Is it the event or what?

Literally just having the worst games possible today.
I get camped or tunneled every time, and the ONE time I DON'T, after two games being facecamped and three being tunneled, I get two leavers, one who DC's after their first hook and the other who suicides on the hook.
It just sucks, I was excited for the event today but tbh all the killers have been toxic and none of the survivors seem to wanna play when the killer seems fine.
same here either the killer is just straight up face camping/slugging or tunneling and the survivors just farm me off the hook
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Its like this every Event. Have fun versing much more of these scumbags the next two week.
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IT is but cakes are bugged they don't give points.
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For real? Every one?
I mean, this is the first like big event I've participated in, but I would have thought it'd go the opposite way where everyone would wanna do well. :\
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In all my games i played since the even started there were maybe 2-3 killers who camped or tunnel.
I even unlocked the crown with almost every survivor so far.
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It's a bit of an exaggeration.
But just a bit.
DbD's events usually got people to act especially jerky.
In the past you'd get Hags that trapped event interactables and camped them, Survivors that broke event hooks to deny Killers extra BP, Killers that never left the vicinity of event gens so that they couldn't be completed for extra BP, people who'd DC if they couldn't do the event objective, etc.
This said, the events did get some people to play nicer than normal or otherwise be more helpful or thoughtful with regards to their opposing team. But they weren't in the majority.
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Yes events tend to bring out the worst people in this game sadly.
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Tbf when I play killer I feel like the event have brought the sweats out in a lot of survivors I play against. Like a few days ago I would have tough matches but most of the time I feel like I could do something if I was better. Then the event started, and unless I bring a mori (only brought it against survivors with keys so far), or spirit/freddy I cant touch them. One game I only got 2 downs before 5 gens were done. And no I didnt over comit to people I just legit never found them. Tbf that was on Ormond and that map can burn in hell for all I care.
Makes me think that either the survivors I used to play against didnt care that much about winning, or I got really unlucky yesterday and the only matches I could find was against sweaty SWF who were farming crowns.