fair enough. i think that when you use her you might change your views but we'll see about that.

    I will start at rank 15, be amazed so much fun to play etc. Then I start climbing, face at rank 13 several red ranks playing in a SWF and get stomped. I will say, its ok I am still not used to her and need to practice more.
    I will continue climbing and somewhere in the single digit ranks I will realize how bad she is and that I have to derank if I still wanna use her while feeling powerful and having fun instead of being bullied.

    Its been like that for every new killer and I believe this time, I will have bad experiences even earlier than with other killers

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @Master said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:
    I think that she is a cool killer with a power designed to help in the chase and my favorite for mind games and suprise attacks.

    What do you guys think about Lady rin? I think shes above myres for now.

    Also now DS has a counter (OF SORTS). Good job devs.

    Design and looks are nice, but she lacks the power of a viable killer, so she will dissapear after a few weeks which is quite sad considering how much time is wasted creating new killers.
    But then devs dont want every killer to be viable against competent survivors as they said during the lsat stream, so I guess she is trash as intended :wink:

    I think she is quite viable actually . At least myres level. And the mindgames with her are strong AF too.

    Myers can get rekt completely by competent survivors too.
    I will wait one or two weeks and then decide if I wanna buy her, maybe I will play her in low ranks only to have fun, that should work

    Have you at least tried her or not really? (Legit question by the way I have not personally).

    No, I dont test new killers on PTB anymore, the queue times are too high.
    But I am quite confident that I am able to form an opinion from the footage I saw.

    If she was a 115% killer, it would be a no brain-buy but 110% make her quite dependent on her unreliable power

    But I will buy her anyway I think, got almost 9k shards anyway

    Fair enough. i think that when you use her you might change your views but we'll see about that.

    I will start at rank 15, be amazed so much fun to play etc. Then I start climbing, face at rank 13 several red ranks playing in a SWF and get stomped. I will say, its ok I am still not used to her and need to practice more.
    I will continue climbing and somewhere in the single digit ranks I will realize how bad she is and that I have to derank if I still wanna use her while feeling powerful and having fun instead of being bullied.

    Its been like that for every new killer and I believe this time, I will have bad experiences even earlier than with other killers


  • TessaTheDeath
    TessaTheDeath Member Posts: 48

    We tried her yersterday in the Kill your Friends Lobby and she rules, if combined with BBQ & Chili and similar.

  • Mesme
    Mesme Member Posts: 177

    I like her design but not so much the gimmicks because I feel she maybe a tad bit weak again she's still too new and I'll give her more shots and keep playing around with her but there is no doubt her perks are pretty alright and can be played around with.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    I absolutely love her character design, her animations are creepy AF too which I love.

    Her perks are overall decent, and what a lot of people have been suggesting for ages. Loving Hex : Haunted Ground <3

    Her power is fun, I adore being able to jumpscare survivors and get those gen grabs. I think she still needs some tweaks but I'll still play her for fun games like I would play Scratched Mirror Myers (not expecting to destroy, just want to make people scream like little girls and maybe pee a little).

    IMO She would be better if her phase had some kind of tracking beyond needing an add-on to track blood (especially if it is actually a bug that you can see some blood in phase rn). Something like built in predator (not tier 3 though as that would be a bit much), the way Wraith used to have built in bloodhound while cloaked before the PTB. Alternatively have the add-on that tracks blood during phase walk as base kit, rework the ultra rare add-on so it's similar to The Ghost (wraith add on) where her terror radius is suppressed for x seconds after coming out of phase (to help even more with her jumpscare fun).

    Her ability recharge is pretty meh. Mainly because you need to wait until it's full to use again, I'd personally like to see it where she can use half a charge, cancel out and then use the other half even if it hasn't fully recharged yet. It could lead to better mindgames and give her that edge she needs.

    She seems like she'll be mid-tier once people get to know how to play her. I've yet to come across anyone that legit destroys a team while playing, and 80% of the time I end up escaping with at most 1 survivor dead (unless I start as the obsession, I will stick around for that mori every time!). Then again on the flipside I've gotten no less than 3k every game as her, but only like rank 15 since I haven't touched PC killer in months.

    It's still early though, it's been less than 24hours. I'm still going to continue trying her out in the PTB of course. I'm hoping it's just a learning curve, but we'll see how it plays out.

    Either way I'm buying the crap out of this DLC on PC and PS4 when it hits. :lol:

  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    ######### love this update . When bugs are worked out..  best update in my opinion . New map is so sexy too
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    @slingshotsurvivor said:
    This is just from a stylized prospective but omg I 😍love her! I love her hair the most lol.

    The only thing I have seen as I've not played her, is her mori animation is a bit jerky yes but in her animation her "cut leg" when you see the close up hit just looks a bit odd.

    I also wished they took advantage of her creepiness a bit more. If maybe when she was near she had something similar to the Huntress only in words...like farther away it was more of a whisper and closer is more of a yell and being hit or mori'd it was a screechy like scream. But that may give folks nightmares lol.
    I don't normally play killer but l love her already l am totally excited to switch it up 😍

    Nice go play killer then.

    Your point is what? An attempt to be rude? To state the obvious? To harass or annoy? 
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    @slingshotsurvivor said:
    This is just from a stylized prospective but omg I 😍love her! I love her hair the most lol.

    The only thing I have seen as I've not played her, is her mori animation is a bit jerky yes but in her animation her "cut leg" when you see the close up hit just looks a bit odd.

    I also wished they took advantage of her creepiness a bit more. If maybe when she was near she had something similar to the Huntress only in words...like farther away it was more of a whisper and closer is more of a yell and being hit or mori'd it was a screechy like scream. But that may give folks nightmares lol.
    I don't normally play killer but l love her already l am totally excited to switch it up 😍

    Nice go play killer then.

    Your point is what? An attempt to be rude? To state the obvious? To harass or annoy? 
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I like her look and theme (The phasing is a bit unsettling at first), but I find her power to be kinda... well, boring.

    I see nothing in her kit that justifies her 110% runspeed (which has been confirmed) myself. But, I guess time will tell.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    I think her speed is fine, but her power needs a 10s cooldown (right now 20s), being able to move while charging the power, making the blood visible by default and aura, when you have an aura reading perk.

    About her looks - she is the best looking character in DbD, really great work.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @slingshotsurvivor said:
    This is just from a stylized prospective but omg I 😍love her! I love her hair the most lol.

    The only thing I have seen as I've not played her, is her mori animation is a bit jerky yes but in her animation her "cut leg" when you see the close up hit just looks a bit odd.

    I also wished they took advantage of her creepiness a bit more. If maybe when she was near she had something similar to the Huntress only in words...like farther away it was more of a whisper and closer is more of a yell and being hit or mori'd it was a screechy like scream. But that may give folks nightmares lol.
    I don't normally play killer but l love her already l am totally excited to switch it up 😍

    Nice go play killer then.

    Your point is what? An attempt to be rude? To state the obvious? To harass or annoy? 
    To wish you fun with playing killer of course.
     Not everyone wishes to be a dock in the forums person of the web.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697
    RuneStarr said:

    I absolutely love her character design, her animations are creepy AF too which I love.

    Her perks are overall decent, and what a lot of people have been suggesting for ages. Loving Hex : Haunted Ground <3

    Her power is fun, I adore being able to jumpscare survivors and get those gen grabs. I think she still needs some tweaks but I'll still play her for fun games like I would play Scratched Mirror Myers (not expecting to destroy, just want to make people scream like little girls and maybe pee a little).

    IMO She would be better if her phase had some kind of tracking beyond needing an add-on to track blood (especially if it is actually a bug that you can see some blood in phase rn). Something like built in predator (not tier 3 though as that would be a bit much), the way Wraith used to have built in bloodhound while cloaked before the PTB. Alternatively have the add-on that tracks blood during phase walk as base kit, rework the ultra rare add-on so it's similar to The Ghost (wraith add on) where her terror radius is suppressed for x seconds after coming out of phase (to help even more with her jumpscare fun).

    Her ability recharge is pretty meh. Mainly because you need to wait until it's full to use again, I'd personally like to see it where she can use half a charge, cancel out and then use the other half even if it hasn't fully recharged yet. It could lead to better mindgames and give her that edge she needs.

    She seems like she'll be mid-tier once people get to know how to play her. I've yet to come across anyone that legit destroys a team while playing, and 80% of the time I end up escaping with at most 1 survivor dead (unless I start as the obsession, I will stick around for that mori every time!). Then again on the flipside I've gotten no less than 3k every game as her, but only like rank 15 since I haven't touched PC killer in months.

    It's still early though, it's been less than 24hours. I'm still going to continue trying her out in the PTB of course. I'm hoping it's just a learning curve, but we'll see how it plays out.

    Either way I'm buying the crap out of this DLC on PC and PS4 when it hits. :lol:

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @TessaTheDeath said:
    We tried her yersterday in the Kill your Friends Lobby and she rules, if combined with BBQ & Chili and similar.

    BBQ and chili stop as soon as you use your power so it's actually not that good on her